Hey guys, long time lurker, first time poster. I hope I'm not stepping over the line by posting my game project - I don't want people to think I signed up just to spam.
I've been working on this for a while
Shall We Make A Game? is a collaborative, public project to make a video game from the ground up, and is entirely open and free for anyone to participate. It's intended to appeal to people who want to make video games but lack the resources, skills, or established network to do so - which I figure is a lot of people. You may have heard about similar communities, but everything I've found merely allows individual users to upload puzzles they've created with a level editor. There's no true collaboration, and users are essentially building on an already completed game.
This is different.
Each game starts with a basic concept. The first is
Earthnapped!, a zany science fiction adventure in the style of old point-and-click games. Users create everything: story, settings, characters, items, even the interface, and I hook it all up using Adventure Game Studio. They don't have to worry about the technical details, and can instead focus on producing pure content. If you can mess around in Paint or share ideas, you can help.
It's just been launched RIGHT NOW, so there aren't many users yet. Click my sig to join up and tell me how you like it.