While we are not bitching or moaning about it, it’s nice to think that we play Dawn of War 2. To know more about Dawn of War 2, go to the official thread.
This is a one versus one round robin tournament that will take place over a course of several weeks. The deadline will be announced once I figure out how quickly matches are gone through. You can apply to join the tournament at anytime, but you can be disqualified from inactivity. To join the tournament, please post in this thread. I will need the following information:
The format is round robin and it is fairly simple. You try to play each contestant tournament once (and only once if it's a tournament game). If you win, you net yourself a point. If you lose, you get nothing
shame. Everyone is responsible to arrange games their own games, don't ask me to assign matches for you. If there are issues where players cannot face each other at any time due to timezone differences and personal commitments, talk to me and I'll try to figure something out.
Before a tourney game is played, it needs to be announced who is fighting who in this thread by one of the players. At the end of match, the replay must be saved and posted alongside of the result of who won the game.
Ravener Alpha, dicks.
At the end of the tournament, the person with the most points or Kinderparty wins.
Lurk (GFWL ID: Saltek, Steam ID: Sirot)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: I am free anytime past 3pm on most days, busy till 10pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Core (GFWL ID: defconcore, Steam ID: defconcore)
Timezone: Central (-6 GMT)
Times Available: Typically Monday - Thursday between 2-7 or so maybe sometimes on Sundays.
DodgeBlan (GWFL ID: DodgeBlan, Steam ID: DodgeBlan)
Timezone: +10 GMT
Times Available: ???
Akira (GWFL ID: MechaAkira, Steam ID: KillAllRaveners)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: Usually after 10 or 11pm from tue-fri and most times sat-mon.
Sepah (GWFL ID: Seppah, Steam ID: Sepah)
Timezone: ???
Times Available: Free Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Available after 9:15 pm UTC/GMT on Mondays and Thursdays. Available after 6:45 pm on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays.
Retzinsky (GWFL ID: Retzinsky, Steam ID: Retzinsky)
Timezone: BST (+1 GMT)
Times Available: 11am to 11pm
CanisAquilus (GWFL ID: CanisRedux, Steam ID: CanisAquilus)
Timezone: ???
Times Available: Whenever.
Goomba (GWFL ID: TradingPanther, Steam ID: Goomball)
Timezone: Central (-6 GMT)
Times Available: 8 - 12 usually.
Dudbolt (GWFL ID: Folandil, Steam ID: Folandil)
Timezone: Central (-6 GMT)
Times Available: This is a hard one because I work night shift on Sunday-Tuesday and from Friday and Saturday. I sleep during the day and I'm usually awake by 7pm but I can be up as early as 5pm.
Corp.Shephard (GWFL ID: Cpl Shep, Steam ID:
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: Anytime after May 16th?
Kinderparty (GWFL ID: StuGDeployed, Steam ID: ???)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: After 3:30 pm on weekdays, after 2pm on weekends.CrumblyCracker (GWFL ID: CrumblyCracker, Steam ID: CptPoni)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: Most days past 7.
Metal Gear Solid 2 Demo (GWFL ID: Enders8, Steam ID: Enders)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: late or mid-day most days.
pyromaniac221 (GWFL ID: pyromaniac221, Steam ID: ???)
Timezone: ???
Times Available: ???
Zen Vulgarity (GWFL ID: ZenVulgarity, Steam ID: ZennyV)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: After May 12th, sometime after 9pm.
Astns (GWFL ID: Astns86, Steam ID: PAstns)
Timezone: GMT
Times Available: Anytime.
CorporateLogo (GWFL ID: CorpLogo, Steam ID: Emtarkanderundersgunderson)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: weekdays after 6:30, weekends whenever
Woggle (GWFL ID: Woggle 0, Steam ID: Woggle)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: Usually available after 9pm eastern, on more but irregularly on weekends. Sometimes during the day, but no guarantees.
Tarranon (GWFL ID: Logan Tier, Steam ID: Tarranon)
Timezone: EST (-5 GMT)
Times Available: I work as a server so hella random. For the forseeable future, Mon&Wed any time, other days after 11:30 at the latest.
Rocky (GWFL ID: Worldmatco, Steam ID:
Timezone: Central (-6 GMT)
Times Available: uh mid afternoon weekends, and uh after 3 p.m. monday-wednesday
Yes this is actually my steamID right now wwoooooooo
EST, available most days past 7. RL aside obviously.
This is incorrect, my Steam ID is Sepah.
Reside in EST, available late or mid-day EST most days
Corp.Shephard is in and (presumably) playing Orks, he's really high ranked.
I've never played a 1v1 game before.
Probably sometime after 9 PM EST normally AFTER 5/12/09
It will almost have to be for me. My final exam is thursday, then I have like until Fri-Sat before I have to go on what I expect to be a week trip (until Friday 15th). If the patch is coming next week, well unless they dip into the weekend...
I will most certainly heft the banner of the orks, although I have been preforming like a rube in 1v1s lately.
My 1v1 record with eldar is better than my ork one now...
Edit: my Steam ID is same as my username on the forums:
Edit - I should also mention that I am free on Wednesday and Thursday nights
Edit: Or they won't be able to tell because you'll randomly leave the game for fuck knows how long for some reason and the other guy will be waiting for like two or five hours while you're playing Soul Calibur. >: (
I am potentially an easy victory
Also, BST = British Summer Time. It's GMT+1.
SteamID - PAstns
GFWL ID - Astns86
GMT is my timezone.
I'm available to play pretty much all day and night every day.
And now, in line with my earlier ridiculous proclamations: I AM DOMINATING THE TOURNAMENT. EPIC VICTORY. NUMBER 1.
(Let me have my glory while it lasts. Please.)
Unfortunately the 2 Guardian start does not do so well anymore, as its incredibly power hungry and you probably won't have the grenades for the first fight.
I just don't understand it.
'Well, everyone is complaining about Tyranids, and Tyranid players are complaining about Grenade Spiking. Lets nerf Eldar.'
I'll take you all on.
So if you need a scrub in the league, I'm your guy!
GFWL: CorporateLogo
Currently, you are expected to play all 19 games until I see issues and would have to change the policy. Currently I expect the Tournament to end on May 31st.
I am not sure what the patch will do to this tourney though... I am afraid of waiting for it because then it will never come, it's like watching water boil : /
Because I can't even PLAY until May 12th.
You have basically all of May to play the games. Maybe even more, depending on average progress.
Also the format of the tournament is a little screwed Lurk. Usually round robins are precursors to a bracketed knockout tournament. What I mean is, Kinderparty might be (lols might) the best one here but if he only has time to play against 5 other people due to incompatible timezones he'll still lose by a massive margin.
I say treat this as the preliminaries and have the 8 people with the most points partake in a small bracketed tournament with 3 rounds for the final victory. More fun that way too.
Well, I am going to wait to see how things go first. There is a big window of opportunity to get games in, but what you're thinking is also very viable.
I am up for a game right now, gimme a heads up in vent.
The first game is done.
I decided to take on old Astns, whom I thought was cool and played orks, but turned out to play TYRANIDS!
To the man's credit, he didn't build rippers, but he did poop out spore-mines like a dirty whore.
Still, overall astns was a gentleman throughout the whole sortie, and it was a fun game.
Ditto old chap, watching the replay is quite hilarious
I need practice.