Doing a cross-country road trip and all three people in the car have a DS.
We've all got Tetris and Mario Kart, the foundation of any good time, but these games are a little long in the tooth and I'm wondering if there's something more recent that I've missed. Variety is always nice.
Prefer games that appeal to anyone and don't require a lot of skill or have a huge learning curve. But if there's something awesome enough, feel free to mention it.
Can be either single cart or multi cart play.
Switch: 6200-8149-0919 / Wii U: maximumzero / 3DS: 0860-3352-3335 / eBay Shop
korg ds10 (if you all happen to be music nerds)
new super mario bros
edit: good call on worms
Anyone got a feel for Space Invaders Extreme? Couldn't dig up a review that gave a solid impression of the multiplayer.
Also considering GTA:Chinatown. Just because the GF loves smashing cars.
Also, if you don't mind it only being 2-player, Contra 4. It's utterly badass, and the series was made for co-op.
Star Fox Command is a pretty mediocre single-player game, but multiplayer dogfights are pretty fun.
(Basically starts at :30...)
It has single cart multiplayer (both download and single system passing) but every 3-5 games you'll get desynced with each other which will ruin the game. Sucks but it's worth it anyway due to how fun it is!
Seriously it's amazing.
this is an incredible game that you should get no matter what. also the multiplayer is pretty darn fun.
The Pipe Vault|Twitter|Steam|Backloggery|3DS:1332-7703-1083
PSN: astronautcowboy 3DS: 5343-8146-1833
I have Sega, Nintendo and Xbox games and systems for sale. Please help me buy diapers.
If the answer's "not a lot", you can always bust out Dokapon Journey. Single-cart play, too.
COME FORTH, AMATERASU! - Switch Friend Code SW-5465-2458-5696 - Twitch
Also fun to just watch/listen to.
I did get Ninja Town because TRU had it for $10.. and why not?
Mario Party sounds like a grand choice given the single cart requirements. That's an enterprise I can get behind!
My contribution: Advance wars. Single cart play, will kill hours.
Worms is fairly old by now, I bought it from Amazon.
Requires a cart and a GBA (DS doesn't do link cable play) and a link cable per player so unlikely to be scrounged together unless you're putting in a lot of effort. That said the gameplay is golden multiplay hilarity with the perfect mix of co-operation and competition.