I noticed that throughout the day I feel very lethargic and unmotivated until the late afternoon, maybe around 4:30 5:00 PM.
When it comes to doing anything, including activities I like, I seem to excel at them during night hours.
I was playing guitar last night, and enjoying every second of it, everything just came out right. but it was 11PM and I'd like to get a good nights rest, so I decided to end my little practice session.
The next morning I picked it up and it felt a little off and unnatural.
I shared this with a co-worker who's an old timer and he said his best work was always done at night.
But I'd like to be productive throughout the entire day.
Is this something I can fix; Perhaps a better sleep schedule?
Usually I'll go to sleep 10:30PM and wake up on my own at 9PM if I don't have work or school. If I have work or school I still go to sleep around 10:30PM but just wake up earlier at 7PM.
I think adults need even less than that. I usually get around 7 hours of sleep a night. 11pm to 6am on days i have class and i shift it an hour from midnight to 7 on weekends. But seriously, it will be tough but force yourself to get up earlier or go to sleep later. You will have much more energy.
I eat 3 meals a day with snacks in between(like 2 pretzel rods or something, nothing big).
But I haven't been able to run a mile without stopping and walking the rest of the way, maybe half through.
I recently had a check up and my blood pressure and heart rate are good, but it seems I run out of breathe pretty fast. So maybe its my cardiovascular system that needs to be overhauled.
Yeah, it sounds like you're lifting but you don't do enough cardio. You should be able to run a mile without problems, and hopefully you should be able to go for a longer jog than that. Try running before work or before dinner, work up to at least a couple of miles. If your blood sugar is high enough (and it seems to be) then this is probably what's up.