So, a while my girlfriend and I decided to reorganise our interface devices to save on wristpain and such. Her being a writer and me being a.. geek, who just liked the prospect of new toys (and less wristpain coughittycoughcough)
Anyway, we both bought Logitech trackballs. I bought this one:
and she bought this one:
She also bought an awesome ergonomic keyboard and I just bought the cheapest one. Well, woe is me, because I'm now beginning to feel my wrists really hurting up from RSI. I'm getting the same keyboard she has, so that's not a big deal, but I was wondering if you could recommend me a mouse or trackball that has the buttons on the side as per the second picture.
I find that my pain spikes when using a regular mouse and indeed on clicking (duh) and even
worse with the trackball. So, since it's not the movement, but rather the clicking, I'm interested in mice with regular buttons on the sides instead of clicking straight down. I'm also interested in trackballs, but if it goes down that route, I could just choose the one my girlfriend has even though I hate the back/forward buttons and also, sort of, the rightclick. The leftclick is awesomely placed, though.
I digress! Recommend!
It's a Kensington Expert Mouse, though in the 11 or so years I've used various iterations of them, I've never understood why they don't just call it a trackball. Best pointing device I've ever used, hands down, so to speak.
Is that a scrollring? And with which fingers do you operate which buttons?
Keep in mind all trackballs take some time getting used to.
Oh, and for FPS you could always try this:
It's in Spanish but that just makes it better