Just wondering what self-imposed challenges people come up with for games?
I think these have gotten a higher profile with Achievements/Trophies, as a lot of the more obscure ones are things like 'Complete the game only using the pistol'.
I've done a few of these including the Orange Box ones (Episode One with just Rockets/Gravity gun, and taking the Gnome all the way through Episode Two). I'm guessing the Episode One one must have been started by fans well before Valve ever thought to add achievements for it, though.
It was oddly satisfying to do them, even if they did get frustrating (considering they had to have known they were putting the Gnome one in there from the start, they could have given us a box on the car to put it in, or something).
I also got most of the way through the Half Life 2 carrying Dog's ball, but I ended up abandoning that run when some new games distracted me.
I've also just started a run-through of Fallout 3, limiting myself to unarmed weapons only.
Anyone else have some interesting examples/suggestions?
Nobody remembers the singer. The song remains.
No Roulettes, no God Hand, Good Luck.
I generally don't bother unless it will increase the amount of fun I have, or I'm drunk and doing W+M1 pyro literally.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
It makes it feel more like what the stealth element should have been. How the hell do they not know it's me when I RUN UP WALLS?!
Final Fantasy 6 is actually well designed about that, for example. Boss fights don't give you experience and there's very few forced battles that do give experience. It's possible to beat the game with almost everyone under level 10.
"Iron Man challenge" of Diablo 1 was a mode I was fond of. The rules for this were that you were not allowed to go to town. You had to just keep descending deeper into the game, living entirely off whatever you managed to find.
Last night i beat my pal playing Ali, while i was some featherweight.... My friends are terrible at games.
When I play Twin Snakes, I try to limit myself to what MGS1 Snake could do.
For example, I've beaten Final Fantasy (I) with an all Red Mage party.
I've beaten Final Fantasy VII without casting a single healing spell.
I've beaten Super Mario RPG without using Timed Hits.
I'm up to Rose Town on a Mallow only runthrough of Super Mario RPG.
I'm up to Threed on a Ness only runthrough of Earthbound.
One day I intend to do a Yuna + Summons only runthrough of FFX
Some of the other fun limitations I've done:
100% on Super Mario World without using Yoshi
100% on Super Mario World without using the cape (Nearly - a few secret exits are impossible)
Ocarina of Time without picking up Heart Containers
Beating various Goldeneye levels exclusively with Throwing Knives or without ever getting shot at.
Once, I won a race in Mario Kart 64 playing with my feet.
That actually sounds like a nice challenge.
It feels so much more natural and balanced.
Also this.
Let 'em eat fucking pineapples!
I'm glad someone else agrees with me about the tournament culture being fucking retarded sometimes. One of my friends, when playing GoW online, would go into games and tell them they should set the server to MLG rules, because those are the "official" rules. I would inform him that he's being a jackass.
Self imposed rules on myself? I don't really do this, to be honest. I mean, I'll sometimes avoid a weapon or an ability in a game that will trivialize the game, but for the most part I won't restrict myself. Aside from game breaking stuff, the only times I really try to "restrict" myself is when I've beaten a game 1-2 times and I'm looking for a new challenge.
This is the key right here. Extra limitations for a game play-through are generally done by people who have mastered a game using all aspects of the game as it was intended. They are looking for extra challenge.
Take my Ocarina of Time challenge as an example. Back when the 64 was the current gen, people played the hell out of OoT. As a way of squeezing more life out of the game, the Three Heart Challenge was born. Sure you can beat the game with a bunch of extra hearts. But can you do it with the bare minimum and nothing more?
Self-Imposed challenges are a way of adding extra replay value to a game that you would otherwise abandon because you've already completed it.
Also, even though hardly ANYBODY seems to have played this game - in Rockstar's Bully you got health bonuses by getting better in Art class and making out with girls; the better your Art score the higher your health bonus. Now when I play it I never go beyond Art 3, because after that the health bonus just makes the game way too easy.
I'm pretty sure there's way more people who would argue along the lines of "tournament rules" being retarded most of the time rather than some of the time.
BTW: no bold, no quoting, text only, Final Destination
I did this with Deus Ex - various combinations of melee only, no killing anyone, no augs, no upgrades, just to challenge myself.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I did this in THPS2. Sort of anyway; I spent my money buying decks and that was it. It wasn't until I unlocked Stud mode (maxes stats) that I was able to complete the game with every skater (save for one I guess, I haven't completed the gap checklist yet).
I've done the FF Tactics Solo Ramza game, the Symphony of the Night naked game, and min-item Metroid games.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
I went through all of them on every level trying to not get detected once. You get a huge rush going through without a single "what was that?"
T-Nation blog
Handmade Jewelry by me on EtsyGames for sale
Me on Twitch!
edit: Oh yeah, no mouse either. Old timey keyboard only controls.
These days I suck too much and have too little patience. I just start up games on default difficulty and have at them.
One of the most challenging things I've ever managed to complete.
Also, Nethack - No Wishes.
Taramoor on Youtube
I'll periodically pull out ActRaiser and play it without ever dying.
Sometimes I'll put +forward and/or +attack on in TF2 and run around, or melee only rounds.
Left4Dead has all kinda of meta-games. Race4Dead where you pick up an autoshotty and just haul ass. Whoever gets to the end first wins. Expert+ which a couple of people created that makes mobs 3 times bigger, twice as fast, ups the health on all the boss infected, and makes friendly fire do a ridiculous amount of damage. A game mode we named but I can't remember now, that's basically pistols and walking only.
On the Wii version, sometimes I think that would make it easier. Drawing that stupid star is nearly impossible.
Kingdom Hearts 2 becomes tons more fun when you do a low level challenge.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
We call that the Rick Allen achievement round here.