My dad wants his TV moved from the family room to his den. I crawled into the attic, found the Dish junction box, and by way of unplugging to see if the picture was lot, determined that line 2 fed the family room. Luckily I didn't have to run any wire because his den has an unused coax hanging in the wall behind an unused plate. I tracked that wire through the ceiling, through the insulation, over the air ducts, through the beams, and across the studs, to its end. Lucky me again, I didn't even have to cut it, I just had to toss a connector on it and crimp it tight.
So I plugged the den coax into port 2 of the Dish junction box, hauled the TV over, hooked it up, and the damn thing hung up on "Searching for Satellite".
Clearly something went wrong, but I can't think where. I'm certain I followed the correct cable through the attic the whole time, but I'll double check tonight once its cooler. I'm certain my connections are strong, there is certainly enough wire coming out of the top of the coax connector to insure a connection.
Maybe there is something specific to Dish installations that I'm missing. Can anyone give me some insight?
The coax hanging in the den has been unused since the house was built a couple years ago, and the odds of a bum cable are slim to nill, right? Is there any way to test if the cable works (or if I even have the right one) by putting a charge through it (how) and testing the other end with a voltmeter?