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Blazblue: Continuum: Shift: Colons - Changes in OP

AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
edited October 2009 in Games and Technology

New screens from the (maybe) next version of Blazblue.



New system info and changes.
- New Move Berial Edge is not an overhead, can not combo from ground, slow
- Berial Edge does not get advantage frames on block
- Dead Spike breaks guard primer by 1
- Damage from overhead nerfed
- no change to jump cancellable moves
- JD is smaller during Blood Kain
- CS still doesn't go through projectiles
- C 2C are shorter but faster, less recovery time
- 22C's damage is fixed to 400

-5B is slow
-JB is slow, C>JB does not combo
-added J2C, which is old JC
-new DD Yukikaze 214214D, counter move same as Haku-men's one, 3882 damage
-J236D shoots out 2 projectiles instead of 3
-214B does not guarantee the knock down
-236C shoots out two projectile
-DPs, better CG graphic
-new JC looks like the second hit of 214D
-2B does not link to 5B
-A DP has longer recovery time makes it easier to punish
-A DP breaks guard primer by 1
-air 214A/B/C moves the same distance
-Cannot combo after C DP counter
-JD is faster
-easier to tech after B DP, can not combo into C after B DP
-air 214B does not do knockdown motion
-easier to unfreeze 6D
-better Counter Assault
-C>6C doesn't work on crouch anymore (still works on air)
-first hit of 236D breaks guard primer by 1

- 6A doesnt hit on most character's crouch motion
- Change to chain revolver, blueish color is now black
- Combo damage nerfed, combo from 6B does 3100
- You can counter Bullet Rain after Noel lands
- 236A/B/C becomes faster
- 6D becomes faster
- 22C loop nerfed, does only 2700 to Rachel
- new J6D move
- new move which is the 'old JD' directly from the ground
- 5C is shorter but faster
- 6C is slower
- 6C loop combo is still doable, but it is very hard and need to add 5A to do the loop
- 5A is slower
- JA is slower
- 5C can not be jump canceled
- 2D is no more an overhead
- easier to tech after D move hits

- new projectile DD called Tempest Dalia(テンペスト・ダリア)
- Tempest Dalia uses up all winds and will change depends on the number of wind left
- Tempest Dalia summons random projectile into screen including some weird object like Huge King-Frog George with crown
- wind doesnt immediately recover after consumption
- easier to tech after JC
- no frog combo, frog does not activate while opponent knocked down
- sword iris command changes to 214C, has mid-air version
- Can't cancel J2C while recovering from a landing.
- hard to combo after 3C9D
- can not summon new flog immediately after the old one activated
- frog is now also affected by wind, but frog moves very slow without wind
- easier to recover after 6B counter
- J2C can not link to other normals on block, J2C can not be cancelled into other special moves
- hitbox of pumpkin will disappear if Rachel gets hit even after pumpkin is activated
- Frog has less life, Taokaka's 2A mashed out it
- 4B is a bit faster
- 236B 236C have longer recovery time

- new down status throw called Jet Finger which has magnetize property, 22D (the one like Ragna's 22C)
- Jet Finger can be linked after A driver and 3C
- Command throw immediately after 22D will lead to purple throw
- double the guard libra of other characters.
- new 4D move, magnetizes
- 623C has invincibility against HEAD attribute move
- Walk faster
- jump faster
- 2D is faster
- 5D has guard point and doesn't hit opponent far away, able to combo after it
- 3C pulls opponent back
- C is faster
- 2D, A driver's attracts opponent stronger when magnetized
- Magnetized property lasts shorter (lasts around 3sec)

- J236B changed to only hit in horizontal direction
- 3C>JD6>JC>J236B>J2DB doesnt combo
- 5B counter hit > 6C does not combo
- CD loop and taunt combo remains
- projectile move is faster
- You can only mash 2A 3times in the row
- 236C is faster(?)

- all green slower start up
- easier to tech after DP hits, cannot end the combo with DP setup
- cannot do the combo after DP normal hit
- Stick 5A, 2A links to 5B
- DP is now RCable
- JD will cause slide down
- can setup the stick with 6D or 4D, 6D is the forward movement attack and 4D is jump kick move

- Dive move is not overhead anymore, slow, dive cancel only possible at hit
- when curse meter gets full it goes to FEVER mode
- You cannot recurse opponent in the FEVER mode
- All bugs are changed, not as good as old ones (at least observing from the current point
- u can only summon bees while in FEVER mode
- bugs are huge
- once the curse mode starts it wont go away even if Arakune takes hit
- Fog move has no hitbox but if u touch it the curse meter will increase
- Fog adds 40-50% to meter Everything else 20-25%
- fast and short back step, no change to forward step
- Somebody already found 5000+damage combo
- 2D is no more an overhead move
- Dive can not be canceled into forward step or back step on block, easy to punish
- all bugs can be blocked in the air

