So, because of this whole crappy economy and whatnot, I lost a ton of money and now I'm finding myself incredibly poor and having absolutely no luck getting a job anywhere near me (Cullowhee, NC...sorta near Asheville).
I am behind on my car insurance payments. Tuition is coming up soon (my last semester) and at the end of July, my lease will be up and I will be out of a place to live. My goal was to find a lease to take in the beginning of the summer, but it kind of fell through when the person I was going in with suddenly needed to back out.
I've cut back on pretty much all my expenses (I've been eating PB&J for weeks now), but things always start piling up (brakes on car need to be replaced, car needs inspection, car needs 2009 registration etc). I have done all my car stuff in the summer so I don't have to worry about it during the year...but now its piled up in my mailbox and I'm just left with a
Money and job are needed. My parents aren't doing so hot either, and they don't want to co-sign any loans with me. My credit union seems willing to give me a loan, but I need to have an income first. My only real income right now is $60/week I get from donating plasma. Is it legal to sell kidneys and other spare organs? (really only half joking)
The real world sucks, guys. Any advice would be great. The stress is really getting to me.
*edit* My roommate is a good guy and convinced his management that two people he works with are trash employees and pretty much got them fired. I'm at the top of the 'call for job' list at Ryan's now. They said they would "call in a few days." I think that's 7.50/hr. I wish they would call sooner.
**edit** I very recently started putting the better photographs I've take up on sites to microstock them. IE: Companies buy them for stuff, and I get the money. Sure, its selling out, but I need to eat.
You mean it didn't leave you set for life and able to by all the latest Ferrari's? Damn the movies are always lying to me.
As for your original questions. You need a job and you need one bad. Its the only real source of income you can trust. Though if you are donating blood for money. You might want to check to see if you can donate another bodily fluid at another "bank".
Also, have you considered taking classes somewhere closer to home and living with your parents?
Get two/three/four part time jobs with balancing schedules and earn some cash to build up on. Cut back on fun, food, and personal expenses to a minimum, work like crazy, study like crazy, and get through the semester. It can be done with minimum insanity. I'm proof.
Ahem. Well, yes. Good luck.
"Yes, I'd like to apply for a job here.. and here is my schedule that you will be working around."
OP: 7.50/hr and you're hoping they call? What does mcdonald's pay where you live? If you need a job desperately, go for something like that for now.
Yep. Minimum wage jobs require you to show up and talk to the manager. Just turning in an application won't get you anywhere.
As for the four jobs thing:
1) I worked 8 hours a week (all day Saturday) at a flooring warehouse
2) Variable shift at Panera, Sundays only. (Usually 6 hours)
3) On-call tech support/coordination job with my cell phone. No set hours, roughly $200 a week.
4) 20-30 hours a week in the afternoons at a furniture store.
Took my classes in the weekday morning before 3:00. It was a horribad last year, but I was able to pay for everything, get my work done, and only developed a few multiple personalities by the end. Of course, as soon as I graduated I dropped all but the Furniture gig.
I want $300 now just for having the read the words anal intrusions.
I've had tons of luck in Asheville finding places that seems super-interested in me. I apply, talk, get interview, call back, they say something along the lines of 'We haven't made a decision yet, yadda yadda yadda' and I wait, call back and it seems like they start to ignore me. Or if I do manage to talk to them, I feel like they make up excuses for why they haven't called back (IE: Best Buy said they hadn't called back because they got a random shipment of something and it caused them to be super busy...but they'd call me back "As soon as possible." I don't get a call. I go in or call them back and get a 'The manager is busy' speal. End up feeling rejected. People don't want to actually verbally reject anyone in this area. They all try to be so damn polite.
My parents recently moved to a tiny town in the middle-of-nowhere Virginia. There is no college near them (and if there was, I think I would be paying out-of-state tuition because they haven't lived there for six months yet) and if I move in with them, I'm sure I'll be stuck in a situation where I won't be able to leave for a long time.
I live off-campus right now, so my plan is to get a job, than as soon as I can, move back into the dorm (as much as it'll kill me. I hated WCU dorm-life). Tuition for Western is only $5.5k or something like that (with a meal plan and living on campus).
Because I'm so game for that. Sleep is for the weak.
I am proof of that. They sent me a rejection letter. They told me that they had no jobs fitting my skills/qualifications, at that time.
Just keep going, apply everywhere and anywhere, tailor your resume/cover letter every time. Your full time job is now applying to jobs, and you should treat it as such.
but they're listening to every word I say
This is very true. The lack of benefits sucks, but waitering can provide pretty good money.
And some people seem unsure if I could live on 7.50/hour and since the cost of living out here is so low, its pretty possible (in theory, anyway). I could probably do it on minimum wage if I was working full time. I pay 220/month for a fairly larged-sized two bedroom apartment (my half the rent anyway). Its considerably cheaper than other locations I have found.