
[D&D 4E Recruiting] Taldor's Talisman of Terror



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    MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Houn wrote: »
    No comments on my kobold. Hmm. He must not be cool enough. I'll go back to the drawing board, then.

    Oh look at you, fishing for comments! 8-)

    In my experience, no one usually bothers reading anyone else's character bios, because, well, they're usually pretty meh.

    Except yours, no one says anything about yours because it's THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER WRITTEN! I'm pretty sure even opening the page it was on gave me ball cancer and destroyed my love of life. Now all food tastes like ash and children start convulsing every time they walk by my house. Last time I went to the loo, my piss was purple and last night I woke up and I was hanging from the ceiling and chanting something in backwards Latin. IT'S THAT BAD.

    (Or maybe it's the box of voodoo relics I've broken last week with a mirror, while walking under the ladder. I dunno.)

    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
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    InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    The trick is just to make your characters bio really easy to read, take mine, for example:






    It really tells you everything you need to know. :P

    Inquisitor on
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    MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I prefer the 'start punching the keyboard" method of bio writing.

    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Houn wrote: »
    No comments on my kobold. Hmm. He must not be cool enough. I'll go back to the drawing board, then.

    I will make with the commentary later

    Alecthar on
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    psolmspsolms Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    question: instead of taking a lvl 4,3 and 2 item, can i just take the cash equivilent and spend it on magic items? that way i could buy a bunch of lvl 2 items rather then wasting slots...

    psolms on
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    TorgoTorgo Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Glesh, Marlboro Dragon Magic Sorcerer (Dragonborn/Sorc Reskin)
    (Iplay4E. He's on there.*)
    *I'll make a Mythweavers sheet, when needed, later


    Bad Breath: When agitated, Marlboro spews out disgusting noxious fumes that poison their targets.
    (Racial Dragonborn Breath: Poison)

    Marlboro Fury: When injured, Marlboro teeth seem to sharpen, and their tentacles whip around furiously, allowing them to emit more targeted bursts of magical toxins.
    (Racial Dragonborn Fury)

    Big Mouth: Some Marlboros show a special willingness to unhinge their jaws to allow for deep guttural vomiting.
    (Enlarged Dragon Breath)

    Marlboro Stained: Once hit by the putid breath of a Marlboro, targets seem easier to find and be hit again. Is it the aroma?
    (Sorcerer Feat: Arcane Spellfury)

    If he was born a human, he would have been a king's highest chef, ruling the land through the power of his soups and cooking meals that would have brought world peace through their deliciousness. Unfortunately, Glesh was born a lowly Marlboro, a creature most notable for it's ability to vomit different disgusting magical toxins from their innards. Glesh is often agitated by the sights and smells of others, and in his excitement he often can't contain his last meal. He'll often leave his excitement on others in the form of a big wet sloppy ball of goo.

    Glesh sought out unusual flavors and various kinds of spices from an early age. A raid on a village was often driven by his desire to taste something different. This occasionally brought the wrath of the residents that didn't appreciate the fine tastes around them. Humans couldn't appreciate a baby's spine like he did. Why did they keep them around into the teenage years when they are far better to eat while small and fresh?

    Eventually Glesh was captured and kept in a spire for the amusement of a local wizard. Due to his large size, the Wizard shank him and chained him to a wall in his alchemical laboratory to use as a magical disposal unit. Glesh was happy to be a magical disposal unit. The Wizard cooked amazing alchemical recipes all the time.

    The Wizard was always was dumping failed alchemical experiments into him and calling it a "treat". As he devoured potions instead of adventurous young folks, his change in diet started to change his body.

    His change in size became permanent as he was unable to get the delicious sinew from bodies like he craved. He became more adept at channeling magic from his repeat exposures to different magical compounds. His ability for speech might have been caused by a potion as well, or perhaps one of the wizard's magical trinkets. Glesh devoured many strange things during his stay in that Arcane Tower.

