And all I have is a horrible description to go by, but I know you guys and/or ladies won't let me down.
The description is as follows:
*This thread was about quitting smoking, but the title didn't come right out and say that.
*This thread was made sometime in February or March.
*This thread was in the H/A forum.
*The post in question was by a person who trying to quit smoking but was plagued by the one or so cigarettes he had to smoke during a day.
*The same poster as mentioned above posted a link about a free download of some kind anti smoking inspirational something-or-other.
*Person was successful and got his wife to post under his username declaring his success.
*I posted on the thread in question.
I know what you are probably thinking "if Brando posted on this thread then why doesn't he just search through the history of his posts?" Unfortunately I tried that and think that I may have made 250 posts since the creation of this thread or my eyes failed me because I didn't see the thread in question.
I am most appreciative for any help you guys can give me. As always, thanks in advance PA! 8-)
Cool. I'll give it a try, thanks.
I used this google search to find them:
smoking "brandotheninjamaster" "Help / Advice Forum"
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You sir have undying my gratitude. Thanks a bunch!
Of course now this thread will come up before the actual result.