[D&D 4E: Recruit On!] ???

cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
edited May 2009 in Critical Failures
???, a Dungeons & Dragons (4E) adventure for five (or six) eighth level characters

Because I am a madman, I am starting up another PbP game here.

You may be wondering why this adventure has no name. Well, I’m letting the party decide which adventure they want to tackle! Since I'm kind of lazy, all of the choices are official D&D modules, so don't read ahead! :) The choices are as follows:

1.) Remains of an Empire
Elkridge is a pleasant, peaceful valley, home to a community of farmers and artisans unaccustomed to the ways of violence. When wild drakes descend on the valley, attacking livestock and citizens alike, the locals need the help of experienced warriors for protection. Beyond the immediate need for defense is the larger question of where these creatures come from, why they are attacking the valley, and how it's all connected to the region's dim past.
2.) A Touch of Madness
Beyond the mortal world, somewhere outside the bounds of the Astral Sea, the Far Realm yawns immeasurable. Beyond the reality of gods and mortals, this plane is a realm of contradictions, a mad place of fevered creation checked only by pointless extinction. The Outside is a sea of diseased possibilities, where the stuff of madness seethes in a soup of the incomprehensible and the unnamable—shuddering, squirming, and sentient.
3.) The Tariff of Relkingham
The goddess Erathis has never seemed the sort to demand the sacrifice of mortals in exchange for safe trade routes, but that’s exactly what her high priest has demanded. When a local ruler asks the characters to investigate the high priest, a chain of events is set in motion that could shake the city of Wyllea, and the church of Erathis, to its core.

Character creation:

Character concepts can be posted here. Stat generation is 22 Point Buy, as outlined in the Player's Handbook. This is not first-come, first-serve. I will take concepts until 8 a.m. CST on Friday, May 8th and comprise a party of the best 5 (or maybe 6). Please post 1 character concept only! The game will begin as soon as my other game, Heathen, concludes.

Please also post how many PbP’s on the PA boards you are currently involved in, and please pick your top 2 choices for the adventure.

Notable items:

-- All currently published classes and races in the PHB, PHBII, FRPG, Martial Power, and DDI magazines are acceptable (including Artificers and all Monster Races) with the following exceptions:

*Hybrid/Dual Classes are not permitted.

*Arcane Power material is not acceptable, as I don’t have that supplement yet.

-- Starting equipment is one Level 9 item, one Level 8 item, one Level 7 item, and a Level 7 item's worth of gold. Any questions about this; send me a PM. I’m going to go ahead and ban Cloaks of Distortion, as I find them annoying, especially in the PbP format.

--Backgrounds from the PHBII are fine.

The Specifics:

This is a PbP game. I am your DM. Sheets are on myth-weavers. Dice rolls are on invisiblecastle. For now, this is a combined OOC/IC thread. Post OOC discussions/comments/questions/etc in spoilers to avoid clutter and confusion. If it ends up being a hassle, I'll go ahead and split this into two threads, but I think this will help keep the game moving (plus it’s easier for me to only keep track of one thread).

I expect each of you to post at least once a day (except on weekends) when you're able. If you'll be away for an extended period of time, let me know so that I can make arrangements to keep the game moving while you're gone (or postpone it if the majority of the party is unavailable). I'm a reasonable person, and I won't kick you out for missing posts here and there. That being said, if you flake consistently you'll be removed from the party.

Current Application Update as of 5-7-09 (even organized by Role!):
Stormwind--Halfling Rogue
Rius - Elf Avenger

Ain Soph - Genasi Ranger
Houn -- Half-Orc Ranger
Thetheroo - Human Ranger
Dajian - Dragonborn Sorceror
StygianSmileyFace –Half Elf Warlock
Saw776—Warforged Warlock
Figgy - Elf Avenger
Saurfang - Bladeling Avenger

Fiaryn--Shifter CLeric

woof-Human Shaman

Omega2112--Human Paladin/Warlord
Hayasa - Human Warden

WasabiBean--Half-Orc Fighter
Megazver - Warforged Fighter
GrimmyTOA - Goliath Warden
Hermenegilde -- Genasi Swordmage


Jebu - Drow Invoker

The Everyman - Dwarf Druid
bratr - Human Wizard
KrataLightblade - Deva Invoker
Zen Vulgarity--Dwarf Invoker
TheMadjai - Deva Invoker
As always, let me know if I missed anyone.