- JC is still an overhead (confirmed), J4C is not an overhead(?)
- new command throw DD designed for anti-air 2000 damage, air unblockble(?)
- Furinkazan comes with consumer version song
- D move in general is faster
- Poison does more damage
- 6C combo works on more characters
- C is a bit slower

- J2C is no more overhead, slow
- no airthrow loop
- easier to tech after 2C
- 214C cancel remains
- no jump cancel after 5B when blocked
- Nirvana's life goes down fast but recovers fast as well
- 214214D super does more damage
- new projectile is fast and reaches the corner 
- 8D is not air techable
- no change to 2D 4D 6A, glide throw, Gear DD

- has new barrier move against projectile (?)
- barrier appears when he cuts the projectile (white circle with 封="Seal" kanji on the center)
- barrier absorbs the projectile and gets bigger
- barrier will last for a certain time and will disappear if opponent gets hit by it
- 2D and 6D lasts longer
- new 4C move, Gatotsu, as long as Litchi's 6B
- new J2A which is old J2C but slower
- Old JC is now J2C
- new JC move looks like second hit of Jin's 214D
- meter is easier to identify
- C 6C is faster
- cannot combo into 5C after 41236C
- JD guarantees knockdown

- range got shortened
- No more special voice against Ragna
- 2C is slow
- combo damage nerfed (2700-3400)
- new move Act Parser Zwei, Act Parser Zwei: Blade, Act Parser Zwei: Cavalier
- Act Parser Zwei is close to old Act Parser, not an attack move
- Zwei:Blade is a low move, can be linked from 5DD
- Zwei:Cavalier is similar to Blade but attacks from different direction(?), can link to 2DD
- all Act Parser move about the same distance, shorter than the old Act Parser
- DD>4DD is very hard to combo
- 5D is slower, throw>5D does not combo, easier to recover after 5DD
- 5D and 4D can not be jump canceled
- hard to combo after 214D
- opponent can immediately tech after J214D hit (like Jin's 214B)
- 236D changes to the move where appears in the certain range and lasts for about 3-4hits
- D attack doesn't combo to 236D in general
- opponent floats higher after gravity seed hits, gravity>6A does not work
- 236236D is shorter
- J214DC cancel is faster

- fast, run in the same speed as Noel does
- Order-Sol style character
- charge with 5D, 2D and JD
- charge meter goes down when charged-special move is used
- charge Lv.1 command throw does 1800 damage, whereas charge Lv.5 command throw does 5000 damage
- charge speed is very slow, nothing compared to Order-Sol
- able to do charge cancel like Order-Sol
- there is a super like Haku-men's Mugen which will give infinite charge meter
- 236A~D is the move looks like Order-Sol's Rock-it(236S), speed changes depends on the button
- 22A~D, spin sword move
- 214A~D charge forward with shield, links from 5c.
- 623A~D DP, probably has invincibility
- J236A~D dive move in the screenshot
- J214A~D move from screenshot
- 236236C~D, C version doesn't spend meter and just shoot out the magic circle, D version spends the meter and shoot projectiles towards the magic circle shot out by C version
- 5A standing punch, probably can't hit crouching
- 5B wings come out of shield. Probably the longest attack of 5b class.
- 5C has follow up, reach seems really short.
- 2B a low, links into 5b
- 2C extend wings upwards, probably anti-air
- 6A overhead
- 6B low
- 6C slam forward with shield, looks like tager's sledge。
- JC sword stab downward, seems to have good hitbox
- Burst becomes GG style, stock up to 2 bursts
- Burst no longer have damage penalty
- You start with 1 burst in round 1, and get 1 more burst per round, can stock two. So if you don't use your burst round one, you end up with 2 in round 2, but you can not stack anymore after that.
- You get one extra burst next round if you lose the round
- When regular gold burst hits opponent, opponent will bounce high and able to combo from there
- Guard Libra retains from round to round
- All AH unlocked
- You can use AH when you need one more round to win (not the final round of the match) with 100% meter and opponent's life is below certain percentage, character shines in white when it is possible to activate AH
- Heat Gauge goes up automatically from the beginning of the round (Yes, Everybody is like Haku-men now) (might be for loke test purposes only)
- Guard Libra length changes for every characters, meter goes down if the character blocks the specific move that breaks the guard (e.g. blocking Λ-11-'s 214D will let meter go down by 2)
- Guard Libra number
11 Tager
06 Hakumen Bang
05 Jin Noel Litchi Tsubaki
04 Ragna Rachel Arakune Taokaka Carl
03 Λ-11-

