My apartment has floor to ceiling windows. It is essentially a glass wall. This poses two problems: it's fucking bright and hard to watch TV or use a computer during the day/take a nap and it also creates a wonderful greenhouse to cook those who may reside within. The bedroom blinds are solid, while the living room are a heavy fabric but not totally opaque. Light still leaks in around the bedroom blinds, even though they are solid. Here are some photos (not the greatest but better than a drawing):
What I am thinking is getting something like white bristol boards and taping them up in a tiled fashion. I am pretty sure they are totally opaque and being white would reflect the sunlight to hopefully keep things cooler. This would be pretty painless to remove (but the tape might get gooey, so maybe not a good idea) and I could just 'flip' them up if I needed to check outside. The windows are huge, though, and bristol board isn't exactly the cheapest.
The largest panes measure at least 4 feet on the shorter side. Not home right now to give accurate measurements.
So are there any suggestions on what I could use? Keep in mind that I am in a downtown apartment and have no workshop access, or a large vehicle to transport big stuff (like sheets of insulation foam). None of us really care about having things darker in the living room. There's a balcony for us to get our dose of sunlight. Bedrooms are pretty much just for sleeping so the lack of light is a non-issue there as well.
Also, would using white bristol board even help with the heat issue? My thinking is that if I block the light right at the glass with something that just won't absorb it completely, then there won't be that gap to make a 'greenhouse' and heat things up.
I would probably get thick fabric window shades though. I've had a good amount of success in keeping light and heat out with them (I live on the third floor of a two family) and keeping heat in during the winter. You might find something with a reflective back as well.
You can find them in a variety of sizes. This, for example, might be a bit better than the smaller one just posted.
But if you want to do this on the cheap - I would just get some of these:
Fabric might absorb the heat a bit...but anything that does the job really well will cost a bit more.