I recently buzzed my hair for the first time in... ever. I love everything about it, except for the title of this thread. Having never seen sunlight before, it doesn't take much for my scalp to get red and itchy. In a move of pure brilliance, I've started wearing a hat, but that doesn't seem to cure all my problems.
Please advise before I claw my scalp off.
If you're going to be out in the sunlight for extended periods (depending on how short you buzzed it) consider getting SPF 70 or above and using it on your scalp until it adjusts to being exposed.
Also consider talking to your doctor. He/she can prescribe a topical ointment that will take care of any redness, itch or bumps that might occur.
Were you already sort of tan, and now have a discolored head? That's pretty awesome too.
I've always wondered about this, how does it look? My scalp is pretty much pasty white, I wish I had the guts to shave my head and look at it.
Heh, I've seen the results of this first hand. My dad had the same mustache from age 17 to fifty. Then he decided to shave it. It hadn’t seen sun in decades so his upper lip was pasty white and stood out for a long, long time.
With my Scandinavian heritage, I'm not exactly the kind of guy who tans easily... I had longish hair for a good six or seven years, but then again, my hair is really thick, even when it's this short. My scalp was never shockingly pale, but naturally, it did look a little white when I first buzzed my hair.
I also have the world's largest forehead. That said, I have been forced to come to terms with it after the haircut, and I have now come to embrace my foreheadedness.
In conclusion: if you're thinking about shaving your head, do it. It's crazy cool.