So, my girlfriend flushed a tube of bacitracin down the toilet on accident. It's about the size of a tube of toothpaste. We can piss in the toilet, but not shit. I'd really like to take care of this without involving my landlord. What are my options here?
Call a plumber.
That's what I'll do if I can't take care of it myself. I'm pretty handy I just know next to nothing about plumbing.
Can you see the pipes? Maybe turn off the waterflow and undo them like underneath a sink? Pull the tube out that way?
I'd have to get into the crawlspace under our apartment, but I could certainly check when I get home.
Would a bent up clothes hanger work or am I on the completely wrong track here?
Amazon link was just to show you what they look like, can get them at your local hardware shop for like 5 bucks.
That thing puts a bent up clothes hangar to shame. This will be my first course of action.
I thought those were just for breaking clogs. Can it pull it out?
Buttcleft's right, you need a toilet auger. Extend it fully, put the little "hook" on the end in the toilet (hooking into the hole at the bottom, of course), and push the handle down while turning the crank. It might take several passes... tubes in particular are a pain in the ass to get out of a toilet, since the auger tends to slide right past them.
What's to keep the tube from getting stuck further down? Or do the pipes get big enough to accomodate it?
I've pulled many lost items out of a toilet with an auger, back into the bowl where they are retrieved with disposable tongs.
I can has cheezburger, yes?
There is an analogy... something about the ingenuity of fools and the proofing of things, as compared to people and trying to fix things :whistle:
second, i agree with the auger idea, pretty hard to mess up a toilet with an auger and the main thing you want it for is to get it past the trap, after that it should go on its merry way