Hello everyone,
I'm brand new here and since I seem to be such a anamoly on these forums that everyone has seen fit to poke and prod me with various devices to see what makes me tick I decided to make my own thread so that way I don't have to hijack other peopls thread with my pressence.
So on that note I'll happily take two questions a day and try to respond to them at intelligently as possible to help people understand why I think the way I do.
You don't insult me and I won't insult you and even if you do insult me I stil lwont insult you because thats not the kind of guy I am, or at least try to be.
So please, ask away and know I'm not going to be hostile towards you!
EDIT: Also for some reason this xkcd struck me as probally very valid for this thread:
Just a thought.
Especially since it assumes that more than a few posters here have an urgent desire to peer into the mind of a random internet libertarian.
I understand what you're attempting to do, and appreciate you trying to be civil. I have to say, though, that D&D doesn't usually like threads about individuals on the forum, and is more inclined to want to participate in discussions with you about specific issues in threads regarding those issues.
Basically, what you feel is "hijacking others' threads with your presence" is, in actually, you posting your positions and opinions. Just do that.
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods
Everyone fights.
EDIT: besides even if everyone dumps on me at least its a chance to see who posts on the forums here.
Our first game is now available for free on Google Play: Frontier: Isle of the Seven Gods
Just a heads up.
I also wouldn't worry about derailing threads; dissent is what keeps this place alive.
And now for a funny PA comic.