    Now that his last master is gone, defeated by some pesky adventurers, Glesh has been set free. Well, the adventurers didn't mean to set Glesh free, but they probably also didn't mean to get eaten either. Glesh has gone out again to search for food. These days, what comes up wasn't always what went down.

    Adventurous. Willing to try new things, especially if it leads to a meal. Anyone willing to suffer Glesh's cooking/eating habits is an ally he's willing to stay with.

    Marlboros are non-humanoid race that look like a Beholder with tentacles for feet. Usually they are large, but if you need them to be medium sized, I have no problem saying "A wizard did it".

    Torgo on
    History is a spoiler for the future. (Me on Twitter)
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    webguy20webguy20 I spend too much time on the Internet Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Meet Drew Stoutman Illusionist Wizard
    Mythweavers sheet coming shortly...

    Imagine Lenny from "Of mice and men" except a bit smarter and with multiple personalities as voices in his head. He just wants to be friends, but it always seems as if his friends keep dying.

    Drew was born under a bad sign, or at least thats what his village thought. Drew was a big boy, but seemed slow, and more alarmingly to his parents he talked to himself constantly. He seemed perfectly content to converse with the voices in his head and no one else. His parents feared posession and sent for a cleric to clense the boy when he was in his teens. It was a poor choice. When the cleric tried to clense the boy it released the inner magics that had been left untapped until that point. The cleric was assaulted by madness and terrible illusions that drove him a jibbering mess. Drew up to that point had just wanted to be friends with the man, but the voices in his head told him that the cleric was going to hurt the boy, and in the rage he worked up he opened the channel to his magical abilities.

    All Drew ever wanted to be was friends with people, but the only ones who would speak kind words to him were the voices in his head. So he did what any sane *to his mind* person would do and spoke back to them. As he became a grown man adventuring groups would pretend friendship to get Drew to come out with them so they could use his powers to their advantage. Drew loved this but was always disappointed that after the adventure his friends would abandon him.

    He was only able to take this so long, and during one adventure the party he was with pushed him too far. They wanted to get the drop on a group of goblins who were just sitting around a campfire. The adventuring party berated and demeaned him because he just wanted to sit around the campfire with them and finally he let go and the voices in his head were screaming at him to do something about the mean people. The goblins in surprise got to watch Drew consume the minds of his party with madness and visions. Seeing the rage in his eyes the goblins understood they shouldn't piss off this wizard, and invited him to sit around the fire. To Drew's surprise these goblins were nice to him, fed him, and befriended him to a point. The voices in his head subsided a bit and Drew was happy, he finally had friends.

    Ok here is my bit of fluff. Hope it makes it in!

    webguy20 on
    Steam ID: Webguy20
    Origin ID: Discgolfer27
    Untappd ID: Discgolfer1981
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    psolms wrote: »
    question: instead of taking a lvl 4,3 and 2 item, can i just take the cash equivilent and spend it on magic items? that way i could buy a bunch of lvl 2 items rather then wasting slots...


    Alecthar on
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    cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Axe - Disgruntled Minotaur Sorcerer

    Couldn't figure a way to get mythweavers to use STR for my AC bonus so I fudged it with a misc +1 to get the correct AC on the sheet.

    Goblin - Damn! Look at the size of the new guy Jerry!
    Jerry the Kobold - *growl* *bark*
    Goblin - Yeah no kidding.. wouldn't want to get on that guy's bad side. I mean look at that axe!
    Jerry the Kobold - *bark* *whimper* *bark*
    Goblin - I dunno Jerry, it is kinda weird he'd be wearing that. What is that? Looks like he tried to put on somebodies robe.. but its just too small. OH! I bet he takes trophies! Man o' man.. that's brutal.
    Jerry the Kobold - *whimper*
    Goblin - I sure wish they'd give those guys something more than that furry loin cloth tho.. I mean.. damn.. Do we really need a constant reminder of our size differences!
    Jerry the Kobold - *growl*
    Goblin - *defensive* Hey sorry Jerry.. present company excluded of course.
    Goblin - Looks kinda put out tho, must be he hasn't chopped anyone in awhile. Cause I mean this is like the biggest Maze in the tri-kingdom area. Those guys LOVE mazes. Jerry, I ever tell about my cousin Hobgoblin who works over by.... *trails off*


