This guy walks his dog about twice a day; at least. It's a huge German Shepard/something. I catch him once in awhile, in front of my house while his dog is taking a big crap on my lawn or right on the sidewalk. He doesn't bag it. I walked out there a couple times and he quickly walks away.
There is a bagging "law" in our city. Well, ordinance or whatever.
I don't think he has a grudge against me or anything personal. I run a lot around my neighborhood and seen his dog crapping in other people's lawn and seen his dog take big nasty dumps right in middle of the side walks and even once the dog shit right in the 'sandbox' swing area of the the park (were little kids play).
I've seen other people do this, but it's only once in awhile and it's mostly "out of the way", near bushes or whatever... Not really that big of a deal.... But this guy though, he just let's his dog crap were ever he wants. Right in middle of side walks, no one else lets there dog do that (even if they don't bag it, they don't let them poop right in middle of walking areas).
A lot of people run, bike and exercise in this area. It has a ton of foot traffic.
Also, I don't know what he's feeding that dog, but it's freaking nasty. I think this dog has a disorder or something, it's just horrid looking dumps that make me want to gag.
If I can catch up to him in my lawn or while running, what should I say to him?
Does this guy know his dog is taking huge shits all over town? Yes.
Does this guy know he should be scooping it up each time? Yes.
Does this guy give a shit? No.
No matter what you say to this guy, his response isn't likely to be, "Well, you're right, I'll clean it up from now on."
I mean, you could do the grown-up thing and tell this guy that his behaviour is a detriment to the neighbourhood, and his dog's feces is a health hazard to the children who play in the area. You could say it's a city ordinance that he should be cleaning up after his pet, and there are hefty fines involved in failing to do so.
Maybe he'll smarten up and bring a bag from now on. I doubt it.
Or... you could go to your local big box hardware store, and they actually have safe sprays/pellets you can put on your lawn to make the dog not even want to walk there. However, I've heard pepper flakes do the same thing. I just hope you don't live in a rainy place, because you'll have to reapply the spray and/or pepper flakes ever time it rains.
Nah, go with option 1. It's cheaper.
Awesome Ideas With No Inititive
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Well if you don't say anything to him, then no, it won't do any good.
It probably won't hurt to confront him though.
If he's just some lazy shlub with a shred of decency, you might shame him into picking up after his dog.
Simply confront him next time you see him. Be calm, don't express anger, but go right up to him and say "Hi, I've seen you around the neighborhood and I've noticed you don't pick up after your dog. Look, it's getting to be a real nuisance, so please do me and the rest of the neighborhood a favor and pick up after your dog."
If he decides to be a dick about it, Do not back down. Don't be aggressive either. Stay calm, and tell him "Legally, it's your responsibility to clean up after your dog."
Oldsak's advice is probably best. Don't back down, it's his responsibility as a pet owner who walks his dog around the neighborhood to do this. And since he may not do anything about it, you should probably also consider getting the pellets/powder for your lawn.
However, sometimes, the only reason I would leave it is if I don't have a bag. I've even had to man up and knock on someone's door asking for a bag because she went on someone's fresh cut lawn and I couldn't drag her off.
Maybe he just doesn't have a bag, maybe he's indifferent, who knows? What oldsak says would make sense to me if I heard it, and I wouldn't be pissed. As the dog's owner, I would be in the wrong, and have very shaky footing. The only excuse I've heard before (and the only thing I can imagine the guy saying) is "It's just a dog man, I can't control where he goes."
That's bullshit (er...dogshit?) and he can. He can walk the dog closer to home, then stretch their legs with a decent length walk after.
This is the best advise.
That said, keep in mind that our society, whether we like it or not, rewards this sort of "me first" attitude. It gets us ahead at the office and improves our quality of life. Like the guy next door who lets his dog out in the neighborhood because he's too lazy/cheap to put in a fence or run-line. This guy, in particular? He doesn't have to deal with the explosive and disgusting waste produced by his dog.
Have you ever spoken to your neighbors about this? Has anyone ever mentioned this to you in conversation? The most complete way to turn someone away from a selfish act is to get the affected community aware of the situation.
Be tactful, but next time you're chatting with your neighbors bring this up. Not in a "This dude is Satan and he must be made to suffer!" way, but just by making others aware of the jerk-iness of the behavior.
You, yourself, can accomplish him staying clear of your lawn, but what of the sandbox?
People talk. A lot.
If your neighborhood becomes slowly aware, the chances of multiple residents blowing the whistle could present a hostile environment to someone who doesn't give a crap about dog-ownership and its subsequent responsibility.
Of course, in line with the first paragraph, look out for yourself first.
Tard: *watches dog shit, gets ready to leave*
PF: You picking that up?
Tard: Uh erm I don't have a bag.
PF: (hands a spare bag) And now you don't have an excuse.
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
I would still recommend getting that safe spray pellet stuff.
