Sometime in the next couple of weeks I'm going to be playing DnD for the first time. My girlfriend is going to be running the game and she said we're going to probably be using edition 3.5. I was hoping that I would be able to get some advice for a starting player, this is my first time with any tabletop role-playing game.
Are there any good resources for information I should turn to? So far I have gone to, but it seems to mostly have technical information.
The thing I probably need help with most is character creation. Right now I'm leaning towards the Cleric class. The problem with that is that I've read I need to be aligned with a deity for that class, but I haven't been able to find comprehensive lists of the deities.
It might be looking a bit far ahead, but any general tips for preforming in the DM role would also be appreciated. For the first game or two my girlfriend will be the DM because she's done that before, but she wants to be able to play in games too, so I think that we'll rotate leadership.
Anything besides technical information is proprietary, and you'll have to pay for it. Plus your gf may be running a home campaign which would throw all fluff out the window anyways.
"Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
second bit of advice, is there are alot, and I do mean alot of 3.5 deities. off hand I'm not sure where to find an online list but they are in the handbooks.
third bit of advice, see bit one.
Boccob (neutral): God of magic and knowledge.
Corellon Larethian (chaotic good): Creator and guardian of the elf race (elf god). Governs "magic, music, arts, crafts, poetry, and warfare."
Ehlonna (neutral good): Goddess of the forest.
Fharlanghn (neutral): The god of roads/ travelers.
Garl Glittergold (neutral good): God of the gnomes, known for his famous tricks and pranks.
Heironeous (lawful good): The god of valor, justice, chivalry, and honor.
Kord (chaotic good): The god of strength.
Moradin (lawful good): God of dwarves (smithing, mining, war).
Obad-Hai (neutral): The god of nature, harmony with nature.
Olidammara (chaotic neutral): The god of rogues, luck, and pranks.
Pelor (neutral good): The god of the sun and healing.
St. Cuthbert (lawful neutral): The god of retribution, revenge, punishment.
Wee Jas (lawful Neutral): Goddess of death and magic.
Yondalla (lawful good): Goddess of halflings (prosperity, nurturer).
Edit: Goddammit mike. Why didn't I think of that.
As far as Clerics and Deities, there are a lot of GMs that just have you choose your Domains and Alignment and just have you stay true to your Domains and Alignment instead of a specific god. I've known more than my fair share of "pantheistic" or "multiple god" clerics.
I suggest using Paizo's Pathfinder as your base rules. It is Paizo's spin on the 3.5 edition rules after Wizards decided to ditch 3.5 for 4th edition, and it fixes a lot of things (skill glut, for example). The PDF rulebooks for it are totally free, so if you want something in between buying the books and using the d20srd, it's a great resource for that.
My last suggestion is to ditch DnD and use a better system that won't give you cancer, but that's just my own prejudice. *grin*
My local store has books for people to browse through whenever to keep people from reading the for-sale copies for reference, so you could make a call or two to see if there's any place like that for you.
Overall, just have fun. There's a whole lot of stress with making your first character, but as long as you don't stress out too much and have fun, you'll be able to create another character later and get better at it.
For example:
Yeah, that's right, Tyr. What are you gonna do about it, Mr. One-hand? Show me your disgusting useless stump of an arm?
Bitch ass punk.
IOS Game Center ID: Isotope-X
Do not start this.
I don't mean to troll, but "Buy, read and use 4E".
Ha ha, big handless baby is aaaaaaaaangry.