my other desktop has been screwed for some time, i tried fixing it when it first happened but had no luck.
I could actually use a second computer again so i am having another go at fixing it.
I was greeted with the following screen one day for no apparent reason
when i turn the pc on i get a safe mode select screen and whatever option i choose i get the blue screen above.
So is my computer junked or is there something really simple i can do that i was too stupid to figure out?
Street Fighter 4 (pc): sdurien
Steam: Jon
*back on main computer*
wasnt sure that post went up as it kept crashing internet explorer when i went to post it. the computer also wont shut down now, when i do shut it down it just starts back up. but at least i have a usable computer and it should fill the role i need it to (kids junk computer/media server). so thanks again!