I just went to the USPS website to change my address. Everything went fine, but then I got to a page asking for a credit card number. They want to charge a dollar to prove who I am. Now, I obviously don't mind paying a dollar. I also googled for the USPS website, so I shouldn't have to worry about some scammer making a website, although I would expect the USPS website to end in .gov, and this one is .com. Question is, is this legit?
It's fine.
I just used a month or two ago myself.
Addendum: seriously, you think that some scammer with a domain name usps.com would be phishing as a government organization? Do you know what would happen to him?
we also talk about other random shit and clown upon each other
Although, very good point. Well played sir.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
Totally redeems the gas.
They mail you those coupons if you do it online.