Yeah, love how damn near ever barrel, stock and fucking magazine is compatible with just about every receiver.
Want an AK with a SCAR stock, G36 barrel, and M4 magazine? We can do that. Hell we'll even throw in your choice of either a soda can silencer or screwdriver bayonette.
Yeah even if its not technically feasible, I like that they give you the option because fuck it I'm playing a game.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
What I'm loving is how all those neat new visor capabilities (IFF, tagging, "GPS") are rendered next to useless by the fact that in the video game world we are unable to manufacture batteries that last more than 30 seconds at a time.
My assumption is they mail ordered them from Black Mesa's Flashlight Technology division.
Okay these guys have been making games for how long now and they can't seem to manage to make stupid, useless and sometimes redundant mini boss intro cinematics skippable?
The game is cool and fun and all that, it's just more of the same.
NocrenLt Futz, Back in ActionNorth CarolinaRegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
So I think I'm going to do a public service and list how you get certain weapons.
There are some morality spoilers here, you're warned.
AS-KCR rifle + Grand Pinger - have Army of Two save data (possibly Cleared data)
M107 (.50 cal sniper) - in the hospital, Short Round will notice a rifle during a big battle and offer to help. Let him help and you get the rifle (and he dies).
H3 shotgun - take the weapons from the guard in the government building
glock 18 - if you rescue every civilian and Make every positive moral choice, the doctor will unlock this.
P90/ DEagle - each of these is unlocked I believe when you rescue enough civilians.
Still have no clue as to how to get the grenade launcher.
And the Sureshot mk1 barrel is behind a dumpster on the road to the mall, and red dot site 3x is on the pier somewhere. (can't remember exact locations).
See kids, this is why you don't drink heavily and go to the zoo.
Did anyone else see the news story about the brainiac math student in China who, while completely sober, hopped into a Panda pen at a zoo because he wanted to give it a hug and was consequently mauled?
Everytime I hear about how Chinese students score much higher on standardized math tests than American students, I shrug and think, "Okay, but our critical thinking skills prevent us from being eaten by animals portrayed by Jack Black in animated feature-length movies."
Why would you want to play Multiplayer on this game? It's solely a co-op game. I think wingman from Gears 2 and I want to break my desk.
Multiplayer with co-op elements in it. You have to keep your partner alive in order to get anything done. It's an interesting take on regular ol' deathmatch.
But yeah, the objective modes are usually the best in these kinds of games.
At any rate, picked my copy up for PS3 today. If anybody has an itch to play some campaign, my PSN name is Skexx.
I also was brainwashed by gamers to hate Army of Two, until I played it split-screen with a buddy who found it cheap. That made 40 Days a must buy. The game concentrated on co-op and the "aggro" mechanic, and let me customize guns like a Counterstrike nerdboy who posts on HKpro but doesn't own a gun but is on meth. *fistpound*
Best tactic we found was to make the secondary weapon as low-aggro as possible, and the primary weapon as high-aggro as possible, so either player could go stealth or be the bait.
From the demo, I see solid improvements in "aiming-feel", weapon customization, and being able to pick up the hundreds of guns that will drop from their cold, dead hands as temporary weapons means I don't have to do the primary-pimp/secondary-silenced routine nor waste ammo on suppression when I can grab a G36 from the stack in the corner.
I might have to give this game a go. The first one was fun to rent and play through in a night or two on local co-op. It gave me what was perhaps one of my favorite co-op gaming moments:
The aircraft carrier where we had just murdered everyone was exploding / sinking and we were "escaping". Instead of running for our boat, we were standing on the deck of the carrier, surrounded by explosions and rocking out with air guitars as the ship went down. We did escape, but not before we partied first.
oblivi0n on
Waka LakaRiding the stuffed UnicornIf ya know what I mean.Registered Userregular
edited January 2010
So I just got up to the
and so far it's feeling much more solid than it's first. It's kind of mindless, but in the "guilty pleasure" kind of way. Also jesus h christ the co-op AI partner is actually useful for once. It's saved me, sniped accordingly and done the right thing for 90% of the time.
I'm surprised though at the art direction, it can go from ugly to pretty and back to ugly in a few spaces, but hey for a game that is based around co-op and split screen, it's pretty open and the assets are optimised well, except maybe with a few cut-scenes that bog down the framerate.
So far so good, I would not call it perfect, but hey it's much better than the first.
So I think I'm going to do a public service and list how you get certain weapons.
There are some morality spoilers here, you're warned.
