So I just need a bit of advice or encouragement, here is my situation: I was browsing my local craigslist and noticed an ad for a Fender Telecaster for only $175. I thought that was pretty low and assumed it's condition was terrible or its just a Squier but I decided to email the seller anyway. It turns out that he actually works in my office! He showed me some photos of it and its actually in pretty awesome condition. (Looks pretty much like this) I can't tell if its American made or not but 175 for any Fender in decent condition is a steal right? I'm a bit tight on funds but I have a potential buyer for my Fender Stratacoustic and it's my 21st birthday on Sunday so I may have an increase in cash very soon although I'm not in dire need of a new guitar at the moment. In fact this would probably be my back up guitar but I'm afraid if I pass this up I'll hate myself for it. What do you guys think?
Update: So I decided to buy it and went to confirm this with the seller. I told him that I'd bring the cash tomorrow so I could take it home from work tomorrow. He then told me that he picked it up from a professional guitar store when stationed in Korea. Does fender even make guitars in Korea besides Squiers? It def says "Fender" on the headstock but are there fakes over there? Maybe it was made in Japan because of it's proximity? Thoughts?
I just bought a 1300 dollar guitar on a whim so there :P
go for it
Thank you, Rubacava!
as long as its not a squire, go for it. if its a mexican, and you dislike it, you can always turn it around and resell for what you paid. or, break it up for parts and sell them on ebay. mexican fenders are worth more in parts than as a whole (believe it or not).
[edit]: I just looked at that guitar, and it looks like a pretty sweet hookup. Hell, the case is probably worth 100 by itself.
-The head stock is a little further back than my other telecaster at home.
-It doesnt say where it was made but it does have a serial number on the silver panel where the neck meets the body on the back...odd.
-the neck has a sort of pale color on the frets and the back is slighty darker piece of wood. It also doesn't feel exactly like my other tele although the one I have at home has a rosewood neck and not maple.
Although he is letting me take it home for a couple weeks while he's away to give a test run. Also he does have an Epiphone LP custom he's selling for 175 w/ hard case as well so I might end up getting that instead of its real. Is that a good deal as well?
if you do test drive it, post the serial, or run it through one of the checkers online. i mean, at the end if it plays well and sounds good, it may still be worth it. just maybe not as much.
and i wouldn't put too much into it feeling different. fender has some serious QA problems, esp along the low line stuff. different guitars of the same vintage feel very different.
for the epi, yeah, maybe. with a hard case, sure. but try that one out too.
I've come across bootlegs of freaking Epiphones before.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
marshall stack - JCM 800 or JCM 2000 DSL / TSL - 50 watters
only need 1 pedal to start with: Ibanez TS808 tubescreamer reissue
trust me, you get a stack, you won't go back
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
Thanks for all the help guys!