My primary objective here is for us all to have fun. If you're not having fun for some reason, please let me know. Alright, now that that's all out of the way, let's go roll some dice!

cytorak on


  • HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'll put something up in here. Oh yes.

    Probably Buzz the Vampire Hunter

    Hermenegilde on
  • FiggyFiggy Fighter of the night man Champion of the sunRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Reserve post! Posting a character shortly.

    Figgy on
    XBL : Figment3 · SteamID : Figment
  • InfidelInfidel Heretic Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I am interested! bluedot

    Infidel on
  • stormwindstormwind Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'm interested. Character concept and stats are in the making.

    stormwind on
  • TheMadjaiTheMadjai Sir Madjai of SanSan MinnesotaRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Q: Is this a single adventure, or a campaign starting at level 8?

    TheMadjai on
    "Yeah, TheMadjai knows whats up." --Lardalish

    Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    TheMadjai wrote: »
    Q: Is this a single adventure, or a campaign starting at level 8?

    More than likely a campaign starting at level 8; I haven't really decided one way or the other yet, to be honest. The party will have been together for a while, if that's what you're wondering.

    I want to use one of those modules as a springboard to get people who may not be currently in a PbP acclimated before I start making up stuff on my own.

    cytorak on
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Oh my god, a PbP starting at not level 1? I'm on this like white on toast.

    Rius on
  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'll be entering a character or two, for sure. Perhaps not until Sunday, though.

    GrimmyTOA on
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    GrimmyTOA wrote: »
    I'll be entering a character or two, for sure. Perhaps not until Sunday, though.

    Just 1. Read the OP. :lol:

    cytorak on
  • stormwindstormwind Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Can I have a level 9 item, 2 level 8 items, and the remaining gold?

    stormwind on
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    That's fine

    cytorak on
  • stormwindstormwind Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Question 2: can I spend the residual cash?
    Q3: how much of a back story does our concept have to have? I can add later, but I don't have many specifics yet.
    Q4: Finally, how long has our party been together? Level 1? Level 4?

    stormwind on
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    1). Yes
    2). I don't need a short novella, but something more than "He's a dwarf, he's a barbarian, he likes to drink beer and smash stuff" would be preferable and have a better chance of getting a slot.
    3). We'll say level 5. You were all doing your own things from level 1 on, but the rest of the dudes you were with were flakes and not interested in challenging jobs.

    cytorak on
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Rius wrote: »

    Only the ones from the PHBII.

    cytorak on
  • RiusRius Globex CEO Nobody ever says ItalyRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    Rius wrote: »

    Only the ones from the PHBII.

    That's ok, they're much more versatile/balanced anyway =)

    Rius on
  • stormwindstormwind Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I present to you Reed Trueheart, Gentleman Halfling Thief.

    His background is on his character sheet, but I'll put it out here, too.
    Reed was born into a middle-class merchant family--tailors. He showed no flair for business and was easily distracted from his studies. When his parents died (four years ago), he left the business to his Uncle Ander and set off to find a better life.

    When his small supply of cash was gone, Reed made his first steal. He robbed a man on the street, and nearly laughed with glee at the rush. He was soon something of a local legend, evading guards, frustrating authorities, and robbing any and all foolish enough to leave their purses unguarded. He was caught, however, and arrested. He was thrown in prison, but managed to escape with a few fellows. They fled to the nearby woods, and spent as much time guarding themselves from monsters as preying on caravans. Nearly two months after his escape, Reed realized what he had become when the caravan his band had targeted had children in it. He turned on his fellows, and his betrayal allowed the brigands to be captured.

    He signed on as a mercenary for the local city, and fought to redeem himself for his past sins. During this time, he discovered that the rush of the crime could be achieved through more noble actions, and became an adventurer.

