I've googled it a bit, but couldn't find anything really solid on it.
Is it legal? (In florida)
If so, what stores are legit? I've found a few online retailers but I don't know the reliability of them.
Specifically I'm looking for
Chimay Grand Réserve (Blue)
Does anyone have any experience doing this? I'd like to buy a handful of bottles, and I figure online could be cheaper, especially if its some kind of crate or what ever.
I've ordered wine, but never beer. I know there's "beer of the month club" type companies, so people do it.
Weaboo List
I can't order anything in Maryland, and I'm politically active to try to get the laws changed (without much success thus far, as I'm just 1 person). I envy you ;D
At least as far as wine goes, if you buy at least a case and have it shipped to a business address you'll be ok in MD.
That was the first place I checked, but unfortunately BevMo doesn't ship beer outside of CA and AZ.
Still looking though
I couldn't find the site I was looking for. It was vouched by people on BeerAdvocate's forums. The aboved mentioned one, I have no idea.
alternatively I will be in Belgium sometime this summer.
Will vouch for their stores, don't know about the shipping though.
edit: Their shipping polices.
Baring that, I was in Publix today and they had Chimay Blue in their craft beer section. It was $10+ for the 24.5 oz though.
I was just hoping online would have bulk or something like that. Also for other choices that I can't find locally.
I was going to say Bevmo but I didn't realize they only blessed the lands of kalifawnia and the arrid desert with their elf-laden wares.
having bulk chimay lying around would be like a timebomb. I don't think I could handle it.