AS-KCR rifle + Grand Pinger - have Army of Two save data (possibly Cleared data)
M107 (.50 cal sniper) - in the hospital, Short Round will notice a rifle during a big battle and offer to help. Let him help and you get the rifle (and he dies).
H3 shotgun - take the weapons from the guard in the government building
glock 18 - if you rescue every civilian and Make every positive moral choice, the doctor will unlock this.
P90/ DEagle - each of these is unlocked I believe when you rescue enough civilians.
Still have no clue as to how to get the grenade launcher.
And the Sureshot mk1 barrel is behind a dumpster on the road to the mall, and red dot site 3x is on the pier somewhere. (can't remember exact locations).
hope this helps a few of you.
On the grenade launcher:
My friend and I got it after saving the last hostage. You might have to save all of the hostages in order to get it, though.
So TRU is having a Tuesday only sale where if you buy two from Bayonetta, Darksiders, Army of Two 2, or Dark Void you get a 60 dollar TRU gift card. If you need to pick up two copies of Army of Two cheap for you and your bro, I guess now is as good a time as any.
Looks like that's a good excuse to finally get Bayonetta and Darksiders.
Stabbity Style on
NocrenLt Futz, Back in ActionNorth CarolinaRegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
So kinda upseting that there are only two "Back-to-Back" moments in the entire game. But they're at least consistant with where it would be appropriate and not a something that happens every level that you can predict.
I liked having only two back-to-backs. It made them more climactic instead of something that you do every level. Not to mention they're pretty cool set pieces to begin with.
Stabbity Style on
NocrenLt Futz, Back in ActionNorth CarolinaRegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
Oh yeah, definately a positive case of less is more.
And thanks for that IGN link. I hated having to brave the gamefaq forums for information.
Did a little single-player and the AI isn't too bad. Part of it is the simple 3 commands and hot/cold aggro option. I think i actually have better co-ordination with the AI than some people.
Just did some extraction and it was a blast. Did a public match and ended up with some pretty cool dudes which was surprising. We spent 4 hours playing through the entire mode and had a blast. It's challenging enough to force teamwork.
Picked this up yesterday, fucking fun game. Only issue I have is the audio for the guys is a bit weak (not really a problem with the guns once you get enhancers/better fire power). I've liked the writing so far, as while the morality choices are seemingly cut and dry seeing them play out its like shit.
Spoilers for the end of the mall.
I should have let the russian waste that chick! Damn it that was fucking cold she shot his baby in its little crib!
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So whats everyone rocking? I usually go shotgun/assault rifle special (assault rifle I put a red dot sight on for long distance). It's worked fairly well for me so far and I love all the choices they give you.
Also in single player I went with Salem over Rios (wanted to be Colin Farrel over Randy Couture). The friendly AI is definately more rainbow six then gears of war, hell Rios has had to reup me more then ever him.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
I have a SCAR fitted out for stealth, long range, and precision. Then I have a grenade launcher with shotgun attachment for special. I usually have my ai buddy just full on aggro most of the time and I can just pick people off quickly without getting shot at. It's a nice system. I never really use the grenade launcher, to be honest. I chuck some grenades at super heavies, but it doesn't really do much damage to their packs. I should probably switch it out for something.
Stabbity Style on
NocrenLt Futz, Back in ActionNorth CarolinaRegistered Userregular
edited January 2010
M416 with a TruShot Mk1, 100 rd C-drum, Can't remember which stock and a grenade launcher underslung.
Pimped out now of course.
Special is the western sniper rifle with the better barrel and extended mag. Maybe the x7 scope.
On my dick runthrough (do all the choices I didn't do the first time) I went with Rios over Salem and I'm using the SAW for most of my heavy lifting, its worked out pretty well so far. The barret is my special with a desert eagle just to say hello. Hardest choice in the dick run. Zoo spoiler.
Having to kill the tiger, I mean damn thats just ice cold.
Zoo does have my favorite bit of dialogue though.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
How is this one compared to the first? I actually didn't find the first game that fun (particularly the level design), but I'm curious how 40th Day is faring.
Dashui on
Xbox Live, PSN & Origin: Vacorsis 3DS: 2638-0037-166
How is this one compared to the first? I actually didn't find the first game that fun (particularly the level design), but I'm curious how 40th Day is faring.
