Basically due to a bunch of complications (getting fairly badly sick, and such) I am now 17 and have only really done up to Year 8 in schooling. I am going to do this thing starting next year (I can't do it legally until then) which will basically transition me back into school and allow me to get my VCEs and such so that I can (hopefully) go to University to do what I want/wish to do.
So, uh, I was wondering if anybody knew any (or a few) good sites for learning? Maths, Science, English, Geography, History, and so on, so forth. Most important is Maths, Science, English, I suppose. I would really like to learn a lot in the next 6 months (in my spare time outside of work) in preparation for next year, hopefully allowing me to be knowledgeable enough to do my VCEs (without constantly being like " shit. this is stuff I should know, that normal people learnt in year 8/9/10.. but I don't know =/").
I'm Australian, btw (if that wasn't obvious from "VCEs" and "University", haha). :P
TL;DR version (omgz two paragraphs!1): Need moar sites for learning Maths, Science, and English (and other subjects, if possible, just those three are the main ones, i suppose) Grade 8 and up.
Which subjects do you think you'd like to do for your VCE? Obviously some form of maths is required, as is English, but what else?
Internet Archive
MIT OpenCourseWare
Google Reader
pick a subject and run!
Um, so basically in an ideal world i'd like to be a Physiotherapist. I... don't know the exact subjects that would be required of me for that. I obviously figure all the Sciences, but, i'm not too sure otherwise. That's actually another question i had, i guess.
You might find stuff for other subjects too.