    Menthos the Fleshtaker sits behind his large mahogany desk and hears a knock at door.
    Axe - Um, its me sir. Your weekly adventuring party isn't until Tuesday.
    Menthos - Ah yes, *ahem* Axe.. Thank you for coming to the tower. Please come in. Sit down.
    Axe - You wanted to see me sir?
    Menthos - Yes, well Axe, there's been some talk coming from your supervisor...
    Axe - What Killah? that guy's been on my case since... oh.. sorry..
    Menthos - He's says you've been doing some magic?
    Axe - Well, yessir. You see.. I'm really good at flexing the might of my will on weave of..
    Menthos - Yes.. I know all about the weave axe.. I goddamn nearly invented dark loom of kagaroth. That's how I got where I am. But that's not the problem. The problem is we hired you for your brute strength and frightening demeanor. And I'm just not seeing the kind of output we expected of you.
    Axe - Well I...
    Menthos - Do you not like the Axe we got you for your 50th adventurer slain party? You know all of the guys in the stocks room pitched in.
    Axe - No.. I mean, its really nice but I really think I should be up in the tower with the casters. Maybe try one of those nice staffs. You know... I'd like to have a tower of my ow....
    Menthos - *ahem* Listen, people like you should really leave the casting to others. I mean your name is Axe even! I mean how perfect is that!
    Axe - *whispers* Not like chose the damn name...
    Menthos - What was that?
    Axe - Nothing.. oh nothing.
    Menthos - Listen, I like you. Everybody likes you around here. But I just don't think this is a good fit. But hey, this should make you feel better. My brother in law has the largest maze in the tri-kingdom area and is looking for a guy to guard the center. I KNOW how much you people love mazes.
    Axe - Actually I..
    Menthos - Then it's settled, we'll send you out in 2 weeks. BEGONE!
    *Axe shuffles out the door*
    Axe - *under his breath* I hate goddamn mazes...


    Axe - You know Jerry.. I really could be so much more. I mean like.. I should be out there with the raiding parties frying knights with lightning like Shaw in the casting department. But no. "Oh look at the minotaur! *pshsaw* Give him a an axe, a chest harness, and fuzzy loincloth and he'll be happy as a clam" God damn it what I wouldn't give for some pants. You have no idea how much this thing chafes. And of course every mage I slay has robes smaller than my sister... This all started because of my brother.
    Jerry the Kobold - *bark* *enthusiastic bark!*
    Axe - Yep, that's him. Hammer the Mansmasher. Oh sure.. his name is Hammer and he uses a hammer! Next thing you know people are shoving axes in my face left and right. I just can't get the hang of the damn things tho. But it seemed ok ya'know. I learned I could force pure goddamn power right through my hands! I mean, how many minotaurs can do that! I figured I was on the fast track to executive warlord. But no, minotaurs should be smashing.. minotaurs should stay away from casting.. that's for, well.. you know.. other types of minions. You, know what? I finally learned how to cast through this dagger just so I could pretend I was swinging this stupid axe. And you know what! I get the job done dammit. I average 2 moderately geared parties a week on my team. But where does it get me? Nothing. I swear to god, Jerry.. one of these days... ZAP and they'll see what I've really got.
    Jerry the Kobold - *snore* (The kobold is fast asleep)

    cptrugged on
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    SAW776SAW776 Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Would a monk be allowable, Alecthar?

    SAW776 on
    PSN: SAW776
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Part of me can't wait for the weekend to come -- and part of me is terrified that it'll bring bad news.

    I need to distract myself. I'm already F5ing this thread -- five days before I can realistically expect anything significant to happen.