- Projectile such as Arakune's Bee and Rachel's flog has a circle around them, easier to identify
- better animation
- new effect, new voice
- life bar turns red when it is extremely low
- New face pictures for character select screen


Xbox live Gamertags/PSN IDs

PM me to be added into the list

PA Username- Gamertag
Antihippy- Antiwhippy
Kaseius- kaseius
Malechai- malechai
Partialartist- TheIdiomatic
firekiun- Kiunch
BahamutZERO- BahamZero
Djiem- Djiem
Dracil- dracilcegon
DebaserZbs- FancyLad
cheez- ubercheez
Toefoo- Soultics
UnbreakableVow- UnbreakableVow
FroggyP- AnalogSoul
The Sneak!- TheSneak
Colt- TBThief
monkeylord- devymetal
Kyougu- Brownchiclets
mynameisguido- Ultraguido777
B:L- B__L
Rubix42- Rubix42
No Great Name- Nogreatname
Zombie Nirvana- ATXZOMBIE
SePh1r0tH- SePh1r0tH107
Fourier_series- Fourier_series
Kroyd_Krenson- CroydCrenson
Professor Snugglesworth- SOLDIER
Egos- Indrik
TheStig- Mannarless
mystic_knight- Foxmack
DesertChicken- DesertChicken
Grove- ObstinateGrove
Oklahomacity- Fuggin Kraken
Arkyris- Arkyris

Friends Group Profile thingy: Blaz Blue PA
PA Username- ID
SkutSkut- SkutSkut
Jubeh- Captain Batman
ChaosHat- Sensazin
Nick T- Convic Nic
BlueBlue- Blissey
Ergander- LegendaryToady
GF-Boceifus- Boceifus
sgt scruffian- Sgt Scruffian
Kai_San- FarticusOnline
CyborgZeta- CyborgZeta
Beezel- Beezeel
gunwarrior- Varxe
Bartholamue- SteveBartz
StokedUp- StokedAidzzz
Lasbrook- Lasbrook
Signum Ex Sonitus- SignumExSonitus
Aumni- Aumni
mastrius- Mastrius9087
Ragnar Dragonfyre- InstaGood
RxNegative - RxNegative
Caedere- TrueCaedere
The Sneak!- PA The Sneak
Kevin Crist- I Eat Brainmeat
Solsovly- Solsovly
Squirrel Rancher - Glory2Hypnotoad
horseman85- dropofh2o
Dragkonias- Dragkonias
Tyberius- TyHalcyon
Fig-D- Fig D
Shamus- El Shamus
amtatma- amtatma
Fireflash- PatParadize
anilos- is lfailurel
Ashdrake- ashdrake
Jesuits- Batigh
Spiffy mage- Spiffymage
Trunkers- MLG Trunkers
Kizzma- KizzmaKailou
Mostlyjoe13- Mostlyjoe
Cantido- Cantido
Shrieve - Shrieve0
PunkBoy- PunkBoy412
MelodicSilence- Melodic Silence
Gammarah- Wolfwood0926


What is Blazblue?

Blazblue is a fighting game from Arc System Works, the makers of the famous Guilty Gear. It was originally meant to be set in the same universe, but apparently not? Anyway, to any of you who are familiar with Guilty Gear, you should know what to expect. Which is batshit insane characters, fast-paced gameplay and the best music to ever grace a videogame.

But how does it play?

Unashamedly copy pasted from wikipedia.

The game uses an 8-directional lever, common to most fighting games, and 4 attack buttons: Light, Middle, Heavy, and Drive, the latter of which activates unique special abilities for each character. Throws and throw cancels are performed by pressing medium and strong at the same time. In addition to basic dashing and jumping, there are also double-jumps and aerial dashes.

Heat Gauge: An energy gauge used for the Distortion Drive and Rapid Cancel.

Distortion Drive: Special attacks unique to each character that consume 50% of the heat gauge. Performed with some arrows motion plus the drive button.

Barrier Gauge: A gauge that regenerates over time, used for Barrier and Barrier Burst. The defense capability of a character is lowered for a set period of time when this gauge reaches zero.

Barrier: Pushes back the enemy and prevents guard damage. Performed by pressing weak attack and medium attack at the same time while guarding.

Barrier Burst: Pushes the opponent away, either when guarding or receiving damage, thus cancelling the enemy's combo in the latter case. Uses 100% of the barrier gauge and leaves it to zero for a set period of time. Performed by pressing all four buttons at the same time.

