Harry Dresden – Wizard
Lost items found. Paranormal Investigations.
Consulting. Advice. Reasonable Rates.
No Love Potions, Endless Purses, or
Other Entertainment.
The world is getting weirder. Darker every single day. Things are spinning around faster and faster, and threatening to go completely awry. Falcons and falconers. The center cannot hold.
But in my corner of the country, I’m trying to nail things down. … I don’t want to live in a world where the strong rule and the weak cower. I’d rather make a place where things are a little quieter. Where trolls stay the hell under their bridges, and where elves don’t come swooping out to snatch children from their cradles. Where vampires respect the limits, and where the faeries mind their p’s and q’s.
My name is Harry Blackstone Copperfield Dresden. Conjure by it at your own risk. When things get strange, when what goes bump in the night flicks on the lights, when no one else can help you, give me a call. I’m in the book.
It's been mentioned here in CF before, but the most recent thread was about 2 years ago, according to my search results.
Evil Hat Productions is preparing to release
an RPG based on
The Dresden Files series, by Jim Butcher. It has been through two rounds of Alpha playtesting, and
they have announced that there will be no public Beta phase, as the designers believe enough information was gathered from the Alpha testing.
Currently, the project has no firmly announced release date. It would seem, however, that if the designers will be skipping Beta testing, that they must be getting fairly close to a somewhat-finished product. [/optimistic]
The system will be an updated version of the
Fate system, also published by Evil Hat. Central features of this system include fudge dice, attribute-compels, and stunt dice.
In addition, several character types (akin to classes) have been announced via the designers' blog:
- Pure Mortal
- Champion of God
- Changeling
- Emissary of Power
- Focused Practitioner
- Knights of the Faerie Courts
- Lycanthrope
- Minor Talent
- Red Court Infected
- Sorcerer
- True Believer
- Were-Creature
- White Court Vampire
Personally, I can't wait. I'm particularly interested in the opportunity to play an Emissary of Power or a Knight of the Faerie Courts. The idea of having a master to whom I'm loyal in addition to my responsibilities to the party seems like it would provide interesting roleplay opportunities.
I was getting all excited when I saw this, thinking either someone had some information or was going to run a game. I was all ready to get my wizard on.
The first time I heard about the Dresden RPG, I thought of Monte Cook's World of Darkness. The magic system is dynamic enough to fit into the Dresdenverse, and if you change Demons to Fae, all of the major supernatural players are covered.
I can't wait for this one to come out. I've been running character ideas through my head for the past 6 months.
Oh, but I am!
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
Crovax.436 Steam: Crovaxan
You better hope the rest of your party is either really unobservant, or really lax about black magic. ;-)
I am, however, totally looking forward to this game and will certainly run and/or play in a campaign when it's released. Count on it.
Dresdens' 'Blast now, then blast a bit more later' is cool, but not my style.
That stuff said, I'll be very interested in this myself. Ze books, they are awesome.
That said, yeah, it'd probably be better with a Beta. But....I'm ready for this shit to come out. :P
EDIT: My thought process on the release date is: Hey, they've decided not to have a Beta. That means they have reached a point where they have to plan the Beta dates. Which means they are pretty close to any Beta that would have happened. Since it's not happening, that means they're pretty close to planning a release date.