    My votes are for The Remains of an Empire, and The Tariff of Relkingham, with no particular preference between the two.

    stormwind on
  • AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Gotta get in on this. Now I just have to figure out what single character I want to use.

    Alecthar on
  • HayasaHayasa Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I hereby endorse cytorak's DMing prowess as an active player in Heathen, and am in awe that he wants to take on running a second game.

    Get your apps in, dullards!

    Hayasa on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    No Arcane Power? Mah heart is buh-roken!

    Even still, I'll whip up something. :D

    Edit: Also, like Stormwind, I'm more interested in Tariff and Remains.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • beetalogistbeetalogist Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'd like to play as well. Here's the rundown on Elben, Halfling Sorcerer Extraordinaire.

    Also, I selected some items from Adventurer's Vault. Seeing how you didn't NOT say we could pull from it, I figured it was okay. Modules 1 and 2 sound best to me.

    You can find my character sheet here.

    Occupation: Scholar (+2 Arcana)

    -Raised in the small halfling village of Brighthill, young Elben was never where his parents remember leaving him. He would find himself being randomly teleported to different locations around town, which worried his family. However, it attracted the attention of a sage named Wallen, who was simultaneously amused and intrigued by this small, untapped battery of magical power. The aged wizard believed that with proper focus, Elben could be a powerful tool in his personal war against the forces of Vecna and his followers.

    Unfortunately, Elben's... Chaotic streak was not easily broken. But most of the vials in Wallen's laboratory were. Often. He quickly discovered that if he was to make any progress he would have to divide Elben's mind into two parts--and also not use glass.

    Thus, Elben met Neble. Where Elben was a firestorm of energy and mirth, Neble was cold, calculating and precise. Wallen thought that this other side he had unlocked (and to some extent, created) would keep the halfling out of trouble. It was not to be, as the two sides of his personality would constantly be in flux, and there was no clear pattern as to how or what would cause a switch.

    One night, the forces of Vecna struck. They assaulted Wallen's tower with undead and fell magic, calling the old man out. Thinking quickly, he handed Elben a staff, and created a portal for him to escape through. The portal deposited him on the other side of the continent, far from Wallen's untimely demise. Over the years, Elben has performed tasks for individuals, in the hopes of better controlling his power, or not. He does keep a fire raging in his heart for Vecna's cult, and vows to bring it down, one day.

    beetalogist on
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    So...we have the beginnings of the adventuring group called...The Lollipop Guild? :P

    cytorak on
  • MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    One Warforged Fighter coming up.

    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
  • beetalogistbeetalogist Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    So...we have the beginnings of the adventuring group called...The Lollipop Guild? :P

    Warforged should fix that. Unless the character's name is the Tin Man.

    beetalogist on
  • MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    So...we have the beginnings of the adventuring group called...The Lollipop Guild? :P

    Warforged should fix that. Unless the character's name is the Tin Man.


    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
  • beetalogistbeetalogist Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Megazver wrote: »
    cytorak wrote: »
    So...we have the beginnings of the adventuring group called...The Lollipop Guild? :P

    Warforged should fix that. Unless the character's name is the Tin Man.


    Thank you for the reassurance.

    beetalogist on
  • GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    GrimmyTOA wrote: »
    I'll be entering a character or two, for sure. Perhaps not until Sunday, though.

    Just 1. Read the OP. :lol:

    I get an extra one, you say? Three characters, coming up. :P

    GrimmyTOA on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I've got too many ideas. This would be so much easier if you could just have your various character concepts fight to the death.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • w00fw00f Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'd like to join as well, if possible.

    Seems you guys lack a healer =P

    Enter Restless Hart, my young human Shaman:

    Physical description:
    Restless Hart stands 5'9," quite short for his clan, and is 17 years old. He wears simple looking leather armor over his tunic and a short cloak made out of brown fur over his shoulders (like this only brown). He also wears a small simple rope bracelet on which hangs a wooden carving of Soba, his panther spirit companion. He has vibrant green eyes that always seem etched with concern and short straight brown hair.