So, basically, mostly renamed versions of what's already in Guilty Gear.

Online details!
the match making system is awesome. I can honestly say, BB online model is far superior compare to SF4. Though might be a bold statement, But here's a quick breakdown:

Here's one scenario that should give you an idea.

I log onto XB Live, Play BB, go on network mode. I look for a rank match, but before that I wanna see among my friends who's in the top. From there, I can see some replays of my friends matches that they uploaded and see how they are doing. It'll even show you who they last played based on the icon next to their name. Next, I get bored watching my friends bullshit replays so I wanna see the top of the top, so I browse on the monthly leaderboard, I can now see who's at the top and check out his best replays and realize how sucky or how much better I am...So I get pumped up and I noticed some of my friends are online as well. So I start a lobby and start dictating the amount of slots I want for players and spectators. From there, I invite all my friends and we all say wassup and proceed to kick each others ass. We can save replays, spectate, and talk as much trash as we want. But wait, I got a homie that just signed on, sends me a msg, talking shit about my match!

But when I look at my lobby he ain't there!

How that works is my boy is searching for rooms to join but before joining, a player can see what's going on in each room, including icons that display who's currently fighting in the current match, who's winning the match, connection speed of the room, and who's in the lobby.

And there is still various other options and setups.. but that's just one example from player match...I hope that gave you an idea on what is to come.

And yes, this is for PS3 as well. So no haters please....

Now, hook up some rep points!

Story for anyone who cares:
Before the events of BlazBlue, humanity was on the the verge of extinction from the "Black Beast", a creature of Darkness. Hope came in the form of six heroes who wielded the power of magic. Together, the six heroes & humanity created "Armagus" a combination of Magic & Technology to defeat the Beast, which would be known as The First War of Magic.
After the war, the New World Void Space Cue Administration Bureau was created to govern the new world which has discovered the use of Armagus. Under the Bureau, Humanity began reconstructing & the world was under their dictatorship. However this caused much dissent for the people due to fact Armagus was used in every issue & the widening socioeconomic gap between those who could use & cannot use Armagus. This dissent would eventually form years later into The Ikaruga Civil War or The Second War of Magic, when the Ikaruga Union openly rebelled against the Bureau. After the war, the Bureau imposed a harsher rule on the world declaring anyone that defies them will be killed.
On December A.D.2199, several years after the Second war, a branch of the Bureau was utterly destroyed by an SS-class traitor named "Ragna the Bloodedge" also known as "the God of Death." His quest was to destroy the Bureau. The New World Void Space Cue Administration Bureau, hoping to stop him, immediately put the largest bounty ever for anyone who could capture him.



Trailer showing all characters

Another trailer with some nice gameplay

Original trailer.

Characters (again unashamedly copy pasted from wikipedia):

Ragna the Bloodedge
Height: 185 cm
Wight: 78 kg
Bloodtype: B
Gender: M

The almighty force managing the "Operation", in order to obtain absolute power over the world, is this man who has rebelled against the "Earth and Space Information Control System". Known as the "God of Death", a bounty for his elimination has been placed in all the regions populated with branches of the Control System. In game, his tactics revolve around using his power and large sword to keep pressure on his opponents. His Drive Ability is known as Soul Eater, which is used to absorb the opponents life.

Jin Kisaragi
Height: 178 cm
Wight: 61 kg
Bloodtype: A
Gender: M

From a prestigious family, this man is a retainer of the Control System's Kisaragi house. His class is Major. In the past, he had a distinguished military record during the "Ikaruga Civil War" that broke out, and was promoted to the position of Division Commander at an exceptionally young age. He is always cool and calm, though he is a deeply jealous, ambitious, and possessive person, with little care for others. His Drive Ability is known as Frost Bite, which specializes in freezing opponents.


Noel Vermillion
Height: 157 cm
Wight: 48 kg
Bloodtype: A
Gender: F

Because of her outstanding combat ability and suitable operation evaluations, she was selected to be Jin Kisaragi's direct subordinate in her youth. The two were acquaintances in officer's academy, though Noel thought Jin was extremely weak. However, on a certain mission handed down from the Control System, her preconceptions were changed. Her Drive Ability is known as Chain Revolver, which specializes in chain linking her combos together.


