So, I'm a bit of a flash game aficionado, and this game
here is humoring the hell out of me.
Maybe it's the liberal use of a trebuchet, or watching things get destroyed the fuck up, but hey, i like it.
While this one game doesn't deserve a thread, perhaps the discussion of said game and its ilk may.
So, esee doubleplus, what stupid games on the web do you like?
I'd pimp out my own flash game I made, but its stilllllll not out.
why is this so fun
science has no answers
They're pretty fun games, and you can win shit.
They have knockoffs..
You can also download the original for a trial from
I gave in and bought it on XBA
the roomies have swarmed all over it. haha
this would be a lot more fun if it recognized my mouse clicks properly
also this is the most adorable game about throw-up you'll ever play
they are such fucking cocksuckers sometimes
and that pirate
what is his deal? I can't seem to ever keep him up long enough to get the powerup from him
they squish when you hit 'em
but I hadn't played it for a few months and went looking for it, can't find it
also can't find any email record of the purchase
must just be my senility
jesus christ I cant kill the first castle
You either have to be lucky or good with physics.
Robot Dinosaurs That Shoot Beams When They Roar
It's extremely short, but the voice-acting is well above par for a flash game.
From BFG?
If so, you could probably email Cap and he could ask one of the CSRs to look it up.
If you bought it, he can get you a redownload link
i know, right?
SE++ Map Steam
Lots of trial and error though.
SE++ Map Steam
It's essentially a platformer rougelike, and beating it was probably the greatest experience of my life. I could talk about it all day
Don't Look Back
Short platformer with an interesting mechanic that gets introduced halfway through. Excellent music and ambiance, and one of the better uses of Greek mythology.
Cute, dumb, and fun.
You eventually get bombs.
And then triple bombs
it has been rough going since then
SE++ Map Steam
I can't get up the fucking flagpole. Yes, I get you have to jump against it.
took them all out with one hit
that was kinda fun to make
SE++ Map Steam
But man 3 bombs is awesome.
SE++ Map Steam