    I keep telling myself "don't get involved, Grimmy. It's just a PbP game, Grimmy." And then I look into the blank expanse of acidic gelatin that is where Gub's face would be and I fall a little harder.

    GrimmyTOA on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    SAW776 wrote: »
    Would a monk be allowable, Alecthar?


    Also, I may extend the submission deadline depending on how hectic my finals week is. I intended to finish a lot of stuff for this adventure this week, but it might end up delayed by a few days depending on school.

    Alecthar on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Alecthar wrote: »

    ... extend the submission deadline ...

    Extend? D:

    GrimmyTOA on
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    cptruggedcptrugged I think it has something to do with free will. Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Grimmy, stop f5'ing.. you're only going to hurt yourself :lol:

    cptrugged on
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    AlectharAlecthar Alan Shore We're not territorial about that sort of thing, are we?Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    GrimmyTOA wrote: »
    Alecthar wrote: »

    ... extend the submission deadline ...

    Extend? D:

    Well, it's either that or I close submissions and then you give me more than just the weekend to make my decision, recover from finals, and make sure I'm ready to start the adventure.

    Alecthar on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Nah, it's okay. I'm just overly enthusiastic.

    EDIT: I mean obviously I'd have been totally cool with you slamming submissions shut the instant after I got Gub up in the thread. :P

    GrimmyTOA on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Megazver wrote: »
    In my experience, no one usually bothers reading anyone else's character bios, because, well, they're usually pretty meh.

    This right here? This is a damn shame. I'm going to correct it right now.

    Spoiler'd for huge.
    @GrimmyTOA - This character is hilarious. Awesome concept, and I will be disappointed if you don't get chosen for the game; the storytelling possibilities are way too good. While I'd love to have to yell at Gub for attempting to eat the Ferret Spirit, I'd be content with not getting into this game so long as I could read about the 'cube.

    @Dajian - I see real potential in Tocroc. I mean, I'm a big fan of seafood. Er, I mean... seriously, though. I'd like to hear more about his personality, to get a better idea of how he'd act in a group situation.

    @strebalicious - Lucius is a neat concept; I've always liked martial types that were less than martial. He's got the skills to talk his way out of a fight, too.

    @Megazver - With a pitch like that, who wouldn't hire Buggerbear? In fact, I'm going to need a security detail for an event this weekend...

    @Jebu - Nice. There's real RP potential there, what with all the voices in his head OH GODS! Also, I just kinda dig warlocks; I'm playing a Feypact in my biweekly game right now.

    @Kevdog - Factory worker wizard goes postal under the brunt of the soul-crushing daily grind? I lol'd. :lol:

    @Casual Eddy - A simple concept with a nice flair. I smiled at Eggo's life goal. Admirable.

    @Arkan - I love this character, but I'm curious how good a "team player" he is...

    @cytorak - Oh man. What does he do if people try to address the extra heads instead of him? Is it hilarious?

    @Hermenegilde - Name needs to be determined by public vote. Losing Suggestions will be decapitated.

    @El Skid - I like the randomness of the "luck" aspect to the character, but... Catgirls. No Catgirls in D&D, imo. None. :P The character works just as well without being a catgirl.

    @Raddue - Interesting character. I'm curious about how he'll work in combat, but admit I want to see him eaten by Gub. Repeatedly. :D

    @Thetheroo - Breaking the 4th wall can either be really funny, or really annoying. I trust you will walk the line with style and wit.

    @Torgo - I like this character, but I dunno if I'd want to see it in a group with Gub. The two of them together might be too much hunger-driven RP. One or the other should definitely be chosen, though.

    @webguy20 - Drew scares me. *shudder*

    @cptrugged - I love this character. Disgruntled characters are the best.

    Houn on
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    El SkidEl Skid The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Houn wrote: »

    @El Skid - I like the randomness of the "luck" aspect to the character, but... Catgirls. No Catgirls in D&D, imo. None. :P The character works just as well without being a catgirl.

