Locth looks at his map and picks the shadiest sounding part of town, the kind of place that would be described as a "den of thieves" and "a blight on the city" by decent folk, and then goes there.
Lockout on
Viscount Islands[INSERT SoKo HERE]...it was the summer of my lifeRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
Yeah as a theme song for Doctor I'm torn between Favourite Things by Outkast, Teardrop by Massive Attack and the NCIS theme.
Viscount Islands on
I want to do with you
What spring does with the cherry trees.
[The No Longer Dank]
Dubh cuts free the cocoon of ice, only to have it fall to the ground and begin its slow freezing of the cobblestones.
Overhead, the great, curled form of Htzraltitoatle stirs... [3...]
[Still Sink, Though No Longer Aptly Named] [Divinity Activated (2)][AUTODIVINITY ACTIVATED (5)][117] The people stand about for a moment, before someone in the crowd spits out the last of his rainwater, raises a fist and shouts, somewhat uncreatively "Yeah!"
"Down with The Lady!"
"She gone too far dis time!"
"Off wit' 'er 'ead!"
"Burn the Sundered Spire to de groun'!"
"To the Spire! We march me fellows! We march!"
All this noise is making Htzraltitoatle testy. [2...]
[The Sundered Spire]
There are a few physical realities in Signet. The first is that you do not leave. The second is that you do not fuck with The Lady. The third is actually the second again, but repeatedly louder, and angrier. The fourth is that The Sundered Spire is impenetrable, as is Pherult's Keep - which makes The Sundered Spire double impenetrable. You can't get more impenetrable than that.
The Cracked Lady looks out of her throne room, at the rapidly approaching form of The Third. A smile spreads across her lips, causing the crack that runs down her face to twirl and spiral.
As The Third approaches, she can, for the first time, see the shattered-mirror effect in place around the tower - the bent reality she first saw around The Lady herself the, nearly unbreakable shield of refracted reality. The Third is going fast and she is fairly confident in her abilities, but the shield is... troublesome.
It proves not to be a problem, however, as the shield bends and falls away as The Third reaches it, allowing her to pass by unhindered. Even the crooked stained glass window falls away before The Bitch can collide with it, causing her to overbalance and tumble from her board, landing in a graceful roll.
"Hey bitch, we need to talk," she yells with defiance. "I believe I am ready to become your assistant. Not your goddamn lap dog though," she makes clear, her left eyebrow cocked. "Time to fucking commit," she thinks to herself.
The Cracked Lady rises from her throne and strides across the shattered, twisted room, the black-gold light of her eyes casting eerie reflections across the shiny black walls of the massive chamber. Above them a candelabra made of raw flame dangles in mid air, spraying violet embers onto the, seemingly uneven, yet utterly smooth floor.
The Cracked Lady walks over to The Third and kneels down. "Well now, it really fucking figures that you'd have the biggest balls of all The Ten," she says, the crack on her face twisting about as she speaks. "Now, not that I don't think you're qualified, because I know you are - after all you've 'saved' the universe a number of times, or will save it, at least, and you certainly know enough about the knowledge weave here to disable that shield I threw up over Sink, but... and here's where the rubber hits the proverbial road, darlin', you kinda work for the enemy."
She stands up and starts to pace away. "I mean, you guys sorta have a record of ruining my shit, just when I'm about to do something good for this world."
Dubh (10:36:49 PM): did you see the part where I teleported away with the ice man?
DE?AD (10:36:59 PM): Okay, he's frozen to the roof or whatever.
DE?AD (10:37:05 PM): Point is, he constantly generates ice.
For the record.
Doobh on
Miss me? Find me on:
Twitch (I stream most days of the week) Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
The Third crouches down next to the kneeling Cracked Lady and puts her nose in a lesbian position just next to the woman; men in the audience raise their glasses and shout, "Kiss her!" while the blood flows to their newly erupting cocks, watching a robot flick. She grins, "Maybe if you were less of a bitch there would be room for the two of us."
Cocking her head to the side, keeping her nose aligned with the Lady's, she continues, "I think that, besides my captain, we have the same plans. The same goals. I speak for my captain during this... meeting, of course. He may not be present, but I have his best intentions in mind. Always. My captain is my captain, but you are my Lady."
scarlet st. on
Viscount Islands[INSERT SoKo HERE]...it was the summer of my lifeRegistered Userregular
edited August 2009
Ou lala.
Also for the love of god ask her who she is.
Or atleast how she plans to do good.
Viscount Islands on
I want to do with you
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Dubh calculates the width of the ice man before rapidly shaving away the ice. "Who are ye?" he asks, as his hands alternate between shaving and punching the ice.
Doobh on
Miss me? Find me on:
Twitch (I stream most days of the week) Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Dubh and the iceman sit perched on the tower. As Dubh hacks away at the iceman's outer shell, he manages to get a few words out in between freezings, specifically: "My" "Name" "is" "Artathen" "Pleased" "To" "Meet" and "You". He is very polite, if nothing else.
