I'm having a weird issue. I intend to go to the doctor about it tomorrow, when they reopen. The only doctor within reasonable driving distance open today would be the ER (no) or the chain of clinics I visited two days ago. I was hoping somebody might be able to give me some info in the meantime.
Long version:
I went to Six Flags Wednesday, and I ended up feeling nauseous after just a few rides (which never happens). I ended up leaving early. I felt bad all night Wednesday.
Thursday, I began to run a fever and have some dizziness issues. I figured "ear infection" or "sinus infection", which is usually what happens when I have those problems. I went to bed Thursday around 5 PM.
Friday morning, I called in sick to work. I was still dizzy. Around 10 AM, I guess my fever broke, because I woke up covered in sweat and was no longer running a fever. I went to the doctor, and he did some blood work and said my white count was low. He said he believed I had picked up a viral infection somewhere, and he gave me a steroid shot in the butt to help me get over it. He prescribed no medicine.
This is where it gets weird:
Saturday, I had no fever or dizziness. But everything I ate seemed to stay in my stomach. I ate cereal and orange juice for breakfast, and I was constantly burping up cereal and oranges juice. I also burped up a freaking olive, and the only olive I ate was on my sandwich the afternoon before. Lunch was the same thing; I could eat just fine, but it seemed to sit in my stomach and not go anywhere, and when I burped, I could distinctly taste what I'd eaten hours before, as if it hadn't been digested. I had tuna last night, and the first thing I tasted this morning when I got up: *burp*, then tuna. That doesn't happen to me ever. It's not nasty, acid burps... it's really almost like there's no acid in my stomach.
I was getting massive hiccups all day long yesterday. My stomach felt really full all day as well. I was never in any sort of pain, but it just felt full. I haven't really taken much of a bowel movement in the past couple of days.
Like I said, I plan to go see a real doctor tomorrow, but I'm not sure how freaked out I should be in the meantime.
That stuff can have some weird-ass side effects.
It was in a fairly small syringe, seemed yellowish, and the mf'ing nurse felt like he gave the shot to me in my hip bone.
Edit: Just called the doctor's office. The shot was 2 cc's of betamethasone.
It sounds like a bit of gastroparesis which is basically a fancy word for what you're describing; the stomach just slows down and holds food for longer than normal. As the stomach's a little fuller than usual when you open your oesophagus to burp, whatever's sat at the top heads up into your mouth. Gastroparesis tends to go away on it's own in a couple of days and is one of those problems with a multitude of possible causes. Viral infection is one of those causes and seems most likely in this case. Steroids were probably given to calm down any inflammation in the balance centre of your ear. They usually cause the opposite stomach problems - ulcers and bleeding etc. Don't worry about those if you have no pain though
Basically, it's probably down to the viral infection you seem to have picked up. Both the balance and the stomach problems should go away shortly. Please don't worry about it. But DO go to the doctors tomorrow if you're concerned, it's impossible to properly diagnose someone over the internet.
Thank you for the information. I read a little bit on the subject, and that sounds like it, but I'll be making a trip into the doctor today... I spent all night last night alternating between vomiting and diarrhea. It was pretty much misery.