    Hah. Thanks for the feedback. Longtooth Runners are basically already humans with animal features, right? I stuck the label on there just because looking at the race name it doesn't evoke the same kind of...reaction. In this case, a negative reaction, sorry. :P

    I thought the label would fit in with a zany-jokey kind of adventure Alecthar had planned, but I guess we can drop it depending on how Alecthar feels, thanks :)

    Edit- may as well stick a status update in here- character is created and mostly on mythweavers. I'll post it here tonight, along with a bit more backstory.

    El Skid on
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    ThetherooThetheroo Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Houn wrote: »
    @Thetheroo - Breaking the 4th wall can either be really funny, or really annoying. I trust you will walk the line with style and wit.

    Yeah, this can be a problem. I would have to walk the line between Dash using his knowledge of the 4th wall to comment on a situation like "No, I don't want to teach him how to use a bow because it means I'll be the first to die in a tragic accident" and "Dammit, don't put the self-destruct button somewhere so conspicuous." Using genre knowledge to walk the line between taking advantage of the situation and knowing what is inevitable and also cool could mean some difficulty in RPing. However, I believe I can do it with the help of this website, which has almost every single trope ever.

    I've also seen how breaking the 4th wall can be annoying, you just have to know when to do it and when to keep your mouth shut.

    Thetheroo on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    @El Skid: Yeah, don't read too much into that. I enjoy anime as much as the next guy, but catgirls get on my nerves. It's a personal problem, I admit, but still. Fucking catgirls. ;-)

    @Thetheroo: Tvtropes is great. Especially in a format like this, where you have time to formulate your response, I can see it working really well. On the fly in real time? I know I'd blunder terribly. I have a hard enough time RPing my warlock as being decently charming, let alone having to worry about constant references and in-gags.

    Houn on
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    SAW776SAW776 Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Hm. I think I'm going to be using the monk to build what is essentially a rabid kobold. Berserker would work, but with the mad-crazy skittering that the monk allows just seems to fit so well.

    It was either that or a kobold ninja.. but with everyone going "Oh god I hope we don't get ninjas" in the other thread, I didn't think that would go over too well. :P

    SAW776 on
    PSN: SAW776
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    HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I've updated my post with some backstories. May add more later. Fun times.

    Hermenegilde on
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    DajianDajian Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Thanks for the feed back Houn. Tocroc will have a personality block added to his entry ;)

    Dajian on
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    cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Houn wrote: »
    @cytorak - Oh man. What does he do if people try to address the extra heads instead of him? Is it hilarious?

    It's like when a girl with a huge rack catches you breaking eye contact to sneak a peek. "Hello! Eyes up here!"

    Except, you know, it's animal heads instead of boobs. :P

    cytorak on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    cytorak wrote: »
    Houn wrote: »
    @cytorak - Oh man. What does he do if people try to address the extra heads instead of him? Is it hilarious?

    It's like when a girl with a huge rack catches you breaking eye contact to sneak a peek. "Hello! Eyes up here!"

    Except, you know, it's animal heads instead of boobs. :P

    I think this is an awesome analogy. Thus, I give your character the :^:. Not that you needed my approval, per say, but because I CAN.

    Houn on
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    HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Does he have feeling in the extra heads ? What if *someone* took a bite out of it ?

    edit : Oh and girls with huge rack should stop showing them off if they don't want me to look at it. I mean, it would be rude not to, with her going through the trouble of buying and wearing cleavage showing clothes. I don't want to let all that work go to waste.

    Hermenegilde on
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    cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    I didn't cover that in my bio, but the wizard would have made it so they would grow back assuming Fezzle himself was still alive. So, the heads would have like Regen 1, but it would be an out of combat thing (i.e. no mechanical benefits/penalties). But, no, they'd just sort of hang there like wearing shoulderpads.

    Can't have your prized monster running around with parts of its heads missing!

    I think the fact that one is a toy lion while the other one is a taxidermist's goat's head makes his appearance even more jarring.

    cytorak on
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    HounHoun Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    How fast do they grow back? He could chop them off every morning, then suffer from a 5 o'clock head-nubbins.

