Ok, so, I am thinking of purchasing a console system, finally. I have not had one of the present gen systems at all, not a 360, not a PS3, not a Wii; none of them. I have however played them all, the 360 and PS3 mostly due to the fact that my cousin has both systems, lucky bastard got both as gifts =P. Anyhow, I am thinking of which system I would want to purchase, here a a few notes:
- Blu-Ray vs DVD : could take or leave either one really, I do watch movies, but not near the amount it would be to make it matter all that much.
- Microsoft vs Sony : frankly, I am not a "fanboy" of either company. I do have a PS2, and before that had a N64. I do not love one company over the other, so that does not matter either really.
Now, on to the serious notes. I do know the notes regarding the differences in price and some in the performances of each system. To clarify this I will state that I would also be doing a good bit of online playing with whichever system I do purchase. By that I mean I would be playing CoD :W@W for vs amtches and Zombies, and some other games as well, such as MW2 when it comes out. So, following that, the list of purchases would be:
- PS3 : basically all I think I would need would be the system, correct?
- 360 : the system itself, the 12 month memebership, the wireless router (at some point if not right away), and the charge cable tether thing.
I do have an idea of which games I would like to get, some of which are multi-platform, some are exclusives.
- Prototype (both)
- CoD :W@W (both)
- MW2 (both)
- Army of Two 2 (360)
played first one
- Assassin's Creed2 (both)
played a bit of the first one, fucking awesome, second looks sweet.
- Lost Planet 2 (360)
played first one
- Drake 2 (PS3)
played first one
- God of War 3 (PS3)
played first two
- InFamous, prolly* (PS3)
played it a bit at my cousin's house, pretty awesome.
- Final Fantasy 13 (both)
- Left 4 Dead 2,prolly (360)
fun to mess around in on the first one, sort of a pain to find good games.
* I played it at my cousin's house and it was awesome from what I played, if I don't buy it, I would prolly at least borrow it from him.
Now, I do think that, regardless of which system I would get me and my cousin would get a team together or something for CoD or MW2 and what not. I orinigally thought of 360 due to the fact that my cousin's sister's b/f also has a 360 and he could be in our matches as well. Well, he does not play as much for some reason and frankly, he is not all the good =P. A fairly good friend of mine that I went to college with and still hang out with most weekends has a PS3, he bought it when it was in the $500-600 range when it first came out.
So mainly, I am looking for a good system, with which to play games, have some fun online with my friends/cousin as well as other people on the network. And which also has some pretty good solo play games such as Prototype, FF13, and such.
So, taking all into account H/A forums, please help me decide. I was oringally sure to get a 360, but then I was thinking that my friend has the PS3 as well,a nd that a number of the games I really want (CoD :W@W, FF13, MW2, AC2) are available on both systems. So can anybody crtique the systems for me as far as games, systems, and online experience taking into account the above point I stated?
Thank you ahead of time for the help and advice. Much appreciation.
I am going to be totally honest with you, I am a liar.
- Army of Two 2 (both)
played first one
- Lost Planet 2 (both)
played first one
- Left 4 Dead 2,prolly (buy it on PC or you're doing it wrong)
fun to mess around in on the first one, sort of a pain to find good games.
Given that there's no 360-exclusive titles anymore except for L4D2 and see above re: doing it wrong, I'd say just get the PS3.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
There aren't any good online co-op FPS games for the PS3 honestly. I keep looking for one for my friend and I to play but we can't find any. Resistance 2's has some sorta mission based one that isn't anything like the single player (which angers me). Little Big Planet is online but that's really the only one I've had fun with.
Marketer or just indecisive?
Sounds like a 360 would be best for you if the other features (BR) of a PS3 aren't as important.
The fact that your friend has a PS3 is important, you both would like to play games together, correct? If so, that should be a major factor. Who you play with the most and would be most likely to play with you should factor into your decision. Here on the forums, there are many, many PS3 owners, but many more Xbox 360 owners.
The 12 month membership for Xbox Live is negligible, plus it is extremely common to find 12 month subscription cards for $30. Plus, Xbox Live is an extremely good service that (in my opinion) is more robust and full featured than the PS3's offering. If you have and use Netflix, the instant viewing on Xbox Live is fantastic. I have a queue of over 300 movies that I can view at any time.