    Personality traits:
    Unsure of himself, soft spoken, concerned for the well being of his allies, cautious, reluctant to lead

    Because all of Restless Hart's power comes from spirits rather than his own innate abilities, he feels somewhat useless. After all, all he does is request that the spirits obey him, whether they do or not is their own business.

    Restless Hart grew up in the forest his people called the Forest of Beasts. His tribe, the Seven-Moon tribe, had always treated the beasts found there with just as much respect as they treated humans and other more intelligent creatures, even those they ate they paid proper respects to. They had been without a spirit talker for some time, and just when the elders of the tribe were starting to think that the talent had been lost to them Restless Hart was born. As a boy, Restless Hart would speak with himself constantly, expressing confusion when others asked who he was talking to. Eventually it was suspected that he was seeing and speaking with animal spirits, and the hopeful members of the clan submitted the boy to the elders for tests that would confirm this. When it became clear that Hart was the long awaited spirit talker, the tribe rejoiced. It wasn't such a simple task to ordain him as a new spirit talker, however, Restless Hart needed to undergo a vision quest; a journey in which he discovers himself. The vision quests of the Seven-Moon tribe however, unlike those of many other tribes, mandated that a vision quest be taken with others; those not of the clan. Only through others can you truly discover yourself, so the old wisdom says. So Restless Hart was given items to help him on his quest and sent off into the world in order to find a group to travel with and return to his tribe with wisdom gained from his adventures. Although Restless Hart never once protested and undertook his duty with the seemingly stoic resolve expected of him, he secretly fears that he will not be able to accomplish what his people expect of him.

    You can find a character sheet for him here

    Edit: What level are we, 8 or 5?

    Edit #2: Forgot to include my picks for the modules, I like Remains of an Empire and Touch of Madness

    w00f on
    Restless Hart, Human Shaman
  • FiggyFiggy Fighter of the night man Champion of the sunRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Restless Hart? Wasn't that a WWF wrestler in the 80s?
    I kid!

    Figgy on
    XBL : Figment3 · SteamID : Figment
  • w00fw00f Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I sure hope not XD

    w00f on
    Restless Hart, Human Shaman
  • KrataLightbladeKrataLightblade Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I'm interested.

    Going back through my books to see what I've got to work with now.

    Top two picks? Touch of Madness and the Remains of an Empire, in that order.

    I'm currently involved in no other PbP games other than Phallas, and I'm sure I can post at least once or twice a day, and if I miss a day, slap me across my IMs and I'll hurry right on over.

    I'm lacking most of the best books, but I'm sure I can put something together from the two PHBs.

    Will have a character concept and probably a sheet done soon's I get a spare hour or two to work on it.

    KrataLightblade on
  • ThetherooThetheroo Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    This sounds interesting, I'll have a concept up later tonight.

    Thetheroo on
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    w00f wrote: »

    Edit: What level are we, 8 or 5?

    Edit #2: Forgot to include my picks for the modules, I like Remains of an Empire and Touch of Madness

    Party members will be level 8.

    cytorak on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Would it bother you if we put up our character sheet with an invitation to suggestions on power choices from other players? I've made all my choices for my Cleric but I'm not averse to a bit of constructive criticism, especially since there are some I'm uncertain on. :)

    I guess some DMs might not like the sheet changing too much after getting posted, so I thought I'd check.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • w00fw00f Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    w00f wrote: »

    Edit: What level are we, 8 or 5?

    Edit #2: Forgot to include my picks for the modules, I like Remains of an Empire and Touch of Madness

    Party members will be level 8.

    Alrighty, sheet updated.

    w00f on
    Restless Hart, Human Shaman
  • cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Fiaryn wrote: »
    Would it bother you if we put up our character sheet with an invitation to suggestions on power choices from other players? I've made all my choices for my Cleric but I'm not averse to a bit of constructive criticism, especially since there are some I'm uncertain on. :)

    I guess some DMs might not like the sheet changing too much after getting posted, so I thought I'd check.

    As long as the changes are final by the character submission deadline, you can do what you want.

    cytorak on
  • FiarynFiaryn Omnicidal Madman Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Did someone call for a Cleric? A non-laser Cleric!