    Houn on
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    cytorakcytorak Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Fast enough that he'd never be without them, but not instantaneously. So, no stumps. :)

    cytorak on
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    HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    You could wile whole days away just by cutting them and watching them grow back.

    edit : + you could make yourself a huge collection of goat heads.

    Hermenegilde on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    If, for example, you needed to feed a nearby Sapient Gelatinous Cube?

    GrimmyTOA on
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    HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Everyone's jealous of the cube, stop rubing our faces into it.
    Cause it's slimy and all

    Do cubes eat stuffed animals and taxidermied goats ?

    Hermenegilde on
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    GrimmyTOAGrimmyTOA Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Do cubes eat stuffed animals and taxidermied goats ?

    I'd hazard a guess at Yes.

    GrimmyTOA on
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    TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    GrimmyTOA wrote: »
    Do cubes eat *.* ?

    I'd hazard a guess at Yes.

    Tofystedeth on
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    HermenegildeHermenegilde Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Do they eat rocks ? Glass ? How come there's anything left in the world ??!!??

    Hermenegilde on
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    MegazverMegazver Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    They're all bulimic.

    Megazver on
    Chief Tyrol. Academician Megazver of the Jol-Nar Universities
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    TofystedethTofystedeth Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Some things are more tasty?
    I suppose they can eat about anything organic.
    They're basically a blob of mobile gelatinous stomach acid.

    Tofystedeth on
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    ArkanArkan Registered User regular
    edited May 2009
    @Arkan - I love this character, but I'm curious how good a "team player" he is...

    Oh, he's intelligent enough to know not to kill everything and that, in fact, some people will help him kill things. It's just that his worldview is entirely defined in violent terms, so he's not very good at much else. Like, don't expect him to solve riddles unless the solution is "HIT IT WITH AN AXE!"

    This could be interpreted as a very bad character (in terms of quality), but I'm going to put a funny spin on it. Assuming it gets in.

    Think Warhammer 40k ork and you're on the right track.

    Arkan on
    Big, honkin' pile of WoW characters
    I think it's hard for someone not to rage at mario kart, while shouting "Fuck you Donkey Kong. Whose dick did you suck to get all those red shells?"
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    El SkidEl Skid The frozen white northRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Added mythweavers sheet to my original post.

    Mental note to self- after copying all the data into a mythweavers sheet, remember to save next time D:

    El Skid on
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    PowerpuppiesPowerpuppies drinking coffee in the mountain cabinRegistered User regular
    edited May 2009
    Haven't played DnD in years, but finding myself inspired here... is there any creature that fulfills the following idea? If not, could I be some sort of magical construct, if I came up with a decent backstory?

    As shrieking, maniacal laughter gets tiresome after awhile, even veteran dark lords find themselves avoiding the company of Goesthar Windweaver. The tiny bugger's violently insane, however, and his attacks are disturbingly unconventional, making him a useful henchman. Willing to work for gold or ale, his terrific enthusiasm is somewhat marred by his bumbling ways. Though he fancies himself a mage, so far his employers seem inexplicably interested in his terrific speed and resistance to blunt trauma. Indeed, his most effective (though certainly not most common... Goesthar doesn't hold with logic) attack tends to be a simple charge. Standing a mere six inches tall, the shrieking windweaver is unable to hold a useful weapon. However, upon colliding with the enemy, Goesthar manipulates the wind of his passage to augment the force of his charge, sending the victim flying gaily through the air, as Goesthar is catapulted away unpredictably. Goesthar hopes one day to augment his magical abilities and become a puissant mage, but his lack of focus and discipline sees him being thrown out of bars more often than occupying libraries. Nevertheless, many an adventurer has found his plans disrupted by the a high pitched "heeheeheeHEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE THUD," followed by cackling and swearing. Now if only Goesthar could learn to play well with others...

    Powerpuppies on
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