I remember a column Jeff Green wrote long ago bringing up the problem that, as a hardcore/casual older gamer, you now have the disposable income you didn't have as a young adult, but no longer have the time to play all the stuff you can buy.
Tycho/gabe did a comic about the same thing, showing a massive flow chart with multiple releases of good games with an "OK, I *think* we can do this" caption.
I mean, here's my list:
AUG: Batman: Arkham Asylum
SEP: HALO 3:ODST + Red Faction Guerilla for PC
OCT: Alpha Protocol AND Dragon Age? What the
FUCK, over, I'm going to loose my job..
NOV: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2
DEC: Starcraft 2?
And that's not counting a bunch of promosing titles, Section 8, Operation Flashpoint, and Wolfenstein PLUS the 12 or so games sitting on my hard drive, to include Empire total War, Sins of a Solar Empire, and Left 4 Dead that I haven't touched yet.
Anyone else have this problem? How do my fellow old fogie-gamers cope?
-I owe nothing to Women's Lib.
Margaret Thatcher
1) don't buy every game that comes out. It's ok, you can wait.
2) rent or borrow or goozex if you must play the game. Yes, rental fees are absurd now, but I can almost guarantee you that 75% + of the titles out this year can easily EASILY be beaten on a 7 day rental.
3) make do without something else in your life. Sleep fewer hours. Don't hang out with loved ones. Stop exercising. Socialize less. Don't hang out on forums filled with people who love to come on and shout about how fucking sweet that new game is and ohmyGod didn't cry at the end of blah and holy shit I can punch hellicopters betterthansexit'ssoawesome. That will only make you want the game more.
If you mustmustmust play whatever is new at the time, there are plenty on concessions you can make in your life that will give you more video game time.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
a) I'm picky as hell as to what games I like, and
b) while the games may come out in overwhelming numbers at certain times of the year, other times are completely barren, giving me more than adequate time to catch up.
c) MMOs are forever.
My simple piece of advice: Gamefly. If you beat a game quick or it sucks, send it back quickly. Otherwise? Play it for however long. Even if you have the 2 game plan at $22.95 a month and only go through one game per month, you are still saving an assload of money on console games.
PC games, well...
Batman [Next Month]
Borderlands, Brutal Legend, & Uncharted 2 all in October.
It's a good thing for preorders and paying early. Or else I'd never be able to afford all these games I want.
must try
Demon's Souls:
preorder purchase
Brutal Legend:
purchase, at some point
Uncharted 2:
day one purchase
Way of the Samurai 3:
preorder purchase
Dragon Age:
must try
worth a look
Ratchet & Clank Future 2:
possibly in October. If so? Preorder purchase.
I concur with that October list.
Uncharted 2, Demon Souls, Borderlands will most likely be my 3 picks. I also don't plan to beat them all in Oct, hopefully between these 3 games and trying to finish Platinuming the ones I already have (and the random PSN games that come out, like Fat Princess) will hold me over till GoW3.
Well, infamous, Prototype, Ghostbusters and Red Faction Guerrilla all released between May and July.
EDIT: From Software, huh? hrmm. Was this in the Game Informer that had Rage as the cover story?
Eh, I don't look at mags anymore... but youtube is filled with gameplay vids. Game has already been out in Asia for a while, but due to it's large success, will be coming to the states in Oct. I cannot wait!!!
It's already preordered.
It's Demon's Souls. Stop-Importing-It-Edition.
Let me tell you about Demon's Souls....
When I have two games coming out that I want, I pick one and wait for the other to get a price drop or show up used. I can usually afford both, but I wait for a deal on the second just to delay the purchase - it very often works out that they get price drops about the time releases are slumping anyway, which is a good time to clear out backlog and go back for titles you didn't get right away.
I also strongly resist the urge of building up a backlog, even though the entire Xenosaga series is on my backlog shelf unplayed, and I bought them new. That sort of expenditure is exactly WHY I try not to build a backlog - right there is $150 I spent that I could go out right now and get for $30.