Some things that you are missing: If you get the PS3 you will need to get a bluetooth headset if you want to voice chat with people online. A tether/charge cable for the 360's controllers is not necessary, and I personally found investing in a good pair of rechargeable AA batteries to be a better investment than purchasing proprietary battery packs for the 360's controllers (Sanyo's Eneloop is a good brand of rechargeable battery, and Costco is having a special for $20 including charger, 8 AA's, and 2 AAA's). If you do not have a router near your entertainment center, purchasing the 360 wireless adapter is a bitch, and I agree, overpriced.
Blu-ray is fantastic, and I buy all my new movies in that format. That said, if you still have a standard-def television, you will not notice a significant difference, as the format is practically geared for HDTV. For movies that truly show off blu-ray, the BBC's Planet Earth and the Pixar movies are fantastic ways of showing off.
All of my cross-platform games are for my 360 because that is the system that the majority of people I play with (both here on the forums, and personal friends) have. I use Netflix Instant viewing at least two to three times per week on the 360, but I watch all of my DVD's and Blu-rays on my PS3.
As far as online experiences go, both can be pits of pre-pubescent jackasses who seriously need to be spanked by their parents. Stick to the forums and your personal friends.
I hope this helps.
As for exclusive titles, you've listed two Sony first-party series (Uncharted and God of War are both published by Sony and are intensely unlikely to ever appear on the 360), but no Microsoft first-party series (e.g. no Halo, no Gears of War). That's another nod in favor of you buying a PS3. The age of third-party exclusives is deader than dead, they shouldn't even factor into your decision. Third-party titles that are launched/announced as "exclusively for <system X>" are usually just timed exclusives and will appear on the other system sooner or later. You could pick one system based on having a greater number of current and upcoming third-party titles you want to play, but a) almost all will probably come out for the other system eventually and b) which third-party titles you like the look of in next year's crop could swing to the other system for all you know.
Aside from BluRay support, anything else you'd care to argue between the two systems (cost, technology, etc.) is likely a waste of time, an exercise in fanboy-ism, and ultimately not something that will make or break your enjoyment of the purchase.
As to the Wii, there are some genuinely fantastic games (Mario Galaxy is pure refined awesome) but the majority of those are by Nintendo. Once you've gone through them then it's onto waggle game 3701. (yes I did a waggle joke)
I sold my Wii as I simply stopped playing on it. (must resist joke...)
I've got a spare copy of Portal, if anyone wants it message me.
Umm what? Any USB device capable of recording sounds works just fine, hell I've used my rock band microphone when I was too lazy to plug in my headset
Also, A bigger PS3 vs Xbox360 Thread
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
- Which system is more common among your circle of friends?
- Whose first-party titles do you personally prefer, Sony's or Microsoft's?
- Do you have an HDTV? If yes, are you keen on BluRay movies?
Anyone who isn't certain which one to buy should have a pretty solid idea by the time they answer those three questions. There's no need to make it any more complicated than that.And I am so going to copy-pasta that list the next this comes up. :P
Since your friends own PS3s, I'd probably go that route. Sharing games is awesome, as is online mutliplayer with guys you know.
get the one that you'd be most excited to unbox, plug in, and sit down with for the first time
The majority of Microsoft Exclusive titles get ported to PC, and if you have a decent PC you can get them.
For instance -- Alan Wake. I will buy this for my PC and will bask in my mouse and keyboard aiming.
Critical Failures - Havenhold Campaign • August St. Cloud (Human Ranger)
In terms of media centers I would just edge out the PS3, the xbox has a better interface, but the fact that it is quiet is a huge difference.
Satans..... hints.....
Same camp as you. Though, I would say go for the 360. I have one person I know in real life on my friend's list, the other 90 something are people I've met through PA, other websites, or playing with at random. Not hard at all to find people to play with and have a really good time.
I've never owned a PS2 before, so this is a big factor for my enjoyment.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
I have both systems and even if they were identical with regards to games and I all THE ps3 would be my choice. Just the fact the PS3 makes less noise and is all about bombproof makes the choice easy.
This man is smart.
Quite the opposite in my household - the 360 has been used for very little other than Netflix streaming since I picked up a PS3. The occasional exclusive gets some play, but anything multi-platform is a PS3 purchase for me. At one point I went around 8 months without picking up a new game for the 360. Biggest reason why is that my PS3 is so, so much quieter than the 360. A secondary, but still important, reason would be that I have much more faith in the PS3 holding up than I do the 360. The reliability of each console played a big role in my decision as to which HDD I would want large amounts of Rock Band DLC on.
