So this game came out last week, and has gone virtually unnoticed. It's a former PS2 title, but it never got released in the US. Now it's on the DS and has actually been out everywhere else but the US for about 6 months.
So what is this game really? Honestly, I have no goddamn clue. This shouldn't be a surprise though, as the game was made by Grasshopper studios. Yes, this is a Suda 51 game. It's an adventure game, and you've been assigned to figure out the mystery of a terrorist attack on "Lospass" island, while staying at the Flower, Sun, and Rain hotel. However, a time loop prevents things from being so simple. You solve puzzles by jacking into items with Catherine, your briefcase/weird key thing. You then enter in the correct numbers for the puzzle, and voila! You've done it! This game is also said to have lots of backtracking, and the game gives you a pedometer to track your steps. Reach enough steps and you'll get a reward. Sounds great, right? Well, there's one thing about this game you should probably know....
This game was originally released when Suda 51 was still completely fucking insane. He still is, but this is Killer 7 levels of nuts. Everyone in this game speaks in that garbled "In the name of Harman" voice. Also, Suda fucking HATES you. The second puzzle in the game requires you to read a 49 page hotel catalog to figure out how to get out of your room. I'm not even joking, the odds of you turning to the correct page on your first try are slim. The catalog is also home to the solutions of other puzzles, so you really need to read it. Now you may be thinking "Surely it isn't really 49 pages." Oh, you are wrong. It may not be 49 full pages, but it's at least 40. Everything is covered in the catalog. Maps, directions for a forest so you don't get lost, the history of a ruined tablet, drink recipes, celebrity interviews, everything is in that catalog.
So I want to get some discussion going on this game, because I really don't want to be alone when playing this. I'm not even that far, only about an hour in, but I know this game isn't going to be a walk in the park. I need to know someone else out there has this game, and I also find it a quite interesting game as well so I want to spread the word. This game was impossible to find last week, but you should have luck finding it now. In any case, welcome to the adventure game that hates you. Welcome to the Hotel Flower, Sun, and Rain.
All the negative reviews though have made me wary of playing it.
EDIT: I didn't read the whole guide for that early puzzle, I just flipped through the pages super quick until I found the one with the picture of the camera on it.
Yeah you don't actually have to read it all, and I doubt they really wanted you to, but it puts stuff in the back of your mind that you know will come up later. I know now when I have to mix a certain drink, or traverse through the forest, that there's a certain section to look through in the catalog. It's Suda 51, I'm trying to prepare myself. You know you'll end up reading through pretty much the whole thing by the end. Were you at least cursing Suda's name for being such a bastard as to make you flip through that whole catalog anyway?
Fatal, I think it'll end up like most Suda games and be a love it or hate it game. I think he strives for that too, or he wouldn't make a game full of backtracking and full length catalogs detailing the history of a resort down to who designed it in the first place.
I think I'll give this game a chance then. I've never played a suda 51 game before so I have no idea what to expect aside from rampant oddity.
And yeah, the fact you're handed this huge guide book at the beginning of the game is great. I noticed while flipping through it there were a few pages devoted to luche libre. I love Suda games.
I hear he is doing a horror game next, though? That could be interesting.