Darkon is a documentary about LARPers. I like many of you have probably laughed at the trailer many times but have yet to see it.
Thanks to Hulu we can now watch it for free from the comfort of our computer chairs.
Posing like a true badass
Gonna get me some of that
Pretty Fire
Ze Trailer
So come with me on a journey through nerdiness. Don't be shy with the pokes and the jabs.
Dunno what to say to you unwashed foreigners interested in watching it.
okay cool
Glad that's out of the way.
A minute in and they are babbling in moon speak.
and I will!
With the options to that point, I'd agree.
I like the whole game aspect, like it's a huge map and when you want to control a hexagon, you fight or something?
and then when 2 armies try for the same hexagon, it GOES DOWN
and then 2 armies kick the shit out of each other with padded weapons for a few hours
I can see the appeal. I really can
but the roleplaying? ehhhhhhhh pass
and not
and the roleplaying aspect seem to attract the people I least want talking for any length of time
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
Nobody is pretending to be dark elves in paintball.
Almost nobody is pretending to be dark elves in paintball.
yeah, zombie LARPing is okay
also, MilSim
which is military scenario LARPing with airsoft guns
that is also okay
because again
it is not "BEHOLD THIS LAND!"
talking "in-character" consists of barking orders and calling out hostile positions and so on
you are there to shoot dudes with your toy guns
not stand around making speeches in bad Shakespearean english
but therein lies the dilemma
paintball is NOTHING like this
if there was a thing where I could literally make whatever armor-looking shit I wanted to and foam sword or halberd or dirk and goddamn charge at people dressed similarily and fucking swing a padded claymore across their necks as hard as I can I would 100% be down for that
if there were like waivers everyone had to sign so you could like dropkick people in the chest and nobody could sue
you'd probably never see me again, I'd be doing that every fucking day
You can do that.
This is that.
You just have to hang out with those people and play thier little fantasy game to do it.
So you prefer the horror or war genre over fantasy... doesn't make it fucking better.
With the right group of people, I think LARPing could be really fun
And by the right group I mean you guys
Because hitting each other with foam swords is fun, and you guys are fun, and D&D is fun, and I know that sometimes when you combine things it doesn't work out so well
But I still think so
If properly modified, I would be down like a clown for LARPING
and I hate calling it LARPING
because that's roleplaying, and the only role I want to play is Asskicky McSwordswinger, Royal Beheader of RunningDropkickvia
Well, paintball or airsoft in general isn't really pretending at all. You are running around shooting at each other with just non-lethal stuff.
If just like what Rainytoes was saying, if he could just play a game where you could run around and hit people with padded swords, it would be fun.
It's all the role playing and costumes and shit that makes it weird.
these men are LARPing:
these men are also LARPing:
what would you rather be doing?
i'm sure all of them are having fun, and that's cool
but i know what group i'd rather be playing with.
as opposed to dressing up in camouflage?
the combination is what gets me.
I am talking actually trying to "kill the other person"
you know like a war but without the really getting stabbed
what is the name for this and where can I get it minus the LARP aspect
We called them rock fights when I was a kid.
Most of the people I have played with are in much more casual clothes, but the camouflage is because it helps. I'm not wearing it because I think I'm some commando or anything. And I'm not pretending to be anything.
Wearing a cape and a fake gold helmet doesn't make you a better sword fighter or whatever.
If I ever come to PAX or something
I'll bring some swords and we'll find a lawn or a park or something
And not stop until someone needs to go to the ER