Whatsup? I'm not a pro so a lot of these were done in a small amount of time.
Whiskey Blew
That's a birthdat gift I did for someone on short notice. It's ink and solvent markers.
Yeah I know the name is pretty lame but that's just what I instantly thought when I looked at it and I haven't come across anything that fit better. I drew it as a catharsis when I was frustrated by being let down by a lot of my friends. It's all pen.
Tasty bombs
This was an idea I had for awhile and finally attempted one day. I still occassionallly think it's not finished but I'm too scared to attempt to improve on it. Those are basically people's thought bubbles and it shows the difference between people's brain's current mode or level of activity. Like the difference between REM sleep and day dreaming.
It's prismacolor pencils, pen, sharpie, and solvent markers.
Prok Crackilns
That's just a self-portrait. I'm pretty proud of it because I did it with a mouse and I used a blank monitor for a mirror. It was done in photoshop.
And now for some still-lifes.
They're all kind of crooked so I recommend you tilt your head while viewing them.
less huge please.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
Happy babies?
If you were expecting feedback, acting like an indignant ass isn't going to help get you any.
I assumed it was necessary in being an artist.
And you just need to assume I'm being silly.
Second your stuff is decent, people will post ways to fix your mistakes. Don't defend your shit.
As for me, I don't draw but I'll say this. I don't get your titles, like Whiskey Blew? guess it doesn't matter.
Dear satan I wish for this or maybe some of this....oh and I'm a medium or a large.
At first I thought it was just the shopping cart that was off, then I realized everything is off.
Also, I was expecting to see boxes.... I'm disapointed.
Alas the lazyness overthroes the potential...
still.. nice idea...