Hey All,
I am, for some reason, interested in running a game (I tried earlier, with a homebrew system of my own design and didn't get much interest). Since I don't feel comfortable running a DnD type system, I did some research into "simple" systems and found the following that seemed very "Pick up and Play";
2d6 Quick & Dirty Roleplaying Game
Real simple, all based on a few skills and a few quirks. Takes about 2 minutes to make a character.
Kind of silly, but goes a little more into depth.
The idea here is just a simple, limited delve where 3-4 characters deal with a social situation and a physical confrontation in order to test the system and the characters. Whackier you come up with (Robot Pirates, Ninja Insects etc etc) the better.
Very limited investment, and could be fun.
If you are interested, just reply with which system you want to try. Standard post a day nonsense applies (Exempt on weekends and all).
PDQ is also a good choice for this sort of thing.