So I dated a girl for three years, and then she dumped me. That was about 9 months ago. I was crazy about her to the end, but she left me because we had to go through a long distance spell and she wanted to experiment with other guys. I was super depressed for months afterwards and still get heartbroken and and all emo whenever I think about her or catch up with her via email. Sometimes she drops hints that's she's sleeping around and it still hurts pretty bad. For that reason I've kept communication to the barest minimum the past 9 months.
Problem 1: When we were going out, I became pretty good friends with her sister and her brother. I rarely see the sister anymore, which makes me sad. I haven't seen the brother since, but his wedding is in a few months and he invited me. I want to go, but I'm worried it's going to hurt me to have to deal with my ex and that it might be awkward hanging out with her parents (who basically wanted me to marry her and were pissed at her for dumping me). And logistically, if I want to stay involved in my ex's siblings' lives it's going to be hard not getting involved in my ex's life as well.
Problem 2: There's still tension/drama with my ex. I never really stopped loving her, and the breakup was more out of inconvenience and a desire on her part to experiment whilst abroad than anything else. On top of that, the last time we met to catch up we ending up hooking up. So it still remains... complicated, you know? And it's painful for me. If I were totally over her, I would
undoubtably want to stay involved in her life. We were super good friends before dating and I don't really want to lose that. But since I'm not over her and it still causes me pain I've mostly tried to keep my distance (save the one time I let my guard down and we hooked up). Basically it's the standard "I'd like to be friends but I'm still in love" sort of thing, with a dash of "why the fuck did we just hook up?" thrown in there to confuse me. Since I've kept communication to a minimum post-breakup I haven't been able to just lay everything on the table and figure out what's what, and I don't really think I want to have that talk.
So what's the normal advice for how to deal with ex-girlfriends who you're a) still into and b) deeply involved in their life (i.e., friends with their family members). Do I go to the brother's wedding? Should I just ignore her (and her family) for a looong time until I'm totally over her? Just be friends with her and suffer quietly? I'm not sure. The current situation has us getting into some pretty detailed email conversations every two months or so, which always leaves me emotionally exhausted even though it's mostly pretty banal catch-up stuff (and then there's also the one hookup). My most immediate question is whether or not to go to the ex's brother's wedding, but some more general advice on exs might be helpful.
PSN: rlinkmanl
I know a lot of people here are going to tell you to stay away, but what I will say is that it *can* work, but just make sure that you are fully aware that it could one day blow up on you. If you're willing to take a few ups and downs, as well as be aware that it could end badly one day, then go for it.
Just be careful.
So she gave up a three year relationship with you to bang some dudes because she was going to be studying abroad for like a semester? What could possibly make you think it was a break up for convenience's sake?
You're still acting like this girls lapdog. Don't go to the wedding. Don't think about her. Stop emailing her. Find the dignity and move on, because this chick didn't respect you nine months ago and she probably doesn't now.
You were desperate for the contact and to feel like it could work out again. She was looking for a sure thing. She used you, and you were happy to be used.
Stop talking to this girl.
make your excuses to her brother and recuse yourself of all responsibilities which involve dealing with her
it's a rare situation when people can remain friends after an affair and this is obviously not one of them
Speaking of bystanders, brother, start trying to change the framework that you use to see your interpersonal relationship with your ex. Stop thinking you have to "stay involved in her life" -- I'm sure I'm not the only person who quickly clicked the thread title expecting to say "NO!" Stop thinking you're "involved." You're not exactly a central figure in this drama anymore -- much like the wedding ceremony, the most you have to do really is sit in the audience.
But that's the way things go unfortunately, it's best to move on as already said. Decline the invitation politely because you have no problems with him but the situation just isn't proper for you to be involved.
Right now I'd probably not want to go to the wedding but it would kind of be a dick move on my part seeing how we're practically best friends so I think I'd tough it out... there'd be plenty of other people to hang out with other than her and her parents. That being said, if you aren't *that* close to the brother there's nothing wrong with not going to the wedding.
Cut off all contact, maybe even for good. There are tons of other people in this world that would like to be your friend, not just your ex's family members. Doesn't this all seem a little bit silly to you? Just cut off all contact and move on, you will be much happier in the long run.
Another way to get your mind of her, besides cutting off all contact is to start dating around. I'm assuming you haven't even attempted to get into another relationship. It's been 9 months, like someone said, it's time to move on.
Whenever we have parties or are visiting friends she will always make this dip to bring along with us. I get to watch all of my friends and their guests enjoying the dish and hear about how great it is, and I know I'm not supposed to eat any but I always manage to sneak in a bite or two. I realize it would be best for my health if I stopped doing this, but I just can't help myself! My symptoms haven't been improving at all (especially with all my cheating) so I started getting immunization shots so I could possibly one day eat this delicious dip again, but the doctor has me under strict orders that I am not supposed to eat any until the treatment is done.
This is where my problem is, we were invited to a mexican themed party where there is going to be all sorts of spicy dishes that I will be tempted to try. I really want to go to the party, but I just think I wouldn't be able to handle being near all this delicious food and not being able to eat it, I just don't know what to do.
If you can't handle being near her, you shouldn't go to the wedding. If her brother is your friend, he will understand why you declined, but be sure you talk to him and wish him well and send a gift etc.
Don't email her. Don't talk to her. Don't look at pictures of the two of you together. All you are doing is making yourself feel worse, and making it harder and harder for you to move on with your life.
edit: robothero, you're killing me. I'm so hungry.
It's as simple as this.
xbl - HowYouGetAnts
steam - WeAreAllGeth
I dated a girl in high school who insisted on being good friends with all her exes. It caused problems for us, but we broke up for other reasons I think. Afterwords I became one of the crowd of good friend ex-boyfriends in her life and it made me feel like crap because I wasn't able to get over her and had to watch her date other guys.
I'm dating a girl now who is trying to keep her exes involved in her life and it's causing problems for us. Don't be one of these guys.
Basically you need to have a couple months with zero interaction with her, and maybe after you are totally over her you can be acquaintances. You can never be good friends with an ex without it turning into a super complicated and problematic relationship.
Maybe: 'If you still think of your ex as an 'ex', instead of just a person with shared history, then maybe you should still be ex's with that person and stay the fuck away.'
or with different a different tact completely like: 'Many people mistake the agreement to not see each other romantically as the entire break-up process; in actual fact, this process begins long before the agreement itself is put into play, and ends only if and when there are no romantic attachments at all, i.e. they are broken. If you still have unresolved feelings, you're really still in the process of breaking up. Make your decisions accordingly.'
too wordy, mebbe. there's
'If you feel your flesh burning, take your hand off the goddamn stove.'
'Rolling on a broken glass bottle wont hurt any less just because you really enjoyed the beer.'
'When you discover a minefield, avoid it.'
'Don't pick your scab, it'll scar'
'Ow, quit it'
or something. Its a work in progress. Unlike your relationship. Which is over. No no, its over, stop thinking its not.
I know its fun putting puppet strings on a corpse and pretending it just ordered a drink like five seconds ago or using it to wave to the mailman, or wearing it like a suit to show up at the parties it was invited to. Those are good times. Sooner or later though, the smell will start getting to you, and that's when its time to cut the strings and set it free.
Bubye Mr. Bone-Jangles, you were my bestest friend...
So poetic.
Therefore, rolling over a glass bottle will hurt a lot less.
....yeah. int+1