So earlier today I was bored and flipped through whatever was in my DvD catalog and oh, what is this... the Critic. My, I haven't watched that in a good while. This was about 12 hours ago. I watched damn near every episode and it really occurred to me how clever and witty the humor was. The show never got tiresome on me this entire day. There was no downtime or anything at all. Clever little puns, slightly dated Hollywood japes, and a lovable character were enough to really seal the deal on the Critic, keeping me thoroughly entertained and IMO, making it one of the best animated series ever.
Which is why it was cancelled. We can't have nice things so we got like 12 seasons of King of the Hill instead.
Shall we discuss and share our fond memories for the grossly neglected Jay Prescott Sherman and how television, animated shows in particular, pale in comparison to The Critic?
this show was good too though
I liked it when the Critic visited The Simpsons
King of the Hill is also awesome
it had Maurice LeMarche as one of the main characters
he also did most of the celebrity impersonations
but I never watched it
Go fuck yourself
That said, with a show like the Critic, they were all 'good ones.'
I mean, lest we forget:
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
I would probably have better things to watch
it is one of those shows where you always say "yeah I would watch that, but..."
shut the fuck up
When I was looking through my cosplay stuff I saw the pictures of Ronald McDonald Sephiroth and Colonel KFC Cloud
I'm a fan of your title and location
weebl is a lot better when he isn't making weebl and bob
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
King of the Hill? It doesn't have shit on The Critic. The Critic was way more hilarious and interesting.
If this is what I think it is, pinky and the brain did it better
That sounds like the best cosplay ever.
In so far as any cosplay can be considered not terrible and shameful.
It's the same guy
EDIT: Oh okay
I kill karate kick the top of your head off and shit on your thinking organ
haha yes
I also like King of the Hill!
sometimes I wonder what the matter with lucky is
fucking thank you
I was hoping for a quote tree, but that works too
he's just kinda slow I think?
personally i LOVE that he's amazingly astute and intelligent
I love this so much.
hey satan...: thinkgeek amazon My post |
this is amazing
i could seriously stare at this picture forever