Iron Tagar (TR-00009) (aka ololpotemkim
Height: 240 cm
Wight: 550 kg
Bloodtype: Replaced with unknown substance
Gender: M
Originally the leader of a battle unit which revolved around physical combat, he was forced to withdraw from the front lines after sustaining a mortal wound in the Ikaruga Civil War. He was brought back from the brink of death at the hands of the scientist "Kokonoe" and revived as a cyborg, and is currently assigned to a combat unit under the direct control of Kokonoe. He seems to be pursuing Ragna, though his goals are entirely unclear. His Drive Ability is Volttech Battler, which specializes in using electricity and magnetism so he can grab his enemies.


Rachel Alucard
Height: 145 cm
Wight: 31 kg
Bloodtype: Unknown
Gender: F
A blood-sucking vampire who is the head of the Alucard family and who dresses in a gothic lolita style. As the head of the family an enormous castle and a servant have been handed down to her from previous generations. She carries a cat-shaped umbrella called Nago and fights using a chubby, red bat familiar called Gii. She slipped out of her castle in search of fun because she hates to be bored. Her Drive Ability is Sylphide, which allows her to manipulate wind.


Height: 165 cm
Wight: 42 kg
Bloodtype: O
Gender: F
A young catgirl of the Kaka tribe who live in the lower class part of Kagutsuchi. Her coat is equipped with massive paw-like hands that include long, retractable claws. She wants to get back the sky above her village that was sealed off with an enormous plate by humans who came to the land and started building a big city. She left her village in search of someone called Ragna after she heard that you could gain a lot of money for defeating him. Her Drive Ability is known as Dancing Edge: Reckless Kitty, which specializes at dashing at high speeds with a slash attack.


Litchi Faye Ling
Height: 170 cm
Wight: 58 kg
Bloodtype: AB
Gender: F
A doctor in the oriental part of Kagutsuchi. Apparently, she is vital to the town because of her profession and her knack for sensing others' needs. Her reasons for coming here are unknown. Her Drive Ability is Mantenbou, which manipulates her staff into attacking opponents by itself.


Height: 20-200 cm
Wight: 5-1000 kg
Bloodtype: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
An occult being that is constantly seeking knowledge. Its body houses innumerable insects. Currently, it lives under the streets of Kagutsuchi. Because it needs to absorb large amounts of life force to continue its existence, it frequently attacks those of the Kaka tribe and humans alike. Recently, it has sensed the presence of a being with unheard of levels of life force, which has caused it to stir. Its Drive Ability is Crimson, which curses the opponent to where several flying insects will attack him/her.


Bang Shishigami
Height: 192 cm
Wight: 105 kg
Bloodtype: B
Gender: M
A ninja who mastered various techniques. His Drive Ability is Burning Heart, which makes him fully use his ninja skills.


Carl Clover
Height: 144 cm
Wight: 35 kg
Bloodtype: AB
Gender: M
A young boy wearing a top hat who fights using a large mechanical maid puppet named Nirvana. His Drive Ability is Auto Maton, which controls Nirvana.


The sub-boss of the game, V13 looks like a mechanical/cyborg girl who floats in mid-air, is short, has short white hair, mecha shoulder pads, what appears to be an eye scanner on one of her eyes, and is colored all white. Strikingly resembles Noel. Playable and not banned.


The boss of the game, he looks like a cross between Justice from Guilty Gear and a white samurai, wielding a long sword. Both Haku-Men and V13 were seen at the EVO location test for the game. Playable and not banned.


Gameplay vidjas.

And for those who always wonder what the hell we're on talking about 236 B's, 412364 A's or 781209 C's, well, this is for you.

They represent directional inputs. 4 is left, 6 is right, 2 is down, etc. etc.

10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
Antihippy on


  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I am deeply disappointed by the lack of snowboarding in the title.

    SkutSkut on
  • AntihippyAntihippy Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Bang manliness > ice car

    I'll be open to suggestions though.

    Antihippy on
    10454_nujabes2.pngPSN: Antiwhippy
  • CantidoCantido Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Those videos could use an update. We're past the Point the camera at the arcade cabinet phase. Lets not forget the HD Tager vs Nu video.

    I caved and bought the Gamer Pictures. I'm Arakune now <3

    Cantido on
    3DS Friendcode 5413-1311-3767
  • PunkBoyPunkBoy Thank you! And thank you again! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Oh shoot, I didn't realize there was a new thread.
    PunkBoy wrote: »
    Alright, this game is pretty awesome. I think I'm in love with Noel. She's definitely my best character so far. Also, I just saw the first "Tip" video and I...I don't know what to think anymore.

    PunkBoy on
    Steam ID:
    The Linecutters Podcast: Your weekly dose of nerd! Tune in for the live broadcast every Wednesday at 7 PM EST, only at!
  • BarrabasBarrabas Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I just got online for the first time in two weeks, and ugh ... I think I'm back to square one. Time to start learning all over again.

