I have never played a table-top RPG before. Ever. I have watched them
be played, but have never been a participant.
That being said, I just bought the core rulebook for Dark Heresy...
...the Warhammer 40K RPG. I happened to be wandering through Barnes and Noble before I had to report for duty, and saw it. The plastic protecting it from the hands of man seemed to catch the light just so, as if it were winking at me. I picked it up, and it seemed to whisper unintelligible words into my ear; words that were slippery and phlegmatic, but oddly reassuring.
Now, I sit in my room reading the codex cover to cover and wondering: what did I get myself into? Having so long resisted the sirens' call of table-top RPG's, have I fallen now, at so late an age (24)? Where will I find someone who can teach me the ropes of DMing for any group I may gather to my side to join me in tackling the forces of Chaos and preserving the Imperium of Man from all threats internal? Which will I choose, boxers or briefs or that sinister
third choice: boxer-briefs?! I could go on, but really I just want to learn how to play this game, start getting a group together (I already have two others willing to give it a go), and getting regular games set up.
To these ends I turn to you, my friends. Will you help me decipher mysteries of this new and wondrous game? Will you welcome me into this most awesome of clubs, embracing me with a slightly sweaty hug that smells wonderfully of stale beer and old dip?
Regardless, this is a Dark Heresy thread in which we discuss all things Dark Heresy...-ey. Character creation, skill sets, settings, recommended builds, and so on. The list is endless, much like the breadsticks at the Olive Garden.
Also, any chance anyone here plays DH around the Sac/Fairfield area of California? I was just stationed to Travis AFB earlier this year and now that this evil, evil game has me by the short and curlies, I'm looking to jump in with both feet. Do or die, sink or swim, pick your euphemism. If you
do happen to play near said area, shoot me a PM and we can chat. I assure you I am not a fool, just new to the experience, so if you can bear new-guy questions I'm chomping at the bit to play.
also satisfying is playing as a marvelous mostly-mechanical man with a penchant for cleaving men in two with his monomolecular great axe
I'm serious, I've made like six different characters. I also have some campaign ideas.
I am 95% sure there is a techpriest option to not eat. Or eat metal, or dust, or the Emperor's faith, or the guts of your fallen enemies. DO IT.
I'm sure we could manage to swing something. The God-Emperor of Mankind DEMANDS IT!
From the Desk of Darth Vertroue Diplomat to the USA.
Make sure to get the latest errata.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
As far as I'm concerned, if you have the Handbook, it goes. I'm going to LA this weekend, but if anyone is interested send me a PM and we can pick up from there. Skype seems to be the only way a lot of us will get a chance to play, so let's do it.
THat being said, the sheer lethality of the game makes it that much more impressive when the PC's pull off something cool as hell. Some of the most fun I've ever had roleplaying was with WFRP, and Dark Heresy has that same potential.
"Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
You do realize you've now doomed them to a horrible fate, right?
Preferably involving nurglings... :twisted:
"Go up, thou bald head." -2 Kings 2:23
Actually we're taking a break, and if we come back for more Dark Heresy later they will be using new characters. We finished up the campaign storyline I'd set up last session (they faced off against Daemonhost) and they're high enough level we've decided to wait for Ascension to come out to see if we will revisit the characters.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
I found DH to be nowhere near as lethal as people made it out to be. Just remember to use cover, grenades, and whenever possible, use Full Auto fire.
Even in social encounters.
How many people do you need for a decent game?
Also: Is deathwatch still on the way?
Just from a quick glance over of the free adventure, characters seem more powerful. I think there was some complaints about the original Dark Heresy because of this.
Also, more rules for archaeo/xenotech I think.
And it will have ships! Ships!
Two of my sessions game mastering have been with only two PCs and they turned out satisfying. The first one was more of a practice run learning experience, while all three of us in the second were already rather experienced and comfortable with the rules. I'd say the most important thing is the players need to work closely as a team, with an equal level of decision-making and instigating.
Rounds go by quicker and the GM has an easier time of addressing players individually and generating their motivations, so I'd say 2-3 players is a very good learning experience.
From my understanding, the three planned PHBs- Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, and Deathwatch, are meant to represent three 'tiers' of power for PCs.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
See, I purchased the DH rulebook a few weeks back because I had an itch to play some WH40K and I'll be damned if I'm going to spend a couple hundred dollars on an army (again).
However, I only have one other player (my brother, whom I fully indoctrinated into the glory of the Emperor with the Gaunt's Ghosts Omnibuses) and due to my lack of prep time, I've just been running the premade stuff (back of the book adventure, the 2 free ones on the FF website, the GM screen adventure and the 3-part adventure book).
Some of those things were rather difficult given that we were only rank 2 at the time. Finding/fighting the cult in the Hive was a pain in the ass. And as much as I hated to do so, I had to pull the GM card so that our characters lived.
Wish he had internet so we could join an online DH game.
Though I would avoid doing that in the third adventure in Purge the Unclean.
As far as published adventures, there is the 3-part Haarlock's Legacy campaign, the first part of which is available now and the next two parts due out later this year. I've heard nothing but good things about it, and I've also looked over the prologue to the campaign, which is available in the Disciples of the Dark Gods sourcebook.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
We just hit Rank 3 and we've finished the two introductory adventures and GM screen one, and we're about halfway through the main book adventure.
Very frustrating.
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
Rock Band DLC | GW:OttW - arrcd | WLD - Thortar
It'll be intereating to see just how much player stuff like new professions, ranks, and background packages get included in the Radical's Handbook. There really isn't a 'must have' player's book so far besides the Inquisitor's Handbook.
I loved the fact that they snuck in a lightsaber into the 40K universe. (Forge World melee weapon.)
And yeah, even though it's a bit late, we've been padding our group with extra NPCs. However it sucks that there's still just the two of us playing. Hopefully that'll change in a couple of months.