PAX is NOT a dating service... I am

AccalonAccalon Registered User regular
edited April 2009 in PAX Archive
Yes you heard me right, I present to you:

Accalon's Official Unofficial PAX Dating Service

HAHA... no seriously it's real.

Look, let's be honest, many of you have wanted to meet others at PAX with the hopes of finding another nerd who you can spend the rest of your life with sharing the same nerdy passions. Ok maybe not the rest of your life, but hey dinner would be nice. Well here's an opportunity.

Sure the jokes been going around "PAX is not a dating service". I guess this site is in an effort to keep those threads of the boards and put them somewhere else. Why not have an opportunity to connect with people who share the same interests as you?

I welcome any suggestions for the site, which is obviously on Ning so there are limiations. I'll be continuously polishing as things go along.

Good luck and enjoy!

PAX 2007 Omegathon Champeen

*Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
Accalon on


  • proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Already registered and eagerly awaitin' the lovins

    proXimity on
  • AzazelAzazel Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I sense the approaching 300:1 male to female ratio....

    Azazel on
  • ZankaboZankabo Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    heck, I am thinking it'll be all male.. except for the guys who pretend to be female..

    Zankabo on
    Better a witty fool than to have a foolish wit....
  • proXimityproXimity Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Zankabo wrote: »
    heck, I am thinking it'll be all male.. except for the guys who pretend to be female..


    proXimity on
  • HighfireHighfire Registered User regular
    edited April 2009

    Highfire on
  • AccalonAccalon Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    All that being said, we know there are plenty of women who go to PAX, and who frequent these forums.

    Accalon on
    PAX 2007 Omegathon Champeen

    *Proud member of the Photoshop Heroes*
  • ElectricTurtleElectricTurtle Seeress WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I support this endeavor, especially knowing how many couples have met at PAX.

    Too bad I know Azazel does speak the truth. Most of the 'forum girls' are already spoken for. The man supply far exceeds the demand.

    I'm lucky enough to already be married to somebody who goes to PAX with me every year, and as recently as last week said she was interested in getting a Quake tattoo. Heh. w00t.

    ElectricTurtle on
  • ColdbrewColdbrew Down in Front Productions Lake Stevens, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I figured it was only a matter of time for this to be brought up again. :P

    Coldbrew on
  • DeusTrinitasDeusTrinitas Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Azazel wrote: »
    I sense the approaching 300:1 male to female ratio....

    Approaching? Take a look at the website. As of the time of this post, only males have registered.

    DeusTrinitas on
  • bwaniebwanie Posting into the void Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Azazel wrote: »
    I sense the approaching 300:1 male to female ratio....

    Approaching? Take a look at the website. As of the time of this post, only males have registered.

    yes, approaching, a girl will eventually register...

    bwanie on
  • DeusTrinitasDeusTrinitas Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    bwanie wrote: »
    Azazel wrote: »
    I sense the approaching 300:1 male to female ratio....

    Approaching? Take a look at the website. As of the time of this post, only males have registered.

    yes, approaching, a girl will eventually register...

    Maybe. If I were a single girl, I'd be downright afraid to register on there, for fear of being swamped by a flood of private messages.

    "I can has date?"
    "No, j00 can has uzer block."

    DeusTrinitas on
  • MaoChanMaoChan Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Deus is right, I really think that the first girls will have to be trailblazers of putting up with stupidity in terms of the flood that will occur.

    Good idea still as many a PAXer has seemed to want find a girl at PAX.

    PS- Sorry ladies, the Chairman is spoken for. You can still send tribute to me though in form of beer and fireworks.

    MaoChan on
  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Thanks for stealing my idea, jerk. Of course it was going to be more of a matchmaking service like Bender where I match everyone up with other lonely losers from the bus station.

    Atlus Parker on
  • BigRedBigRed Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2009
    I cant decide which thread is worse. this one or the "bad experiences" thread...

    BigRed on
    <MoeFwacky> besides, BigRed-Worky is right
  • ThemindtakerThemindtaker Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    bwanie wrote: »
    Azazel wrote: »
    I sense the approaching 300:1 male to female ratio....

    Approaching? Take a look at the website. As of the time of this post, only males have registered.

    yes, approaching, a girl will eventually register...

    There's an old, old saying about engineers (specifically, women looking to engineers for a mate), and I think it applies here for any and all ladies signing up for this service:

    "The odds are good, but the goods are odd."

    @Atlus: "And it can have blackjack! and hookers! Y'know what? Forget about the dating service."

    Themindtaker on
  • The DIMDThe DIMD Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    Gamer... dating website?

    Would Random encounters take the place of casual encounters?

    The DIMD on
    <+ACC3SS> 4chan doesn't make me cringe as much as you do, The_DIMD.
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2009
    there are no words...

    Moe Fwacky on

  • Atlus ParkerAtlus Parker Registered User regular
    edited April 2009
    The DIMD wrote: »
    Gamer... dating website?

    Would Random encounters take the place of casual encounters?

    wah wahhh

    Atlus Parker on
  • Moe FwackyMoe Fwacky Right Here, Right Now Drives a BuickModerator Mod Emeritus
    edited April 2009
    Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure this qualifies under "things I'm supposed to lock". So, put a link in your sig and we'll just put this whole unpleasantness behind us, okay?

    Moe Fwacky on

This discussion has been closed.