My current internet connection doesn't allow my 360 or PS3 on the internet, and doesn't allow some programs like Steam to access the internet either. I was looking at getting wireless internet, because any form of ADSL is unavailable in this place, and found one deal that seemed alright. I was just wondering though, if someone could tell me about wireless internet.
I've been led to believe that you can't really play games online over wireless internet, because it sends ad receives data in bursts, so I'd be getting lots of lag. I could live without multiplayer, but can someone tell me if this is true?
This wireless deal involves a USB modem and a SIM card. I always thought that wireless internet involved big external modems and had nothing to do with SIM cards, so I was just wondering if this is normal.
Can I connect my 360 and ps3 to my computer and let them access the internet, or would I need to plug the modem directly into the consoles? The biggest issue for me with this internet connection is getting my consoles back online, so this is important, I need to know how this would work.
Thanks, and if this belongs in the technology forum, feel free to tell me.
As for the USB + SIM card combo, I'm not quite sure what you're referring to. Are you getting wireless internet via a telephone company? That is a bit different than what is typically considered "wireless" internet.
Well, I was searching around for 'wireless internet', and got some references to something called 'mobile internet'. It involves a SIM card, and a USB modem, and seems otherwise pretty much the same. I don't really know enough about wireless internet to be any more help, sorry. Here's the site that I'm looking at:
Your conflating two things. The wireless internet you're thinking of with a big modem is really just a wireless network connected to the internet through a modem like what you're using now. What you've been researching is usually called "mobile broadband" here in the US, and uses a small antenna to access the internet through mobile phone networks. I'm pretty sure gaming over mobile networks would be very slow because of the latency.
OK, so if I want an internet connection that doesn't need a phone line, I need mobile internet.
I can live without multiplayer. That's not a big deal to me, and I was told that it had a heap of lag. What I want to know is, can I connect the ps3 and 360 to my computer, and get them online. I hate missing out on DLC and demos because of my crappy internet connection, and so I want to know that I could connect those to a mobile internet connection.
Are there any Australians here with experience with Dodo? Virgin is a bit cheaper, but has something like 256kbps max speeds. I'm looking at $45/month for 3gig with Dodo, which seems to be the best deal I can get without a contract. I need one without a contract, because I'll be moving, hopefully to a place with ADSL, in around 6 months. Also, $45 for 3 gig is much better than my current wired connection, which is $20 per gig.
You can't get a cable modem or anything?
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All I have is an ethernet connection to the university's internet.
Can you tell me what you mean? What are bandwidth caps? The download limit I'm looking at now is more than I use on this uni connection (although last year I had a 50gig/month connection) so I could easily keep it under the 3 gig/month limit, and if I go over, I can just switch back to the uni's connection.
If you get the ethernet modem, you should have no problem connecting it to your consoles or to a router if that's the way you wanted to go. It doesn't require any special software on your part or anything, so it's platform agnostic.
Now my modem is one that you'll see in the windows of SUV. It's about a quarter of the price of usyd's internet, and steam, xbox live, and psn don't work through the proxy. I think this is going pretty well so far.