I never played the first, I enjoy the second. The solo play is not very long (as a warning) but its co-op throughout and if you can only play solo the AI is very smart and actually does cover you and such (hell they even modify their own weapons). Story is like an 80's buddy action movie, dialogue is last boyscoutish with barbs and back and forth. There are some morality descisions ( point blank choose this or that) and then they show you the outcomes, some are not as easy to figure as others.
Gun modification is not as clear as "This is the best" yeah some guns do have higher stats, but with mods you can take your favorite base model and get it pretty snazzy. And they have a custom face mask thingy on their website if you want to be all artistic. I have no idea about multi haven't given that a go yet.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
So whats everyone rocking? I usually go shotgun/assault rifle special (assault rifle I put a red dot sight on for long distance). It's worked fairly well for me so far and I love all the choices they give you.
I played through the first one as the small guy, so I picked him this time also. I'm running the first shotgun, the Remington, as a primary and a scoped and silenced 50-round SCAR-L as my special. I never used the sniper rifle in the first game, I might go back when I unlock the M107 .50 cal.
The shotgun has to be the cheapest way to get a lot of aggro. 4-5 shots and my aggro is on fire. I do wish there was an upgrade to that crappy 9-shot starting pistol. The previous game allowed a bunch of small SMGs like the MP5K and P90 in place of a pistol. Even just a capacity upgrade would be nice since it's so important for surrender/quickdraws.
So whats everyone rocking? I usually go shotgun/assault rifle special (assault rifle I put a red dot sight on for long distance). It's worked fairly well for me so far and I love all the choices they give you.
I played through the first one as the small guy, so I picked him this time also. I'm running the first shotgun, the Remington, as a primary and a scoped and silenced 50-round SCAR-L as my special. I never used the sniper rifle in the first game, I might go back when I unlock the M107 .50 cal.
The shotgun has to be the cheapest way to get a lot of aggro. 4-5 shots and my aggro is on fire. I do wish there was an upgrade to that crappy 9-shot starting pistol. The previous game allowed a bunch of small SMGs like the MP5K and P90 in place of a pistol. Even just a capacity upgrade would be nice since it's so important for surrender/quickdraws.
Well if you do good when you hit the hospital you'll get the glock (at that time I also could buy the DE so maybe that was related to that?). Pistol selection was minimal, but doesn't bother me too much as the fun comes from the big guns, though I do like for normal enemies a pistol shot is just as deadly as your other guns.
And I rocked the first shotty for a long time, I wish there was a SPAS type shotty in the game, as I hate the look of the magazine ones.
Preacher on
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
Oh man, this game has me pretty miffed. I was playing extraction the other day and now it's locked and I can't play it anymore. It won't let me access custom facemasks anymore, and the bonus guns for playing the first game aren't unlocked even though it said it was unlocked. Despite all of this, the multiplayer is actually pretty fun. I feel pretty cheap running around with a shotgun and one-shotting people's heads, though. On the other hand, I had a score of 185 personally which was higher than any of the other partnerships got, much less individual players, which were all in the 80 zone.
Apparently they're going to make the game more 'realistic' which has me a little concerned. Regardless, it's good to see some murderbros back in force!
NocrenLt Futz, Back in ActionNorth CarolinaRegistered Userregular
I read that you're not playing as Rios & Salem but other, faceless members of T.W.O. called Alpha and Bravo.
Given what could happen at the end of 40th Day, I'm fine with that.
Long as they keep the weapon customization and make mask customization available in game (instead of a website), I'll be happy.
Early rumors around the game was that there would be 4 player coop. Assuming that's still true, you'll probably find Salem and Rios at some point during the campaign.
Yeah even if its not technically feasible, I like that they give you the option because fuck it I'm playing a game.
My assumption is they mail ordered them from Black Mesa's Flashlight Technology division.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
The game is cool and fun and all that, it's just more of the same.
Also Rios apparently fucked a panda.
See kids, this is why you don't drink heavily and go to the zoo.
and now I'm imagining a rios/panda hybrid.
There are some morality spoilers here, you're warned.
M107 (.50 cal sniper) - in the hospital, Short Round will notice a rifle during a big battle and offer to help. Let him help and you get the rifle (and he dies).
H3 shotgun - take the weapons from the guard in the government building
glock 18 - if you rescue every civilian and Make every positive moral choice, the doctor will unlock this.
P90/ DEagle - each of these is unlocked I believe when you rescue enough civilians.
Still have no clue as to how to get the grenade launcher.
And the Sureshot mk1 barrel is behind a dumpster on the road to the mall, and red dot site 3x is on the pier somewhere. (can't remember exact locations).
hope this helps a few of you.
