I immediately identified with the inFamous comic I saw just today for the first time about the fences.
I am totally baffled by Cole's inability to grab a chain link fence. I had to try it like a dozen times before I accepted the reality of it.
what I accept about it is that the developers needed a wall type that couldn't be climbed over or shot through but maybe could be seen through. The razor wire on top of the fence is pretty menacing, and I could understand a man's resistance to getting tangled up in it, or a developer's resistance to cutting a series of animations for the main character getting tangled up in it. I can even accept that electricity could get easily dispersed in a metal mesh.
I just can't get over the fence part. It's a fucking fence! I climbed over those when I was 8! Wait wait, Maybe Cole doesn't like touching them because they're too conductive...
Anyways, something tells me that a fence wasn't at the top of the list for barriers, but that Sucker Punch just couldn't come up with something better. Walls of 10 inch thick glass, shards of crystal, messes of wire and spikes, would all look a little out of place....
So my question is what could they replace the fences with to make a more satisfying barrier?
Also, the electricity powers do become a little old after awhile. When I first heard about this game, I was hoping for something like Elder Scrolls meets City of Heroes. Which would be SWEET.
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