I've got what I think is an impossible CSS-related task (well, impossible for me at least). I need to format the output of a list of records that is, say 8 columns wide. Each record is on its own row.
Each record row looks like:
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
What I need to do is figure out how to format the display of the list of these records in a liquid layout setting. All the columns should be a fixed width except for the "Item name" column -- that's where the additional space can go if a page is dragged wide or the text can wrap if it is dragged narrow.
So basically, a typical output would look like:
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
| icon | icon | icon | Item Name | Item Alias | Mod Date | Mod Time | Mod User |
where each row is a unique record. And columns also have to always line up as best as possible.
I tried formatting each record as a list, similar to how I'd format global navigation on a web site but I couldn't get the liquid layout to work. I also tried formatting each record not as a list, just with span tags around each chunk of the record but it also didn't work.
Is what I need to do even possible using CSS? Any pointers?
Not a CSS solution, but it's the first thing that comes to mind.
So I was hoping this would speed things up both initially and when resized. There are other reasons, too, I guess...
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But we do have pagination in some areas. For other areas the data simply must be displayed in its entirety for it to make sense and be of value...
I'm starting to think that we'll just have to keep it as tables. Maybe I can clean up the tables to make them more efficient.
But before I "give up" on the concept of building these with CSS... do you guys know if it's pretty much impossible to do what I describe above - ? - to have a list or non-list display occupy 100% where all the "columns" are fixed except for one?
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Semantically you should be using tables anyway, to hold tabular data. You can use CSS to alter the look of the tables if that's what you're after.
In terms of code, if you could show us code with dummy data (so it just has the code without any sensitive information).
For the pagination, how many rows/records would this be displaying on one page a time?
If I had to do that using nothing but fluid layout, I'd shoot myself.
I'm sure there's a way, but I ain't good enough to just pull one of out my brain without a solid hour of trial and error.
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Now that CSS is available, it no longer makes sense to use tables for non-table related layout. However, tables are still to be used for their original purpose of data arranged by row and column. You can use CSS to style the tables, if it'll make you feel better.
As for the original problem, look into the <col> and <colgroup> elements. They should allow you to set fixed widths on whatever columns you want.