So it's my mom's birthday today and I need to get her something. This sounds last minute, but it's really not since I live in Baltimore and she lives in Seattle and I'm flying out there in two weeks. I'll just tell her I want to give her her gift in person.
Anyway, so yeah, she's a librarian and also a huge book reader. Probably 2-3 books a week. I want to get her a book that she would enjoy but might not have read yet. I know there are a couple librarians on here so maybe I can get some advice on what a librarian could be happily surprised to get?
I know she reads a lot of modern fiction dealing with political and social topics (The Red Tent, "That-guy-whose-name-I-forget"'s Kite). She did read Harry Potter but I don't think fantasy is her thing.
Was thinking that a humorous memoir of a librarian might be a good thing, but I have no idea where to begin to look for that.
Maybe tickets to a play? Or a professional massage, or a day at a spa?
If you're talking about buying a book i'm guessing you're budget isn't too high? Try and think outside the box a bit anyway, it is the thought that counts. : )
As impersonal as a massage sounds, they are the greatest things in the world. If you can afford it, do that.
But yeah, what the others said.
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