Even then there's no excuse. Some people are just lazy and stupid. We were walking our dogs two or three days ago and forgot to bring bags, both dogs took a dump, we just picked up the poo with some large leaves.
Now THAT'S a green alternative to plastic bags!
Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
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Can trade TF2 items or whatever else you're interested in. PM me.
There's no excuse, report him.. not sure where but I'd say your police's non emergency line. Record him in the act I suppose.
If that doesn't convince him, report him to law enforcement and have them convince him.
My neighbor used to stake his dog out where it could "conveniently" reach my lawn, and I had to go talk to him about it. Since he was a drunken hobo, I ended up having to involve the police. One of the reasons I don't own a dog is because I don't want to clean up dog shit. I'm sure as hell not doing it for someone else. Confront the guy and if nothing changes, involve the police.
Just out of curiosity (I've never owned multiple dogs) why do you walk them separately? I've seen people walk packs of dogs before.
For something relevant to the OP, if you need another point of conversation for talking to your neighbors, you can bring up having those trashcan/bag stations posted around. Its a less hostile conversation that can transition into "fucking guy lets his dog shit on my lawn." You have a reason to involve a few more people into the cause. This only works if you dont already have some, but it did wonders for our neighborhood lake path. I think its a county wide program for us.
I will sometimes walk 2 at a time, but really it's just because the walking is good for me so I go 4 times. Also, my Chow can be a little hard to control (he whines because he just has to meet every dog he sees) so he's legitimately easier to walk solo. Also, everybody seems to poop away from the house, and the last thing I want is to try to control 4 dogs while I'm bent over trying to pick up a steamer.
When I had two dogs invariably one dog's walking... habits would differ from the other. Didn't help that one was a boxer and the other was a pug of course.
They just recently upped the fine here in bmore for dog poop as well as for unleashed dogs. While it's made some dog owners pissed off, they're certainly all more aware of picking up poop and leashing their dogs.
It may shame him into acceptable behavior, or up the pointing at this dingle berry, just get a digital picture. =D
If you’re a wishy-washy non-confrontational type of person, those pellets will work. Otherwise, confront the guy in a calm, collected manner and explain to him that you would appreciate if his dog didn’t go in your yard and/or that he needs to collect his dog’s droppings.
I'd also get one of those motion activated sprinkler/alarm things people use to keep deer away from gardens. Soak the dog, soak the chump, have a laugh!
I just ask because there are people in my neighborhood too who leave their dog shit right in the middle of the damned sidewalk which is really nasty, especially as people gradually don't notice it and smear/squash it all over the damned place. Like.. if you got pictures of someone doing it regularly or got times or whatever, would the police actually do anything about it?
If you do this, the police will tell you to stop wasting their time.
People get fined for stuff like this when a cop sees them do the deed and can write a ticket on the spot.
To be fair, that is incredibly dependent on your community. I live in a town of under 1000 people where our two policemen-officers spend 75% of their day asleep at their desks. If I call to report my neighbors dog shitting on my lawn, it's the most exciting thing that has likely happened in a week, and they come running.
This. Unless the police officer witnesses the event himself, they will not issue a fine. Even if they do see a violation, most officers I know would give a warning first, so as to save themselves on the paperwork and the (possible) trip to the magistrate over a derisory $50 fine.
Hm, probably not. It would require perfect placement for proper I suppose.
What about those ultrasonic dog dazer things? Do they actually work?
$, pain in the ass, debatable eyesore, massive inconvenience.
Confronting the guy and telling him to keep his animal's feces to himself is the way to go to start with.
I cannot tell you how many times my 75 pound beast has pulled a triple-pooper on me on a loooong walk. It sucks to not be able to pick it up so I just carry around on a bunch of bags for myself, and others, to make sure they keep the neighborhood clean. Just confront the guy, or pull the passive aggressive move, and put a "NO GERMAN SHEPARD SHIT ON LAWN" sign in your yard.
Then first, confront politely, and if he isn't conciliatory, you may warn him politely that there is a city ordinance and that you will make the authorities aware if you see the behavior continuing.
The second step, if he continues and/or is abusive, is to follow through and notify the authorities. It may help to know his home address.
My 100 pound German Shepherd actually has crapped 3x on the same lawn (taking a new crap each time I stop to pick up the previous one). He's actually crapped 4x on 4 consecutive lawns once. And they are all enormous.
Anyway, I'd say confront the asshat (I had to do this to my neighbor who doesn't carry bags when he walks his pit) and if he doesn't do it, then get a shovel and pick it up yourself and then dump it on his lawn. I'll be doing that the next time I find a pile from my neighbor's pitbull.
If you're serious at all about involving the authorities at some point, you probably honestly want to avoid this route.
Not that it wouldn't be satisfying as hell, but just make sure you don't jeopardize any moral or legal high ground by basically doing the same thing back to him.