    Randolph of Chiras

    Physical Description:
    Tall (for a Shifter), lean, and muscular, Randolph is more or less exactly what you would expect of a devotee of Kord. His hair is kept short and clean of facial hair, a fact that to some extent only serves to highlight a lupine facial structure. His visage is scarred, a canvas of battle, and it's fairly clear that he's suffered an injury in the past to his left leg judging by the way he moves it.

    Personality Traits:
    Despite his scarred visage, Randolph has a warm personality. One might be inclined to guess he gravitates towards the adventuring life style as much for comraderie as he does the service of his God. As a servant of Kord however, he is never short of enthusiasm for new tests of strength and bravery.

    Sea food pleases not Randolph. And it pleases not Kord!

    Raised in the Bloodmeadow Plains, home to a sizeable quantity of Shifter tribes, Randolph was like any other youth. In those days, he had another name. He idolized the hunters of his tribe like all the other boys, aspiring to one day also stab large animals to death and eat their charred flesh. He wished to honor the favored god of his tribe, Kord, who's rites were conducted by Randolph's father. Most of all he, like all his people, wished to avoid the slavers of the neighboring City State of Chiras.

    In Randolph's life he has only accomplished two of the three tasks, and regrettably the one he managed to skimp out on was avoiding slavers. His people typically had little trouble evading the slavers through a mixture of the guidance of the spirits/Gods and their own natural cunning, however their comes a time when everyones luck runs out. As the slavers descended upon Randolph's village, his father pressed Kord's symbol into the boys hands and bid him flee. Not fast enough though, as it was soon enough that the young Shifter found himself serving in the houses of Chiras nobility.

    Rebellious (and more importantly to his master, strong) behavior made a position as a servant ephemeral for Randolph. He was too brusque and vocal to remain in the houses that so often hosted dinner parties, but there were other uses for such a slave. Gladiatorial matches, for example. It was there that Randolph first began to truly become a Priest of the Thunder God, preaching to his fellow gladiators between the calls for combat that there would be a time for freedom. That, unwittingly, Chiras had only created a crucible in which to forge them like iron into a truly formidable weapon. A weapon that would one day shatter the confines of their prison.

    And he was right. One fateful day, chaos broke out in the city. To this day, Randolph does not know the precise details of the failed rebellion in Chiras. Whether it was a simple grab for power by a sect of dissatisfied nobles, or if the upper class' ways weighed heavily on the average Chiron. Regardless, Randolph and his cadre opportunized and broke free from their cells, slaying their jailors. Under Randolph's guidance, no civillians were harmed in their flight. It was not the way of Kord to take vengeance on hapless bystanders, after all.

    Since then, Randolph has roamed the lands engaged in feats of valor still bearing the name his owner gave him. The wilds are not so familiar as they once were to him, and yet neither are the cities wholly comfortable. Such things do not weigh on him long however, for there are always new tests of valor set forth by Kord, and more abuses of strength to correct.

    Random Ruminations:
    I took the name of the city from Fire Emblem Phalla but damn it I'm bad at making up names and I got tired of sitting around waiting to think of something before I could make this post. :lol:

    And yeah, if anyone has any thoughts/critiques on power choices I'm all ears. My feat choices are pretty locked in though, I need what I've got to fully opportunize on my stats. As a melee Cleric I'm using only minimal ranged implement attacks, but the ones I do will make great use of Distant Advantage to have solid AB. Whether I take Split the Sky or Blazing Beacon will depend on whether we seem to be ranged or melee heavy.

    Edit: Also I'm retarded and forgot to mention I am in ONE PbP game. The Halls of Tizun Thane.

    Fiaryn on
    Soul Silver FC: 1935 3141 6240
    White FC: 0819 3350 1787
  • Omega2112Omega2112 GW2 AKA: Robocow, Veristia Reaven Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    How noob friendly would this be?

    Omega2112 on
  • SaurfangSaurfang Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Hey cytorak, is Tempus a deity who is worshiped in the world of your settings? If not, would you be OK with a character of extraplanar origin who did?

    Thanks and I'm excited to come up with a character for this.

    Saurfang on
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