Hi All,
Does anyone know if PAX10 will be taking submissions in .ccgame format, the likes of which used for Xbox LIVE Community Games? The rules mention that any specific hardware should be sent in, but as long as the panel have a PC, a 360 and a creator's club membership, there should be any need for hardware. They
will however need to set up some software on those systems.
Any ideas, peeps?
Deejay - Managing Director
Binary Tweed - New games that are a bit like old games, but better
Here are the rules:
and most importantly, you should direct your questions to pax_10@penny-arcade.com
But, to answer the question, no, I think they are PC games only.
It shouldn't be any different, just build it out as a PC project and use a 360 controller. The code change requirements between the two are usually trivial.
Binary Tweed - New games that are a bit like old games, but better