    Barrabas on
    XBL - ErrorMacro1
  • ArikadoArikado Southern CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Amazon says I should be getting my copy on Wednesday. Can't wait. I loved Guilty Gear.

    Arikado on
    BNet: Arikado#1153 | Steam | LoL: Anzen
  • Ah_PookAh_Pook Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    you bastards better not get even better than me at this game while my ps3s getting fixed. i already suck enough, i dont need the extra handicap!

    Ah_Pook on
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Ah_Pook wrote: »
    you bastards better not get even better than me at this game while my ps3s getting fixed. i already suck enough, i dont need the extra handicap!

    You play on that poopstation, us XX_360_KREW_XX are already better.

    SkutSkut on
  • Ah_PookAh_Pook Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    well i only had the game for like 3 days prior to my ps3 dying so i wouldnt be surprised if everyone here is infinitely better than me already. i know the couple dudes i got up with from here on the psn were miles beyond me.

    Ah_Pook on
  • KlineshrikeKlineshrike Commonly known as Klineshrike! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    My bad posting in the old thread, I had it open and didnt check to see for a new one :(

    Klineshrike on
  • mysticjuicermysticjuicer [he/him] I'm a muscle wizard and I cast P U N C HRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Arikado wrote: »
    Amazon says I should be getting my copy on Wednesday. Can't wait. I loved Guilty Gear.

    Ugh, lucky! I ordered my copy July 6th and it hasn't even shipped yet... When did you order yours? I need some sort of idea of when I can expect to play this game or I'm going to go crazy. D:

    mysticjuicer on
    narwhal wrote:
    Why am I Terran?
    My YouTube Channel! Featuring silly little Guilty Gear Strive videos and other stuff!
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I need to get off my arse and submit a friend request to the blazblue 360 group thing already. Time for me to take my licks and get good at this game.

    Inquisitor on
  • B:LB:L I've done worse. Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I need to get off my arse and submit a friend request to the blazblue 360 group thing already. Time for me to take my licks and get good at this game.

    But us good players are on PSN.

    B:L on
    10mvrci.png click for Anime chat
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    B:L wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I need to get off my arse and submit a friend request to the blazblue 360 group thing already. Time for me to take my licks and get good at this game.

    But us good players are on PSN.

    Well I don't own a PS3, and lack the funds to make the purchase of one justifiable.

    Inquisitor on
  • Fig-DFig-D SoCalRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009

    Fig-D on
    SteamID - Fig-D :: PSN - Fig-D
  • KlineshrikeKlineshrike Commonly known as Klineshrike! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I need to get off my arse and submit a friend request to the blazblue 360 group thing already. Time for me to take my licks and get good at this game.

    Yes, please do this.

    Although I havent been checking it as often because there havent been too many new peeps lately

    Klineshrike on
  • Chessboxing909Chessboxing909 Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    I really need to start playing again, just been layin around sick. Love this game.

    Chessboxing909 on
    "I will f**kin' beat you into the ground in front of your whole life that I don't get to have." -Nick Diaz

    I love south american ground karate
  • InquisitorInquisitor Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Kai_San wrote: »
    Inquisitor wrote: »
    I need to get off my arse and submit a friend request to the blazblue 360 group thing already. Time for me to take my licks and get good at this game.

    Yes, please do this.

    Although I havent been checking it as often because there havent been too many new peeps lately

    Friend request sent.

    XBLA is Sunabozu, I'm on at pretty random times of the day for games.

    Inquisitor on
  • Nick TNick T Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Is there a lobby going on, and will there be a lobby with room in 30 or so minutes?

    Nick T on
    PSN: ConvicNic
  • PunkBoyPunkBoy Thank you! And thank you again! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Also, add PunkBoy412 if you have the 360 version. I'm up for having my ass kicked while I try to figure this game out.

    PunkBoy on
    Steam ID:
    The Linecutters Podcast: Your weekly dose of nerd! Tune in for the live broadcast every Wednesday at 7 PM EST, only at!
  • StokedUpStokedUp Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    HOLY SHIT that was a gaming marathon! Great games to everyone in the lobby! I shouldve taken some replays of the more exciting matches and posted em up on youtube or someshit.

    Blazero, I'm digging the Rachel and Tager. The Tager gets a bit predictable but thats probably cause we fought so many times. The Carl vs Tager matchup is 8 to 2 in Clovers favor while the Carl vs Rachel 7 to 3 in Rachels favor. Good to know.