My primary circle of friends is pretty evenly split between PS3 and 360 owners, so no real reason to go either way for me on multi-player titles. Actually, the guy who did the most online gaming other than myself just had his 360 rrod on him. So it comes back to the noise issue and reliability, and the PS3 wins on both for me.
Edit: I should note that I'm not big in to playing games online, so that could shape your decision more than it's shaped mine. I notice in the OP you mention playing games online, so if that's going to be a big part of what you do you will definitely want to play with friends, as I've never had good luck finding games with strangers.
I think you'll be happy with either system, so just go with what your friends have.
Opposite camp. My ps3 is the principle machine in the living room, I'm loving the exclusives and the console to me feels much more solid. My 360 now lives in the spare bedroom to be played on when I'm not allowed to interrupt the tv watching habits of my gf.
Not that I'm saying either is better, I'm just trying to highlight it's all down to personal preference.
PSN: SirGrinchX
Oculus Rift: Sir_Grinch
I'd say, if online gaming is important to you, and you aren't worried about gaming with your friends, get a 360. If you do want to game with your friends, get whatever they have. Its kinda dumb that 360 and ps3 games can't play together if they're the same game, as it could be done EXTREMELY easily (unless I'm overlooking some key issue) but as far as I know it could all be dealt with server side (ie, make the syntax each console sends to the server the same, just how it deals with it when receiving it specific to the hardware its running on.)
That would require Microsoft and Sony to play nice =p
Yeah, I think the question you have to ask is, why would Microsoft want to let people buy PS3s and play with their friends who have 360s (and vice versa)? It seems like in the age of online gaming, what console your friends own plays a very large role in which one you purchase. Giving that up would be crazy from a marketing standpoint.
You don't have to buy the wireless adapter- pick up an old router and set it as a wireless bridge. Problem solved for cheap.
Do you have an HDTV? If so, the PS3 doesn't come with cables, so that is an added cost.
edit: since I already posted might as well add my own 2 c
The ps3 is a pretty decent gaming machine, but I wouldn't get one with BC. The older models run a lot hotter and take more power than the newer ones do. That wouldn't be a big deal, but my 80gb is starting to get pretty loud now. I've had it for 2 years or maybe 3, but I've also taken it apart and cleaned everything up with no change. If you have a ps2 already just keep it around for the old games IMO.
As for the 360, from playing it at friends places, the games are about on par. My only gripe is the shitty D-pad. If you like fighters and use d-pad don't even bother.
Also, I know this part will cause a bit of bullshit, but its why I'll never get a 360 even though there are quite a few games on it I'd like: RROD. If you had to send it in would it be a problem for you?
And while I'm not defending the Xbox's price point either, you are pretty much required to buy a new micro USB cable if you want to charge a controller as well as the one that it comes with is maybe 2 feet long.
(This is totally offset by the 360's wireless networking device but I mean it's still a oh my god the hell were they thing type move)
Satans..... hints.....
It is accurate and may be helpful.
Forza Motorsport 2 and 3 (in October) mo'sucka. Where have you been? Forza is the new king.
Forza wins if only because they gave a solid release date and showed more than a cinematic trailer at E3. GT5 is still vaporware as far as I'm concerned. No release date? No actual gameplay footage? And how long have they been working on it? By the time it's out, they'll have to change the name to Gran Turismo Holodeck.
They're both good systems, and there's no fundamental argument you can make that one is better than the other. Buy the one more of your friends have so you can play with them.
At this point I think the dude was actually a 360 troll. GT5 is vaporware.
True to a point, but each system has its own little quirks that may tailor it to one personality over another.
I'm willing to take a chance on the RROD, for example. Someone who isn't can ignore the 360.
I'm annoyed every time I have to install a game on the PS3. I am annoyed that the PS3 takes an order of magnitude longer to update itself than the 360 does. This makes the 360 more appealing to me.
Online gaming is completely free on the PS3. This is a major selling point.
The online experience is generally smoother on the 360, though. If $50/year isn't a big deal, this is a major selling point.
And so on.
But yeah, 90% of the games out there are multi-platform. Which is why either system will make any gamer happy. There's not a wrong choice, but for a given person there is probably a a righter choice.