Hey Khoo or Gabe or umm Robocop,
Can we get a change up in the band roster for PAX 07, just to get some more variety. I went to PAX 05 and PAX 06, and in 06 the concerts felt a bit dull, kinda like going to the same concert twice(add/subtract songs and bands).
Here are couple of my own suggestions for bands:
Jonathan CoultonFuturistic Sex Robotzmc chris(again plz)
Black Mages(pipe dream)
the entire Video Games Live OrchestraThey Might Be GiantsBrian Posehn(nerd stand up)
Patton Oswalt(more nerd stand up)
Mike Relm(no flaking this time)
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No way, it's definately the Video Games Live Orchestra. Woot!
throw in the fact that they're local.
They seem small enough just yet that PAX would attract them.
http://www.ratatatmusic.com/contact.html <--Booking Info
Get the PAX 2008 Countdown widget and while away your sad, pathetic life watching it tick down the hours to PAX '08!
I was originaly going to call it PAX Band Roster 07, but I thought the word roster sounded dumb. Don't know why it sounded dumb.
They Fkin rock!
"Oh what a day, what a LOVELY DAY!"
More like MC Chris.
Sup Joah, you coming to the party friday?
More like mc chris(no caps).
I appreciate wanting to earn money off your performances, it's what artists do, but... Hmmm. I guess form your own opinion on this one. I'm not gonna smack talk chris here...
But I know that there are other artists out there who would love to perform at PAX for the fun of it, be an honored guest, party with fans and peers and so forth and not worry about the money aspect.
When I talked to DJ Jon, he said that it costs $1000 for them to come to PAX, I dunno if that was individually or together, but thats alot of swag you gotta sell to recover your losses. Especially if you could do a show where you do get paid and can sell swag.
If chris doesn't want to come, chris doesn't want to come. He has every right to not perform (there are some lyrics from a Bobby Brown song in here somewhere, I can feel it). We've got several other possible acts to be excited about and look forward to. I jut felt rather "meh" about the whole thing after he informed me of why he didn't want to come back.
Coulton would be awesome. Now that they've been playing Code Monkey on NPR, the attorneys around the office have been singing it. It's really surreal.
I doubt they're going to announce that until at least a month or two before PAX...
Maybe I'm just saying that because I'm in a band, but I don't think I'm the only one.
As for money and artists-- when I asked the Minibosses what it takes to get them somewhere in North America, they said "paid flight, gear, and a bit of accomodation", and the NESkimos said the same. I'm not going to talk smack about mc, because I heard enough of it last year-- but maybe he just needs to ask that those costs be covered? I have no idea, but it's his own choice to make.
I'm sure he'll be in the middle of his new tour by August of next year.
because coulton has to be coming you guys
Agreed, Hodgeman is one of my favorite writers
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I saw him do a set this fall, he was opening for Del tha Funkee Homosapien, and he blew my fucking mind. I'd love to see him again, and since I've decided I'm for sure attending PAX '07, it would be fantastic to hear he's even a remote possibility.
He was slated to perform last year.
But since he canceled about a week or two before PAX with only an email stating "Mike Relm will not be able to perform at PAX" and nothing else, I don't think he's being invited again...