    I don't fuckin believe that Carl has the advantage on Ragna. I suppose if I can avoid his guard breaking pressure and somehow get him in loop position he doesn't have much to escape... except for his shoryuuuken. Damn I hate Ragna sooo much! I'm not even sure why... :D

    edit: Convic Nic... If theres a lobby hook me up. :D

    StokedUp on
    Gamertag(SSF4/MW2)StokedAidzzzSC2 ID Stoked.655
    Uploaded SC2 Replays
  • BeezelBeezel There was no agreement little morsel..Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    managed to worm my way up to over a 45% win rate again. all that time spent in training is starting to pay off.

    Stoked: you hate him because of th-HELL'S FANG HELL'S FANG HELL'S FANG HELL'S FANG HELL'S FANG

    Beezel on
    PSN: Waybackkidd
    "...only mights and maybes."
  • PunkBoyPunkBoy Thank you! And thank you again! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    If there's 360 action going down, I'm up for it.

    PunkBoy on
    Steam ID:
    The Linecutters Podcast: Your weekly dose of nerd! Tune in for the live broadcast every Wednesday at 7 PM EST, only at!
  • Nick TNick T Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Ok I'm gonna start with a small lobby with slots open for anyone else who wants in, sending stoked and Punkboy invites, message me on here if you want in on 360

    Nick T on
    PSN: ConvicNic
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King a island Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    So I resume my quest for Blaz Blue tomorrow lets hope that my EB doesn't completely suck and actually has the damn thing in stock. I doubt it will in this frozen tundra of a country but we will have to see.

    I mean they have fight sticks why don't they have Blaz Blue!

    The Cow King on
  • Ah_PookAh_Pook Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    well the LE sold out pretty much everywhere and the regular edition comes out the 28th so youre kind of in limbo at the moment, is my understanding

    Ah_Pook on
  • ShrieveShrieve Game Designer CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Whoops resurrected the older thread back there. Anyways repeat:

    When you're looking for a room to join under player matches; is it really designed so that if a match is going on you can't even join the lobby? Even Dead or Alive had something like that if I remember right. I'm just suprised with a game with such well designed multiplayer doesn't let you wait in the room's lobby while the match finishes. Or am I just missing something?

    Shrieve on
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Whoops resurrected the older thread back there. Anyways repeat:

    When you're looking for a room to join under player matches; is it really designed so that if a match is going on you can't even join the lobby? Even Dead or Alive had something like that if I remember right. I'm just suprised with a game with such well designed multiplayer doesn't let you wait in the room's lobby while the match finishes. Or am I just missing something?

    I think it's because the online is so virtually lag free you can't join or you'd mess up the room, or something.

    SkutSkut on
  • ShrieveShrieve Game Designer CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Ah well I guess that makes sense.

    Ok well I have to keep taking breaks because my left thumb starts aching after awhile. I'm just curious if anyone knows of any decent 360 alternative controllers for fighting games that aren't over $100. I know those Street Fighter IV tourney sticks are nice and all, but the pricetag... D:

    I had thought about buying something in the past (1st for Virtua Fighter, then Soul Calibur, followed by Street Fighter, then...) but kept putting them off. At this point it'd probably make sense to invest in something to enjoy the games more. Course it'll probably just create some nice arguments over who uses it when friends come over...

    Shrieve on
  • The Cow KingThe Cow King a island Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Ah_Pook wrote: »
    well the LE sold out pretty much everywhere and the regular edition comes out the 28th so youre kind of in limbo at the moment, is my understanding

    I thought it was the 27th.


    The Cow King on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Ah well I guess that makes sense.

    Ok well I have to keep taking breaks because my left thumb starts aching after awhile. I'm just curious if anyone knows of any decent 360 alternative controllers for fighting games that aren't over $100. I know those Street Fighter IV tourney sticks are nice and all, but the pricetag... D:

    I had thought about buying something in the past (1st for Virtua Fighter, then Soul Calibur, followed by Street Fighter, then...) but kept putting them off. At this point it'd probably make sense to invest in something to enjoy the games more. Course it'll probably just create some nice arguments over who uses it when friends come over...

    Hmm...if you're looking for a decent fightstick sadly you're going to end up paying 80+, The SF4 fightstick is your best option at this point and even then I'll say it's only good once modded so probably makes no different than buying a more expensive one.

    Dragkonias on
  • The Sneak!The Sneak! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    The title is fucking horrible. Change it.

    The Sneak! on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    The Sneak! wrote: »
    The title is fucking horrible. Change it.

    Yeah...we gave him all these cool titles and he didn't use any of them...

    Dragkonias on
  • Squirrel RancherSquirrel Rancher Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Ah well I guess that makes sense.