Seriously, consider this. WoW is how I save money on games: During the times that I quit and before I started, I would regularly buy 3 or 4 games a month, at least one or two of which would be at or very near new release price. When I'm back suckling the epic teat, $15 towards WoW and I generally keep one game going on a console and one on a handheld at any given time, those games might last me a month or two each, and at that pace you can almost always get something you want used or cheap. I bought one game new this year, and I'm only sure about one more I will, maybe two. Everything else was used, even though some of it was still $45, that's better than $60.
I thought I was going to have this problem, but then they delayed most of the more promising games to 2010. For example in august you only listed Batman, which I'm sure is easily beatable in a weekend. The Modern Warfare 2 single-player you can probably play through in a single afternoon.
Staying away from multiplayer / MMO games helps a lot.
The OP was complaining about not having enough time, not money, so MMOs would be the opposite of what to recommend him, them being the huge timesinks that they are...
One downside of visiting these forums is that I'm tempted to buy stuff like Uncharted 2 on day one, just so I can play with you guys when the game's still new and exciting, even if for a couple of days. That's exactly why I bought Killzone 2 when I did. I had no interest in it initially but all the talk of clans and steady communities got the better of me.
I'm definitely picking up Uncharted 2, beyond that I'm not so sure.
I'll probably buy Assassin's Creed 2, Borderlands, Katamari Forever and Ratchet & Clank on release day.
Being a soccer nut PES 2010 & Fifa 10 are dead certs as well.
Dragon Age and Brutal Legend interest me, but I think I can wait a while on them, I haven't seen enough of Alpha Protocol to make a judgement yet.
And there's the Fallout dlc hitting the PSN as well.
I recently bought Odin Sphere. With tons of other unplayed/unfinished PS2 games that are around 30-50 hours each. They're just so cheap.
And I don't really plan to play anything other then Blazblue.
Planning to get uncharted 2, dead rising 2 and maybe B: RB too.
It's not even like I have much of a social life, and I only work 24 hrs per week. But damn, there's too many AAA-titles out there to play for me. I'm actually looking forward to working full-time, I'm almost certain it will suck up less time than my studies.
Oh Jesus, why are they doing this to me?
I'll probably get Batman and Scribblenauts (if they are good). So yeah, I need more time for this hobby.
I'm in pretty much the same boat. I've been saving a lot of cash actually, because I simply don't have the time I used to have to spend on games. I still have Fallout 3, Dawn of War 2, The Darkness, Shadow of the Colossus, Prototype, Oblivion, and at least half a dozen other titles sitting around, which I'm planning on getting around to finishing, or at least playing a bit more of, one day. At the rate I'm getting through stuff this could probably last me to the end of the year. Not even counting the games I haven't started yet..
What's dumb is that if I managed my time well I would be able to get through a lot of stuff in my backlog. But instead I end up pissing around on forums reading and talking about games, which eats up all the time that I could have spent actually playing games. Something is wrong with me.
*angry fist at smart people*
Probably should point out that you have that list around entirely the wrong way. Bioshock, Mass Effect and Fallout 3 are stunningly great games, while RA3, ME, PoP and AC all disappoint to some degree, at least for me.
But as a fellow university student, I agree that I have little time for games. I don't really expect the situation to get much better when I graduate either. I think what it boils down to is just pacing yourself with purchases, and being disciplined, attacking your backlog in an orderly fashion. Write it out, order it in whatever way is best (maybe shortest game to longest game, etc.) and then just get stuck into it.
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I think I can live with some bad models. Though I'm avoiding stuff like Planescape: Torment. I'd really like to experience the story, but I've heard that the gameplay is horrendously dated.
It's mostly a textbased adventure with some simple graphics to liven the thing up a little. I was expecting something along the lines of Baldur's Gate when I tried to play it, but it's really nothing alike. If reading books on your PC is your kind of thing I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
This. I've got a bunch of 0XBox games that I've been meaning to play (Ninja Gaiden, Max Payne 1&2), plus a growing backlog of 360 games I've picked up for under $20 (GTA4, Dead Space, Gears of War). I still haven't even opened Trauma Center 2. And last weekend I bought Medieval 2, so I've spent the last week trying to conquer the Moors...
...and I'm supposed to be writing my dissertation.
gametrailers preview of the import goes over the game pretty well
Only buy games when they get cheap/are on super sale. You'll still have way too many games, but you won't have paid $60 a pop for shit you only play part of.