Or, Confessions of a Neverwas. (Go read the comic in there. Right now. Right goddamn now.)
Anyways, a realization came to me last night. "Holy shit, I'm supposed to be acting like a nerd, but I can't for the life of me remember the last truly nerd thing I've done now that video games don't count*." This realization was in fact thanks to another realization, "Wow, I've been a nerd for an outrageously long time." As in, since I was 7 (earliest date I recall myself playing Magic) thanks to the all-pervasive force that was my brother (we shared a room). For 8 years I was essentially pretending to be a nerd. Oh yes, every so often I've done some bouts of true nerdom, but those were always brief. The number of games of Magic that I've played can be counted on hand, as can the number of sessions of playing RPGs, as can the number of games of 40k (the only tabletop) that I've played.
Now, in most circumstances I guess I'd just hang up the d20, but I've noticed something missing in my life, something that I realized was filled whenever I had those brief flings with nerdiness.
Basically, what I'm saying is...
Anyone want to play some Xbox Live?*
Also, if anyone here is around the San Antonio area, that'd be coo.
*Yes, I now these two contradict themselves, but it serves the same purpose really, plus the ability for me to not wear a shirt.
You have no idea how long I took thinking up that name.
If your subject matter isn't interesting, you gotta be endearing enough to pull it off.
You're goin' places kid. I think this is the reason you're so lonely.
And I used to be just fine with that!
You are so stupid that I now have to poop.
I want you to think about how stupid you have to be for someone to have to go and purge all the excess stupid that you excrete and cause to be absorbed.
I want you to think about that while I poop.
While Professor thread is clearly unknowledgeable in SE++ ways
he is still throwing hypothetical poop on swordfights
Nerds to Masturbation to Poop.
We've gone just about as far as we can with this thread. Unless we find some nerdy poop masturbation anime.
nerd status restored
I'll see what I can do.
and i am still not lame enough to care about whether or not i am a nerd or what the fuck that should even mean
What side of town are you at, Fred?
Maybe, have you checked your thermostat lately?
as a cucumber
but not so much that you should not attend school.
learning is fun
that made no sense until you edited in my quote
It's a moral universal.
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suicide, it's a suicide
Kinda the Sharks and the Jets rolling up on each other.
But more nerdy and with no rhythm