First, let me apologize for anyone expecting painting tips or tricks from me. I need help, but am not really in a place to give it skill wise.
Second, let me apologize if this thread already exists in some form. I didn't see it, and will accept my punitive beatings/ summary execution as neccesary.
Third, onto the point...
I'm looking for ideas on how I would paint a mini to look like it was made of burning coals.
Something like this:
So far, my thoughts where to start with a white primer, apply a light basecoat of yellow, then thin washes in orange and red (which should settle into the deepest parts of the mini, where the hottest fire would be).
After this, paint in light grey avoiding joints and the deeper details (IE where the firey bits would show through), then dry brush in a mid-grey. Finally hit some spots in darker grey/near black.
So, PA Paintmasters, any suggestions, or does my current plan sound workable?
Edit: Figured it might help to show what I wanted to do this on.
Was planning on using it for a Circle of Orboros force using mostly constructs rather then beasts.
Also, Wold Stalkers.
Edit again: Thanks Figgy. I'll post there. On the off hand chance that any Mods read this thread, go ahead and lock it.
These guys are insanely talented at painting minis.