I got the smallpox vaccination about two weeks ago, about five days ago the area around my arm started to itch a lot and there were red bumps on it. I went to the immunizations clinic and asked them about it and asked if it was a problem, they said it was from the bandage and that it was ok so I didn't worry about it anymore. Today I looked at it and it is now a small yellowish puss filled scab, just like the site of the vaccination.
This has me worried, vaccinia (the smallpox virus) has now spread and I do not know what the fuck to do or how it spread in the first place. What worries me the most though is that after the clinic told me it was just a rash I put some lotion on it and I touched it quite a bit, I washed my hands after but I was not too careful about it because I was not worried that it was the virus. To spread does it have to be the puss that spreads or what?
I have no one I can contact about this until tomorrow.
Can you get to an emergency room?