So, I've been giving some thought to a pretty massive roadtrip this summer and had some questions if anyone could help me.
Basically, I'd probably like to go back east and hit DC/New York (as I've never been there) and probably some places in between. The problem is I'm in California (Sacramento area to be specific) and have no idea how much itd cost (gas + motels + food) beyond a vague idea of "a lot" (for me anyways). Does someone with experience of long road trips have any idea how much this might run me and how I might save some money?
Also, it should be noted that the farthest east I've ever been is Nebraska, so I'd be kind of driving blind (although I'd probably end up picking up a GPS for this trip). Any other tips for general roadtrips would be helpful as well.
It's horribly, horribly expensive.
But if you are going to do it, don't do it alone.
Really? (Not the expensive part, I kind of expected that) I'm not sure I could scrounge up anyone else to go with me, why would going alone be a bad idea?
I've done a 12 hour with someone and a 6 hour alone. Even though in the 12 hour my partner only grabbed the wheel for 2 hours it was way easier.
Improvolone said everything else.
Why do you want to road trip, why not just fly? Tickets are actually pretty cheap right now.
Don't worry. Chances of your head ending up in a stranger's freezer are very low.
Plus when you fly or take the train, you can do stuff like read or play video games. Stuff you can't do when driving.
Honestly just make sure you're mentally prepared. It's a lot of driving. Going to be a lot of nothing going through some of those plain states.
Make sure you get your oil changed, and keep some coolant and oil WITH YOU. Gas is less important (unless you're a dope and run out!) but oil and coolant leaks can sneak up on you.
If we get a couch surfing project for Drakeon going, I'd be willing to volunteer for Kansas. The bad part is it's at the very eastern edge near Kansas City. That means you drive through about 120 miles in Colorado, and 400 some in Kansas of pure wasteland.
I love the idea of a PA couch surfing "team". We could research the people to see how active they are, see what type of relationships they form online, and then we can praise each other on the couch surfing site in order to bolster our scores.
Only when we actually stay with someone of course.
And while I can also find road trips enjoyable by myself, this doesn't go for everyone and I definitely agree having someone else can make it much more enjoyable and easier.