[The Sundered Tower]
For a shimmering instant, for the most imperceptable moment, for just the slightest twitch of a second, The Cracked Lady's eyes widen, and her face softens.
Her normal features return quickly, and The Third finds herself being propelled backwards across the chamber and into the back wall. Strangely, she notices that she has not been destroyed.
The Lady stands and turns away, the walls of the room twisting and contorting to get the hell out of her way as she makes for her throne. "If I were less of a bitch, I wouldn't be here." She spins about and sits back down. "What is your game, Loeli?"
Locth looks at his map and picks the shadiest sounding part of town, the kind of place that would be described as a "den of thieves" and "a blight on the city" by decent folk, and then goes there.
quotin this in case DE?AD missed it
figure he's just doing Dubh and Loeli updates right now though
Using her innate sense of items, the Third extends a net behind her to catch the propell...ation? or something? Bouncing back, she continues standing, winking slyly at the Lady as she pulls the net back into her collection of bitch crystals. She approaches the throne hip movement by hip movement, while the camera focuses on the Lady (keeping the butt of the Third in soft focus because, let's be honest, shit is hot), and sits cross-legged.
She turns her head towards the window, "Jomarli, please move your crowds toward Tylkarten's Ward and keep them angry, for now." The left side of her mouth curls into a grin, "My Lady, we have an issue. Your people do not appreciate you as I would," pouting and raising her eybrows, she continues, "Perhaps you would have me deal with your situation," she proposes, setting her wrist on the ground and growing her board.
Yeah, sorry Lock, Vis, and Speed, but Scarlet straight up stole the show here.
[The Sundered Tower]
The crack running down The Lady's cheek tightens, and her posture stiffens momentarily. Finally, she slumps back down into her throne and waves dismissively at the window beside her. "Alright, solve it. Let us see how well The Ten can play by my rules."
The Third grins a meaty grin, "You know, you might be cute again if we have The Doctor look at that crack/," she jokes, before sliding over the board and shooting out of the window, overlooking the crowd. She lowers herself, floating just over the crowd, "Hey!" she yells, "Shut the fuck up! Our Lady has a goddamn headache and I will wreck you if you make more noise. Got it? Good."
That is how The Third takes crowds. She is probably holding a gun.
First, the crowd begins to riot. Second, Dubh begins questioning the iceman atop a rather large tower in Sink. Third, The Third comes barreling down like some horrible bat-bitch out of hell. Fourth, Htzraltitoatle awakens.
Most people just notice that fourth thing. I mean, The Third with a gun is imposing, certainly, but few things top "seventy-foot long serpent of rain, rage, and mist" as far as scary shit goes.
"WHAT IS THIS BULLLLLSHIT?" Htzraltitoatle roars, slamming his tail down onto the square below, sending civilians flying, and crushing at least three people. His upper body twists about to find the single loudest person in the area, assuming that loudness equals authority. "EXPLAIN YOURSEEEEELLLLFFFF!" The serpent screams, its massive face hovering an inch from The Third's board, the rain-shards shifting into a very displeased expression.
The Third narrows her eyes, slowly walking, as the camera zooms in on the serpent's face, the soft focus keeping Loeli's hip-by-hip ass walking on the left. She leans over as the camera reduces to keep them both in focus, putting her face an inch away from the serpent, "Look. You. We are trying to make this city worth something. If you are with us, we will welcome you with open arms. If you are bullshit, I will — personally — end you. What will it be?" Loeli stands up, arms crossed and left eyebrow cocked, evaluating the serpent god.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
2. Stole Oracles
3. (some of us) Killed minion
4. (me) blew the fuck of the Sink and rescued ice man
Mostly, it's been over a month and I like advancement.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
dot teevee?
what the fuck?
the rest is all visual
guess you're retarded huh tomms.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
i got phillip's tequila baby
Buschmills is okay, but Jameson's is the superior whiskey.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Dubh cuts free the cocoon of ice, only to have it fall to the ground and begin its slow freezing of the cobblestones.
Overhead, the great, curled form of Htzraltitoatle stirs... [3...]
[Still Sink, Though No Longer Aptly Named]
[Divinity Activated (2)][AUTODIVINITY ACTIVATED (5)][117] The people stand about for a moment, before someone in the crowd spits out the last of his rainwater, raises a fist and shouts, somewhat uncreatively "Yeah!"
"Down with The Lady!"
"She gone too far dis time!"
"Off wit' 'er 'ead!"
"Burn the Sundered Spire to de groun'!"
"To the Spire! We march me fellows! We march!"
All this noise is making Htzraltitoatle testy. [2...]
[The Sundered Spire]
There are a few physical realities in Signet. The first is that you do not leave. The second is that you do not fuck with The Lady. The third is actually the second again, but repeatedly louder, and angrier. The fourth is that The Sundered Spire is impenetrable, as is Pherult's Keep - which makes The Sundered Spire double impenetrable. You can't get more impenetrable than that.