    Ok well I have to keep taking breaks because my left thumb starts aching after awhile. I'm just curious if anyone knows of any decent 360 alternative controllers for fighting games that aren't over $100. I know those Street Fighter IV tourney sticks are nice and all, but the pricetag... D:

    I had thought about buying something in the past (1st for Virtua Fighter, then Soul Calibur, followed by Street Fighter, then...) but kept putting them off. At this point it'd probably make sense to invest in something to enjoy the games more. Course it'll probably just create some nice arguments over who uses it when friends come over...

    The Madcatz Fightpads are supposed to be pretty good, I hear.

    The standard Fightstick is $80 but the stick and buttons are crap so you'd eventually have to spend more money for quality parts.

    Squirrel Rancher on
  • ShrieveShrieve Game Designer CaliforniaRegistered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Hmm...if you're looking for a decent fightstick sadly you're going to end up paying 80+, The SF4 fightstick is your best option at this point and even then I'll say it's only good once modded so probably makes no different than buying a more expensive one.

    Laaaameeee. Was hoping something like one of these, would be decent, but it does seem iffy. Oh well guess just money saved.

    Shrieve on
  • AJAlkaline40AJAlkaline40 __BANNED USERS regular
    edited July 2009
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Whoops resurrected the older thread back there. Anyways repeat:

    When you're looking for a room to join under player matches; is it really designed so that if a match is going on you can't even join the lobby? Even Dead or Alive had something like that if I remember right. I'm just suprised with a game with such well designed multiplayer doesn't let you wait in the room's lobby while the match finishes. Or am I just missing something?

    I think it's because the online is so virtually lag free you can't join or you'd mess up the room, or something.

    It's too bad that it can't put you in a queue to join the room or something, though.

    AJAlkaline40 on
  • DragkoniasDragkonias That Guy Who Does Stuff You Know, There. Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Hmm...if you're looking for a decent fightstick sadly you're going to end up paying 80+, The SF4 fightstick is your best option at this point and even then I'll say it's only good once modded so probably makes no different than buying a more expensive one.

    Laaaameeee. Was hoping something like one of these, would be decent, but it does seem iffy. Oh well guess just money saved. brother had a EX2 before. He liked it but I remember one of the buttons breaking down on him just 2 months after he got it. But 50 bucks for a fightstick ain't bad(not to mention most fightsticks are easily modded anyway.

    Dragkonias on
  • SkutSkutSkutSkut Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Hmm...if you're looking for a decent fightstick sadly you're going to end up paying 80+, The SF4 fightstick is your best option at this point and even then I'll say it's only good once modded so probably makes no different than buying a more expensive one.

    Laaaameeee. Was hoping something like one of these, would be decent, but it does seem iffy. Oh well guess just money saved.

    I'm interested in a hori too, anyone got anything to say about em?

    I see I was late quoting this, how easily moddable is the hori? Say if a button were to die, or would a 80ish dollar custom stick be the best bet?

    SkutSkut on
  • BlueBlueBlueBlue Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    SkutSkut wrote: »
    Shrieve wrote: »
    Dragkonias wrote: »
    Hmm...if you're looking for a decent fightstick sadly you're going to end up paying 80+, The SF4 fightstick is your best option at this point and even then I'll say it's only good once modded so probably makes no different than buying a more expensive one.

    Laaaameeee. Was hoping something like one of these, would be decent, but it does seem iffy. Oh well guess just money saved.

    I'm interested in a hori too, anyone got anything to say about em?

    I see I was late quoting this, how easily moddable is the hori? Say if a button were to die, or would a 80ish dollar custom stick be the best bet?

    My understanding is that sirlin got to the top of the sf2 leaderboard with an unmodded ex2 - though I can't say much about durability of buttons or anything since I modded mine basically as soon as I got it.

    The parts being kinda cramped in there is the hard part of modding it.

    BlueBlue on
    CD World Tour status:
    Baidol Voprostein Avraham Thetheroo Taya Zerofill Effef Crimson King Lalabox Mortal Sky ASimPerson Sal Wiet Theidar Tynic Speed Racer Neotoma Goatmon ==>Larlar Munkus Beaver Day of the Bear miscellaneousinsanity Skull Man Delzhand Caulk Bite 6 Somestickguy
  • SynthesisSynthesis Honda Today! Registered User regular
    edited July 2009
    If it wasn't for a sudden unexpected expense, I would be picking this up, instead of leaching off my roomate's copy. It is a lot of fun, and while I was turned off by GG's stylistic directions, I do like BB's humor and overall quirkiness. A lot.

    Synthesis on
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