After what is approaching years of incubation I figured it was time to get off my ass and actually do something about this. I'd like to organize a league for Eurogame play on Xbox Live.
What the hell is a Eurogame?
That would be one of the board games they adapted for play on XBL - Carcassonne, Settlers of Catan, Ticket to Ride, etc.
If you are interested in such a thing please RSVP in this thread with the games you are interested in participating in. Indeed, with sufficient interest I will happily run multiple game leagues.
If you think this sounds lovely, but have no fucking idea what this is about, RSVP for a Newbie Introduction Series that will run in tandem with the league.
I don't have XBox Live, but if I did I would totally join this. Great idea and I hope it goes well.
Also, what eurogames (other than the above 3 you mentioned) are on XBox Live?
My roommate had his XBox crap out on him and gave it to me when he bought a new one. If I called up Microsoft and sent it to them, do you think they would repair it like they are for everyone else?
I was introduced to settlers of catan for the first time a couple weeks ago and found the game downright delightful. I look forward to having the longest [strike]wang[/strike] road ever.
I could be convinced to play Settlers of Catan. I've heard good things about it. Timing for games will be important to me though, about how long do these games tend to run?
What's the best/most popular? Might need to get another point card..
Having none of these games, I'd also like to see this answered.
I'd have to go with Catan being the best. Carcassone and Ticket to Ride are also very good, but they have a larger luck component than Catan.
When you say luck, do you mean Mario Kart "I will fuck the winner in the ass luck" or poker luck?
Poker luck.
I can only speak for Catan and Carcassonne, but smart play in either of those go a long way to mitigating luck being the deciding factor of a game.
In Catan, it's more often someone playing being an idiot when it comes to trading being the deciding factor of a game.
Catan also has the luck factor of "Will I be producing resources?" In one of our live games, I didn't get resources for 5 straight rolls. And I had no cards in hand, so it really sucked. Then of course the robber.
If I get a bonus next week I'll be in. I really, really want to play Catan anyways - it looks right up my alley. With wifey unemployed things are tight but here's hoping!
PSN: Kylogue
Also, what eurogames (other than the above 3 you mentioned) are on XBox Live?
My roommate had his XBox crap out on him and gave it to me when he bought a new one. If I called up Microsoft and sent it to them, do you think they would repair it like they are for everyone else?
Also, I have wood for sheep.
Fake edit: Beaten on the "wood for sheep" gag, dammit.
Real edit: My GT is PepperSinclaire by the way. And I'm in the UK, just to be awkward, so can only join in on GMT games.
At first, I thought this was something about Europeans and their Europe.
EDIT: Oh, and some Catan. Love me some Catan.
And crabs.
I'm Jacob Wilson. | facebook | thegreat2nd | [url="aim:goim?screenname=TheGreatSecond&message=Hello+from+the+Penny+Arcade+Forums!"]aim[/url]
Hey, you only need a few people to play these games.
Maybe if someone answers my question in my post, I could probably get a free Xbox and play with you guys.
From the subject, I thought that there'd be some Culdcept going down. :?
I have Cattan and Carcassonne.
GT: BonesNYC
I'd be all over it if I didn't give away my 360 and move to shitty europe.
I roll a lot of 7s.
GT: Octobot
ohh id kill for a culdcept league.
XBL: SlayerVin
Should we extend this to the M:tG game that I didn't even know was out?
Feel free to organize one. That unplayably slow behemoth of poor design is not on my shelf for a reason.
Having none of these games, I'd also like to see this answered.
PSN: Kylogue
I'd have to go with Catan being the best. Carcassone and Ticket to Ride are also very good, but they have a larger luck component than Catan.
When you say luck, do you mean Mario Kart "I will fuck the winner in the ass luck" or poker luck?
Poker luck.
I can only speak for Catan and Carcassonne, but smart play in either of those go a long way to mitigating luck being the deciding factor of a game.
In Catan, it's more often someone playing being an idiot when it comes to trading being the deciding factor of a game.
Also is it possible to actually get that angle in the actual XBLA game? (the shot from the OP)
Catan also has the luck factor of "Will I be producing resources?" In one of our live games, I didn't get resources for 5 straight rolls. And I had no cards in hand, so it really sucked. Then of course the robber.
I'd say Catan is generally considered to be the 'best' out of Catan/Carc/TTR, but it's also the one that takes the longest to play.
Also down for MTG.
XBL: Judge Zed
EDIT: recently changed ye olde gamertag
and would be up to play games whenever
Also am I the only one that's noticed 5's and 10's seem to roll an inordinate amount of times?