Search for "Sims" reveals nothing in the first 2 pages of results. What the hell, guys?
Release Date: June 2, 2009
Features: - No more generic aspirations and slider bars for "cleanliness" and "playfulness". Instead you can pick 5 traits ranging from food lover to kleptomaniac. Your sim will also have destinies you can fulfill or ignore.
- Crazy customization on not only houses, but on the furniture itself.
- Move your sim throughout an entire town, not just a lot. Neighbors interact and age with each other and with your sim, making a real living town.
- Some random shit about making movies and sharing them on youtube. I dunno.
Some Pictures:
GT: Tanky the Tank
Black: 1377 6749 7425
In Sims 2 you could burn your Sims alive, crack their skull open on tile floors, starve them to death, make them go psycho with loneliness after the deaths of their loved ones, and more.
I don't need to play a life simulator, when I need to focus on my own
Yeah. Spend 6 hours improving your Sims relationships, or spend 6 hours talking to your wife/husband/friends/etc. Same idea, one gets better results.
My family is a bunch of jerks, so not really.
This was in the first sims. I want more gruesome and inhumane ways to fuck with my sims.
Why not just do a million-billion expansions?
And then kill them.
Preferably in that order.
Other than that the Sims is a guilty secret pleasure. Totally awesome to get your girlfriend/wife hooked on if you want a lot of quiet time to yourself :P
I really enjoy biulding houses and decorating! There's my tiny feminine side.
Why not both?
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
I mean, what the hells the difference between Sims expansion pack #28 and Sims 3?!
The introduction of zombie and vampire sims in Sims 2 mean that you don't HAVE to do it in that order :winky:
I think the big one is that they're shifting from just one household having stuff happen while the rest exist in stasis to having the others do stuff in the background at the same and giving you the option to poke around wherever you want. So basically the focus goes from individual families to the community you construct as a whole, ie somewhere between the first two games and SimCity.
Steam Profile
3DS: 3454-0268-5595 SteelAngel#1772
All I'm going to say here is that one should never, never watch a German horror film.
(Please do not gift. My game bank is already full.)
What happened, you giving up on CoH? I never thought someone that stomped me in a 1v1 in CoH would be into the Sims.
lol, I still play. Trying to get rank 10 in 1v1 on all 4 factions. It's slow going.
I slept with my neighbor's wife, locked his kid in my secret dungeon then got him trapped in my maze of no escape. I quickly got bored with the game after that.
Steam Name: Dr.Oblivious
If you can't live for the now, at least live for the future.
It's been well over a decade since I've played.
EDIT: There is the fact that starting fires isn't going to kill everyone I know and ruin my life in a computer game, but then I can make that happen in Dawn of War with giant robots. If Sims 3 has giant robots it might get my interest.
Why did this and Stig's post make me laugh so hard?
I'll tell you what a good Sims game is. Streets of motherfucking Sim City. At least, back when I was 10, give or take 2 years. I think I bought that game when it was really old in some huge Sim game collection pack for $20.
You could make cities in Sim City (a game I never bought) and drive around them in Streets of Sim City. It was Twisted Metal/Vigilante 8/etc. for PC's.
there's only three Needs bars now
It's like, eat, sleep, and bathroom, basically
No more "ugh i need to socialize" or "ugh, i need to be in a room that is nicer than this (???)"
Just take care of your basic needs and then you can focus on doing whatever!
That right there, combined with the "no more separate lots" thing, makes this a game I will probably purchase someday
That's actually pretty cool.
Shit pissed me off in the first Sims, admittedly I haven't played any since.
Main reason why I dislike the Sims. Expansion after expansion and charging and arm and leg for it.
Truth. But the ability to maim and kill the whiny teen, then pawn her child off on a neighbor is hard to resist.
Apparently it's crazy customizable now
I don't know the details, I never really took the housebuilding aspect outside of a few custom houses
Maybe there'll be an expansion pack for it that grabs me.