Did anyone else see the news story about the brainiac math student in China who, while completely sober, hopped into a Panda pen at a zoo because he wanted to give it a hug and was consequently mauled?
Everytime I hear about how Chinese students score much higher on standardized math tests than American students, I shrug and think, "Okay, but our critical thinking skills prevent us from being eaten by animals portrayed by Jack Black in animated feature-length movies."
Multiplayer with co-op elements in it. You have to keep your partner alive in order to get anything done. It's an interesting take on regular ol' deathmatch.
But yeah, the objective modes are usually the best in these kinds of games.
At any rate, picked my copy up for PS3 today. If anybody has an itch to play some campaign, my PSN name is Skexx.
Best tactic we found was to make the secondary weapon as low-aggro as possible, and the primary weapon as high-aggro as possible, so either player could go stealth or be the bait.
From the demo, I see solid improvements in "aiming-feel", weapon customization, and being able to pick up the hundreds of guns that will drop from their cold, dead hands as temporary weapons means I don't have to do the primary-pimp/secondary-silenced routine nor waste ammo on suppression when I can grab a G36 from the stack in the corner.
The aircraft carrier where we had just murdered everyone was exploding / sinking and we were "escaping". Instead of running for our boat, we were standing on the deck of the carrier, surrounded by explosions and rocking out with air guitars as the ship went down. We did escape, but not before we partied first.
I'm surprised though at the art direction, it can go from ugly to pretty and back to ugly in a few spaces, but hey for a game that is based around co-op and split screen, it's pretty open and the assets are optimised well, except maybe with a few cut-scenes that bog down the framerate.
So far so good, I would not call it perfect, but hey it's much better than the first.
On the grenade launcher:
Guide for all the collectibles for those interested.
3DS Friend Code: 2165-6448-8348 www.Twitch.TV/cooljammer00
Battle.Net: JohnDarc#1203 Origin/UPlay: CoolJammer00
And thanks for that IGN link. I hated having to brave the gamefaq forums for information.
Spoilers for the end of the mall.
I should have let the russian waste that chick! Damn it that was fucking cold she shot his baby in its little crib!
Also in single player I went with Salem over Rios (wanted to be Colin Farrel over Randy Couture). The friendly AI is definately more rainbow six then gears of war, hell Rios has had to reup me more then ever him.
Pimped out now of course.
Special is the western sniper rifle with the better barrel and extended mag. Maybe the x7 scope.
Having to kill the tiger, I mean damn thats just ice cold.
Zoo does have my favorite bit of dialogue though.
I never played the first, I enjoy the second. The solo play is not very long (as a warning) but its co-op throughout and if you can only play solo the AI is very smart and actually does cover you and such (hell they even modify their own weapons). Story is like an 80's buddy action movie, dialogue is last boyscoutish with barbs and back and forth. There are some morality descisions ( point blank choose this or that) and then they show you the outcomes, some are not as easy to figure as others.
Gun modification is not as clear as "This is the best" yeah some guns do have higher stats, but with mods you can take your favorite base model and get it pretty snazzy. And they have a custom face mask thingy on their website if you want to be all artistic. I have no idea about multi haven't given that a go yet.
I played through the first one as the small guy, so I picked him this time also. I'm running the first shotgun, the Remington, as a primary and a scoped and silenced 50-round SCAR-L as my special. I never used the sniper rifle in the first game, I might go back when I unlock the M107 .50 cal.
The shotgun has to be the cheapest way to get a lot of aggro. 4-5 shots and my aggro is on fire. I do wish there was an upgrade to that crappy 9-shot starting pistol. The previous game allowed a bunch of small SMGs like the MP5K and P90 in place of a pistol. Even just a capacity upgrade would be nice since it's so important for surrender/quickdraws.
Well if you do good when you hit the hospital you'll get the glock (at that time I also could buy the DE so maybe that was related to that?). Pistol selection was minimal, but doesn't bother me too much as the fun comes from the big guns, though I do like for normal enemies a pistol shot is just as deadly as your other guns.
And I rocked the first shotty for a long time, I wish there was a SPAS type shotty in the game, as I hate the look of the magazine ones.
Apparently they're going to make the game more 'realistic' which has me a little concerned. Regardless, it's good to see some murderbros back in force!
Given what could happen at the end of 40th Day, I'm fine with that.
Long as they keep the weapon customization and make mask customization available in game (instead of a website), I'll be happy.