The Cracked Lady looks out of her throne room, at the rapidly approaching form of The Third. A smile spreads across her lips, causing the crack that runs down her face to twirl and spiral.
As The Third approaches, she can, for the first time, see the shattered-mirror effect in place around the tower - the bent reality she first saw around The Lady herself the, nearly unbreakable shield of refracted reality. The Third is going fast and she is fairly confident in her abilities, but the shield is... troublesome.
It proves not to be a problem, however, as the shield bends and falls away as The Third reaches it, allowing her to pass by unhindered. Even the crooked stained glass window falls away before The Bitch can collide with it, causing her to overbalance and tumble from her board, landing in a graceful roll.
The Cracked Lady rises from her throne and strides across the shattered, twisted room, the black-gold light of her eyes casting eerie reflections across the shiny black walls of the massive chamber. Above them a candelabra made of raw flame dangles in mid air, spraying violet embers onto the, seemingly uneven, yet utterly smooth floor.
The Cracked Lady walks over to The Third and kneels down. "Well now, it really fucking figures that you'd have the biggest balls of all The Ten," she says, the crack on her face twisting about as she speaks. "Now, not that I don't think you're qualified, because I know you are - after all you've 'saved' the universe a number of times, or will save it, at least, and you certainly know enough about the knowledge weave here to disable that shield I threw up over Sink, but... and here's where the rubber hits the proverbial road, darlin', you kinda work for the enemy."
She stands up and starts to pace away. "I mean, you guys sorta have a record of ruining my shit, just when I'm about to do something good for this world."
DE?AD (10:36:59 PM): Okay, he's frozen to the roof or whatever.
DE?AD (10:37:05 PM): Point is, he constantly generates ice.
For the record.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
Cocking her head to the side, keeping her nose aligned with the Lady's, she continues, "I think that, besides my captain, we have the same plans. The same goals. I speak for my captain during this... meeting, of course. He may not be present, but I have his best intentions in mind. Always. My captain is my captain, but you are my Lady."
Also for the love of god ask her who she is.
Or atleast how she plans to do good.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
is that what you wanted?
I am confused.
What spring does with the cherry trees.
Don't ask Scarlet any more questions.
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
like at an auction
if it has the proper number, i will answer your question
Drunk scarlet is the best scarlet
Dubh and the iceman sit perched on the tower. As Dubh hacks away at the iceman's outer shell, he manages to get a few words out in between freezings, specifically: "My" "Name" "is" "Artathen" "Pleased" "To" "Meet" and "You". He is very polite, if nothing else.
[The Sundered Tower]
For a shimmering instant, for the most imperceptable moment, for just the slightest twitch of a second, The Cracked Lady's eyes widen, and her face softens.
Her normal features return quickly, and The Third finds herself being propelled backwards across the chamber and into the back wall. Strangely, she notices that she has not been destroyed.
The Lady stands and turns away, the walls of the room twisting and contorting to get the hell out of her way as she makes for her throne. "If I were less of a bitch, I wouldn't be here." She spins about and sits back down. "What is your game, Loeli?"
I offered it crackers.
"Is dare-" slash smack "A way-" scrape slash "Ter stop-" slam scrape "Yisser freezin'?"
Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
Twitter (mean leftist discourse)
quotin this in case DE?AD missed it
figure he's just doing Dubh and Loeli updates right now though
She turns her head towards the window, "Jomarli, please move your crowds toward Tylkarten's Ward and keep them angry, for now." The left side of her mouth curls into a grin, "My Lady, we have an issue. Your people do not appreciate you as I would," pouting and raising her eybrows, she continues, "Perhaps you would have me deal with your situation," she proposes, setting her wrist on the ground and growing her board.
[The Sundered Tower]
The crack running down The Lady's cheek tightens, and her posture stiffens momentarily. Finally, she slumps back down into her throne and waves dismissively at the window beside her. "Alright, solve it. Let us see how well The Ten can play by my rules."
That is how The Third takes crowds. She is probably holding a gun.
A very big gun.
Several things happen in quick succession.
First, the crowd begins to riot. Second, Dubh begins questioning the iceman atop a rather large tower in Sink. Third, The Third comes barreling down like some horrible bat-bitch out of hell. Fourth, Htzraltitoatle awakens.
Most people just notice that fourth thing. I mean, The Third with a gun is imposing, certainly, but few things top "seventy-foot long serpent of rain, rage, and mist" as far as scary shit goes.
"WHAT IS THIS BULLLLLSHIT?" Htzraltitoatle roars, slamming his tail down onto the square below, sending civilians flying, and crushing at least three people. His upper body twists about to find the single loudest person in the area, assuming that loudness equals authority. "EXPLAIN YOURSEEEEELLLLFFFF!" The serpent screams, its massive face hovering an inch from The Third's board, the rain-shards shifting into a very displeased expression.
Tommy sips his drink and makes small talk with Stregg
Upon hearing the commotion nearby, Tommy raises his head, muttering, "Son of a bitch"
"Stregg, you have any idea what that was?"
"You should probably help us."